Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Understanding Jesus's Cry of Abandonment on the Cross Exploring the profound significance of Christ's words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" November 22nd, 2024 • Estimated Reading Time: 2 minutes


Understanding Jesus's Cry of Abandonment on the Cross

Exploring the profound significance of Christ's words, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"

As Jesus hung on the cross, He uttered a heart-wrenching cry: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46). This statement, laden with anguish, has prompted deep theological reflection. Was Jesus expressing confusion, or is there a deeper meaning to His words?

Contextualizing the Cry

Jesus's exclamation is a direct quotation from Psalm 22:1, a psalm that begins with despair but transitions into a declaration of trust in God. By invoking this psalm, Jesus was not merely expressing personal agony but was also fulfilling prophecy and identifying with the suffering described therein.

Theological Implications

The cry reflects the profound mystery of the Incarnation. In that moment, Jesus, fully divine and fully human, experienced the weight of humanity's sin and the consequent separation from God. This separation was not due to any sin of His own but was borne on behalf of humanity, fulfilling the redemptive plan of God.

Fulfillment of Prophecy

Psalm 22 contains vivid descriptions that parallel the crucifixion, such as the piercing of hands and feet and the casting of lots for clothing. By quoting this psalm, Jesus was affirming His messianic identity and the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies concerning the suffering servant.

Assurance Amidst Suffering

While the cry expresses deep anguish, it also points to the psalm's conclusion, which is a proclamation of God's deliverance and faithfulness. This duality underscores the reality of suffering in the Christian experience, coupled with the assurance of God's ultimate victory and presence.


Jesus's cry from the cross encapsulates the depth of His suffering and the fulfillment of God's redemptive plan. It serves as a profound reminder of His identification with human anguish and the assurance of God's unwavering presence, even in moments of profound despair.

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Phil Campisi • 3 hours ago

WOW! Clearly, Psalm 22 is about Jesus & His redemptive work of freeing us from our sins. 
HOW in world did anyone miss it?

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Don A • 2 hours ago

Scripture is a wonderful thing when you read it. Make it a plan to read the Bible in it’s entirety, you will find it fulfilling to know what God has in store for us!!

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Simon K V • 13 hours ago

Right scriptural view .

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Ann Morisey • 18 hours ago

Thank you for the sharing. I have felt this so personally over a period of a couple of years. Thank God for His faithfulness to His children.

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Adrian Mullins • 20 hours ago

I’m so thankful Jesus endured the Cross and paid the ultimate price for our sins so we could be with Him in Heaven forever!

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Karen Kennedy • 20 hours ago

Absolutely beautiful explanation  
Thank you

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