Tuesday, October 1, 2024

What Does Being Spiritual Truly Mean? Exploring the Biblical Definition of Spirituality and Its Impact on Our Lives.


What Does Being Spiritual Truly Mean?

Exploring the Biblical Definition of Spirituality and Its Impact on Our Lives.

In today's world, the concept of being "spiritual" can take on many meanings depending on whom you ask. But for Christians seeking to understand the biblical perspective on spirituality, we must turn to Scripture to clarify its true definition. What does it really mean to be spiritual according to God's Word?

A Biblical Understanding of Spirituality

The term "spiritual" appears multiple times in the New Testament, with the Apostle Paul being the primary writer to use it. Out of the 29 times the words "spiritual" or "spiritually" are mentioned in the ESV Bible, 27 of those instances are in Paul's writings, particularly in 1 Corinthians and Romans (6). His use of the term is foundational for understanding biblical spirituality, and it's quite different from how the world often defines it.

In modern culture, spirituality is frequently associated with various practices like meditation, energy healing, or even fortune-telling. But Paul offers a different picture of what it means to be spiritual. Being spiritual, according to Paul, isn't about mystical experiences or supernatural gifts; it is about living under the influence of the Holy Spirit, which transforms the believer’s life from within.

In 1 Corinthians 2:14-15, Paul draws a clear line between the "natural person," who operates without the Spirit of God, and the "spiritual person," who is led and taught by the Spirit. The natural person, Paul explains, is unable to understand or accept the things of God, which seem foolish to him. It is the indwelling Holy Spirit that enables a believer to comprehend spiritual truths (6).

The New Birth and Transformation

A key aspect of being spiritual in the biblical sense is that it begins with the new birth. Jesus explained to Nicodemus in John 3:5-6 that a person must be "born of the Spirit" to enter the Kingdom of God. This new birth is a supernatural transformation that only the Holy Spirit can bring about, making a person spiritually alive and receptive to the things of God (10).

Paul echoes this in Romans 8:9, emphasizing that without the Spirit, we cannot belong to Christ. Being spiritual isn't about external practices or emotional experiences; it’s about being indwelt by the Holy Spirit, who changes our hearts, renews our minds, and gives us the capacity to love God and live according to His will (8).

Spirit-Led Living

Once a person has been born again, the Holy Spirit continues to work within them, shaping their desires and guiding their actions. This is what Paul calls "walking by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16). The mindset of a spiritual person is no longer focused on earthly or fleshly concerns but on the things of God. Romans 8:5-6 says, "Those who live according to the Spirit set their minds on the things of the Spirit." This new mindset brings life and peace, as opposed to the mindset of the flesh, which leads to death and hostility toward God (9).

Being spiritual means that the Holy Spirit is continually at work in a believer's life, empowering them to fulfill God's law, not through their own strength, but through His. It’s not about striving to be "more spiritual" through our efforts but about yielding to the Spirit’s guidance and letting Him produce fruit in our lives.


In contrast to worldly definitions, biblical spirituality is rooted in a relationship with God through the Holy Spirit. It’s not about mystical experiences or emotional highs, but about a transformed life that reflects the character of Christ. As we grow in our walk with the Spirit, we experience true life, peace, and the joy of being aligned with God’s will.

If this perspective on spirituality resonates with you, consider sharing this article with others or subscribing to our newsletter for more biblical insights on living a Spirit-filled life.



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Aníbal Vélez • 13 hours ago

Excellent article!!! It is my deep desire that all believers may comprehend the reality of Jesus’ life in us. He does not give life to us, He brings His own life into us by His presence through the Holy Spirit. Now we can say, “it is not I who lives, but Jesus lives in me.” 
Bro. Aníbal

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