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THANKFUL FOR THE OILDr. Stephen Phinney: As we enter the week known for being thankful, may our hearts be truly filled with gratitude for the ultimate gift - the oil of the Holy Spirit.
"But he answered, 'Truly I say to you, I do not know you.' "Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour." (Matthew 25:12-13) Listen to the audio version: Faithful Reader & Supporter: Can you imagine being one of the five virgins who were left behind due to the lack of oil in their lamps, hearing the above words spoken to you? In the parable of the ten virgins from the Gospel of Matthew, Yeshua (Jesus) narrates the story of ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were wise and had their lamps full of oil, while the other five were foolish and did not. As the bridegroom delayed, all ten virgins fell asleep. At midnight, a cry announced the bridegroom's arrival, and the wise virgins trimmed their lamps and had enough oil to join the wedding feast. However, the foolish virgins, realizing they lacked oil, begged the prepared virgins for oil, then rushed to buy more but returned too late and were shut out from the celebration. This parable illustrates the spiritual significance of being prepared and filled with the Holy Spirit - not mere followers of the principles of the Groom, as those without the "oil" (indwelling Life of Christ) of readiness were left behind, unable to partake in the joy and fulfillment of the bridegroom's arrival. Worse yet, to hear the words Truly I say to you, I do not know you. Yeshua's father, the Hebrew God Almighty, gave humanity 6,000 years to decide to receive the Life of Christ by being filled with the oil, the Holy Spirit. If we think for one moment that "following" versus being indwelt will secure our place at the Wedding Feast after the Rapture, we are beyond deceived. God is always numerically proactive in His prophecies. In our story, there were ten virgins - 5 were "followers," and five were indwelt by the oil (Holy Spirit). Reader, that means that 50% of all self-proclaimed Christians are going to be left behind to face the dark days of the End Times tribulations. Ouch. Over the past 40+ years of writing and teaching, I have discovered one thing: the deception fake Christians (followers) are under is the darkest cloud of the evil domain. Not only are they darkened to the message of Christ in you, but their minds are banking on the ridiculous ideology that because I have a lamp and am one of the ten, I am good to go. I do not know of any cleverer lies the enemy of God, Satan, has perpetrated onto the church. Hosting the Life of Yeshua from within IS authentic salvation! The parable of the ten virgins profoundly illustrates the importance of believers keeping their lamps filled with oil, symbolizing the Holy Spirit. This oil is essential for maintaining the light of Yeshua (Jesus) within us, guiding our actions, thoughts, and hearts. In anticipation of His return, this continual readiness and spiritual vigilance reflect our faith, loyalty, readiness, and devotion. Jesus identifies His authentic Bridal Members by the light (LIFE) coming from their lamps! His light and life confirm the invite to the Wedding Feast. Just as the wise virgins were prepared with enough oil to meet the bridegroom, believers are called to nurture their relationship with Yeshua, staying spiritually alert and filled with His presence. This way, when the day of His return arrives, we will be ready to join in the eternal celebration, our lives radiating the light of Christ. Yeshua said these words, those who endure to the end, those shall be saved. This is another way of saying those who have oil in their lamps in the end will join Him for the Wedding Feast. THANKFUL FOR THE OIL Authentic indwelt believers should continually express gratitude for the oil of the Holy Spirit that dwells within them. This divine presence not only empowers and sustains our faith but also illuminates our path with the light of Christ, guiding us through life's challenges and uncertainties. The Holy Spirit provides wisdom, comfort, and strength, transforming our hearts and minds to reflect the character and Life of Yeshua. Being thankful for this sacred gift advances a deeper connection with God, encouraging believers to live out our faith with joy, purpose, and unwavering devotion. In the doctrine of the end times, one central and unifying theme stands out: the anticipated return of the Groom, Yeshua (Jesus). This pivotal event underscores the culmination of history, where Yeshua comes back to gather His faithful oiled filled believers, fulfill His promises, and establish His eternal kingdom. Believers are called to remain vigilant, live righteously, and keep their faith steadfast, filled with endurance, as the return of Yeshua signifies the ultimate restoration of creation and the fulfillment of God's divine plan. This expectation provides hope and assurance, guiding the faithful through trials with the promise of everlasting joy and peace in the presence of their Savior. As we enter the week known for being thankful, may our hearts be truly filled with gratitude for the ultimate gift - the oil of the Holy Spirit. This divine presence not only empowers and renews us but also fills our lives with the light and love of Yeshua. In this season of thanksgiving, let us acknowledge and celebrate the Holy Spirit's role in guiding, comforting, and transforming us, making each moment a testament to God's enduring grace and faithfulness. Are you in need of reviewing authentic salvation? Check out the details HERE. Have a blessed "Thanksgiving" from our ministry to your home! Thanks for subscribing to The End Times Chronicles. Your paid subscription helps us advance our non-profit’s mission. Dr. Stephen R. Phinney is dedicated to providing quality media and publications that advance the Life of Christ. 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