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#5 | 2025 End Times PredictionsISRAEL'S FUTURE: For authentic believers, Israel is not just a geographical location but a pictorial image of God’s covenant, His promises, and His enduring presence.IT MUST BE SAID:Predictions are generally based on human understanding, analysis, or interpretation of data and trends related to Biblical prophecies. They can be about any topic and are subject to change as new information becomes available. Predictions can be accurate or inaccurate, depending on the level of maturity and scholarly abilities of the modern-day prophet presenting them. Since they are human, predictions are not necessarily of Divine authority or guarantee the fulfillment of such predictions. 2025 Predictions is a powerful series that reveals ancient prophecies that unfold in modern times. Our surveys reveal it as one of our most-read publications. We decided to release these reports only to our paid subscribers because we believe such content is too important for marginalized readers. In our minds, it should be read by invested readers and viewers. Note: We will continue to provide 99% of our posts to free subscribers.Don’t miss the Seventy-Seven Predictions series from now to the end of 2025. TODAY: Israel, the Holies Place on Earth - 2025 expected projections!Greetings, my name is Michael. I will be your reader today. ISRAEL | THE HOLIEST PLACE ON EARTHThe devotion that Jews and indwelt believers have toward Israel is deeply rooted in their faith and spiritual heritage. For Jews, Israel is not only a homeland but also a sacred land promised to their ancestors by God.It holds immense historical and Jewish significance, being the site of pivotal events in Jewish history and the location of the Temple in Jerusalem. For indwelt grafted believers, Israel represents the fulfillment of Biblical prophecies and the physical manifestation of God’s promises, including Yeshua’s return. Both see Israel as a testament to God’s faithfulness and a key player in eschatological events. This shared devotion advances a profound connection to the land, inspiring prayers, relentless support, and a longing for the peace that comes through Yeshua’s 1,000-year reign conducted in Jerusalem. Israel is regarded as the Holiest place on earth in the Bible, particularly Jerusalem, which is referred to as the city of God - and for good reason. In 2 Chronicles 6:6, God declares, “But I have chosen Jerusalem, that my name might be there; and have chosen David to be over my people Israel.”This Holy passage underscores the spiritual significance of Israel. Additionally, the Temple in Jerusalem, as described in 1 Kings 8:29, is where God’s presence dwelt among His people:
For authentic believers, Israel is not just a geographical location but a pictorial image of God’s covenant, His promises, and His enduring presence. It is a place where heaven and earth intersect, making it the holiest place on earth. As an eschatologist, my love and relentless support for Israel are deeply integrated with my Holy devotion to my Hebrew Father. I am profoundly moved by the prophetic significance of Israel and its central role in God’s eschatological plan. My heart is steadfast in prayer and unwavering in support for the nation, recognizing it as the epicenter of Biblical prophecy and the unfolding of end-time events. My devotion is not merely academic but deeply spiritual, rooted in a desire to see God’s promises fulfilled and His glory revealed. I am committed to standing with Israel, advocating for Yeshua’s quick return, and eagerly anticipating the day when God’s ultimate plan for His chosen people and the land that comes with them. HATERS OF ISRAELThe world’s masses often harbor a deep-seated hatred toward Israel, a sentiment that has persisted through centuries and manifests in various forms today.In many households, children tend to have “feelings” of resentment, hatred, or jealousy toward a sibling who is perceived as the favored child. God’s favoritism toward the authentic Jews and Israel can lead other races to “feelings” of inadequacy, competition, and a sense of unfairness among the remainder of God’s creation. They might feel overlooked or undervalued, manifesting as hostility or hatred toward the favored race of the Living God. This dynamic can create tension and conflict within the global family, affecting relationships and dynamics of interpersonal interactions with God’s race of singularity. To “fix” this eschatological fact, God offered humanity the opportunity to be grafted into His favored race and landmass through salvation in & through Yeshua. However, this single act of Grace is repulsive to the children who are not on God’s “favorite” list, which advances global hatred. A complex mix of historical grievances, political conflicts, and Juristic religious tensions fuels this hatred. Many view Israel’s actions through a lens of self-righteous bias, often ignoring the broader context of its struggles for security and survival. This widespread animosity is not just a political stance but often spills over into anti-Semitism, affecting Jews worldwide. The global community “hates” the fact that God sustains only one race and nation - that of His Hebrew people - the Jews.As an eschatologist, I recognize that this hatred is also a fulfillment of Biblical prophecies, where Israel stands as a signpost in the spiritual battle between the Hebrew God and Satan. Despite this, my commitment to Israel remains unwavering, rooted in a deep understanding of its prophetic significance and a desire to see God’s plans come to fruition. The persistent hatred toward the Jews is likely to bring significant challenges and tribulations to the nation of Israel in 2025.Historically, such hatred has led to conflicts, relentless wars, persecution, and attempts to undermine Israel’s God-ordained sovereignty. In the near future, this hatred will manifest in increased political isolation, economic sanctions, and even military confrontations. However, from a Biblical perspective, these trials are seen as part of the prophetic narrative of Yeshua, where Israel’s endurance and faithfulness will ultimately lead to DIVINE intervention and restoration by the iron hand of Yeshua (Revelation 19:15). Despite the adversities and the failures of the Jewish lineage, the nation of Israel will emerge stronger, fulfilling its role in God’s redemptive plan and standing as a testament to His unwavering promises. In 2025, I predict the following possibilities:
Israel is the thermostat of the End Times. When authentic indwelt believers need to check the pulse of God’s eschatology, each should look toward Israel. If you are tempted to join the masses regarding hatred toward Israel, remember this: And on that day, I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. (Zechariah 12:9) Dear reader that means nations and their people. The day Zechariah speaks of is the DAY of Jerusalem's defense and deliverance, that glorious day when God will appear for the salvation of His people - both authentic Jews and the grafted members, which refer to the successes that the Jews had against their enemies in the time of the Maccabees (non-authentic Jewish people who rebelled against the Divine pure bloodline Jews), yet certainly looks further, to the Gospel of today, to Christ's victories over the powers of darkness and the forthcoming Great Tribulation. Now we have here an account of the prophecies to unfold shortly. Until next time, start today. Defend your motherland. If we don’t, we will act as bastard children - a child born to parents who are not married to Yeshua, the Husband of the authentic Bride of Christ. This post is only for paying subscribers of The End Times Chronicles. We would enjoy your likes, dislikes, or comments regarding this post. Dr. Phinney responds personally to all personalized communications. Your “like” or “comment” are appreciated. Hey, fellow writers/readers, would you be open to buying me a cup of coffee? Check out this fun way of supporting my writing: |