Category Archives: Breaking News
BoA Repays $30M For Illegal Foreclosures on US Soldiers
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals June 1, 2015 Bank of America (BoA) has been ordered by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) to pay $30 million in fines over “numerous violations related to the accounts of 73,000 military service members.” Last year, the OCC announced their discovery of $25 million in penalties against BoA and FIA Card Services because $459.5 million was illegally charged to 1.9 million customers. The OCC charged BoA in violating the service member’s rights while simultaneously “failing to establish safeguard to ensure that [BoA] was complying with…
Vermont Says No More Philosophical Exemptions to Anti-Vaxxers
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals June 1, 2015 The Vermont American Academy of Pediatrics (VAAP) have given their praise to Governor Peter Shumlin for signing HB98 into law which prohibits parents from using a philosophical exemption for vaccinations for their children. Barbara Frankowski, president of the VAAP, said : “Eliminating the philosophical exemption will no doubt protect the health of Vermonters by increasing the states immunization rates and ensuring that it is more difficult for deadly and debilitating diseases to gain a foothold in the state.” According to the Vermont Department of Health (VDH),…
Google & Levis Partner to Make Smart Clothing Even Smarter
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals June 1, 2015 Google’s Project Jacquard is a way to weave touch and gesture interactivity into any textile using standard, industrial looms. Google and Levis hope to manufacture the first smart clothing and furniture using this new technology. This conductive yarn created by Jacquard and “industrial partners” is a combination of “thin, metallic alloys with natural and synthetic yarns like cotton, polyester, or silk, making the yarn strong enough to be woven on any industrial loom.” The yarn is so small that it appears to the wearer just like…
Sen. Paul Uses Patriot Act ‘Brawl’ to Secretly Raise Campaign Money
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals May 31, 2015 Senator Rand Paul is coming to the aid of the American public to quash the National Security Agency (NSA) bulk data collection, a.k.a. Section 215 of the Patriot Act by asking for money. Over the weekend, Paul told the press that he will continue his “fight to end the illegal collection of American phone records. The Second Appeals court has ruled the NSA’s bulk collection of phone records illegal. We should not be debating modifying an illegal program. We should simply end this illegal program.” The…
Fake Chocolate Weight Loss Study Highlights Irresponsible Journalism
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | The US Independent May 30, 2015 Modern day media is not concerned with fact-checking or accuracy in reporting. And this fact was displayed eloquently by a science journalist who recently carried out “an elaborate hoax” in order to “teach the media a lesson about being more responsible in reporting on nutrition science.” John Bohannon conducted a study on chocolate and the effects on weight loss it may have. The study was deliberately flawed, but this was ignored by the media outlets that responded to Bohannon’s press release alerts. The study’s inherent flaws…
Why Does Sunset on NSA Surveillance Make Facebook & Google Nervous?
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals May 30, 2015 Fight for the Future (FF) has rallied over 10,000 websites to add code that redirects IP address from Congress to a protest page in an act of defiance against the Patriot Act and specifically Section 215. The FF protest site informs congressional visitors: “This is a blackout. We are blocking your access until you end mass surveillance laws.” The protest calls for the “end [of] all authorities used to conduct mass surveillance.” They warn Congress that until they do “thousands of websites have blocked your access,…
The Robot Revolution: Terrifying to Some, Necessary to Others
Susanne Posel ,Chief Editor Occupy Corporatism | Co-Founder, Legacy Bio-Naturals May 29, 2015 The robotic revolution means different things to different nations. While Japan sees the technological advancements as an answer to a growing bottlenecking in their population, in the US the idea of autonomous robots used in every day life is one of sheer terror. Stuart Russell, computer scientist and artificial intelligence researcher at the University of California at Berkeley (UCB) has publically questioned the development of deadly autonomous robots in an op-ed piece for the journal Nature. Russell calls these robots the “third revolution in warfare” which…