The Explosive Growth of America’s Savage Tren de Aragua GangDon’t think for a minute the Trump administration can end this quickly…
Since my September 7th post on the violent Venezuelan Tren de Aragua gang, it has now expanded into at least sixteen states across America including my home state of Texas. Their territory now covers more than half of America's population… including places as unlikely as Montana and Wyoming. With another eight weeks before Donald Trump even takes office, the gang is growing faster than anyone anticipated. Most of this growth is being fueled by the growing numbers of single men of military age now in overflowing migrant shelters. Tren del Aragua has tapped into these shelters and turned them into thriving criminal recruitment centers. Add to that an expected acceleration of illegal immigration during the last days of the noxious Biden-Harris administration… and the problem is going to get a lot worse before it gets better. In New York City, the NYPD's chief of detectives says of undocumented criminals, “Some as young as eleven years old are carrying out retail robberies and committing crimes on scooters… snatching people's jewelry, watches and cell phones at gunpoint or knife point. So far, there have been more incidents this year than last, and now they've brazenly shot at police officers.” When arrests are made in New York City and other places, gang members go before a judge. Since they have no prior criminal history, many are immediately released back into the public only to quickly disappear into another city or state. There are millions of potential gang members in shelters all across this country. In Tennessee, the Tren de Aragua gang now operates in every major city. Further adding to the problem are Democrat mayors and governors vowing to fight any efforts to remove violent illegals from their jurisdictions. This will end poorly for those politicians, but sadly it will take time to overcome their America-hating resistance. In California, the mayor of El Cajon, near the Mexico border is threatening local police with criminal charges if they aid ICE in the removal of gang members and other illegal felons from their communities. Regina Romero, the mayor of Tucson, Arizona angrily announced she would not comply with ICE efforts to remove sex traffickers, rapists, and murderers from her city. She must really hate her constituents to put a higher value on criminals than American citizens. Mike Johnston (D), the Mayor of Denver, Colorado has indicated he is willing to use the city’s police force to thwart ICE efforts to remove illegals from his city… a clear violation of the law. How can one justify not protecting the public and instead advocating for murderers, drug dealers, rapists, and other violent offenders to remain in the community and prey upon citizens? All three of them deserve to be recalled. From now until early next year, these gangs will become further entrenched and more widespread throughout the United States… and it is not limited to men. Take the case of Estefania Primera, known as "La Barbie," who has been operating a sex trafficking ring out of an El Paso, Texas hotel, where she exploited victims by drugging and coercing them. Despite her arrest, the traffic of innocent girls and women continues because of the depth and scale of the operation… others simply took her place. Until inauguration day, continued demonic Democrat policies will only serve to expand the geographic footprint of the gang’s criminal enterprise. Going forward, the intermediate-term consequences will make the 1930s Chicago gangland killings look like a walk in the park. This will not end soon. Watch your back and those of your children. Carry if you can… and pray these criminals are soon removed. If you enjoy our posts, help us cover the expense of this blog by buying us a coffee… |