Monday, June 1, 2015

Monday 01, June 2015

Monday 01, June 2015

'Israel Won't Bow Down to Forces Trying to Deny Right to Exist'
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu began his weekly cabinet meeting in Jerusalem on Sunday, Haaretz reported, asserting that Israel was facing an "international campaign to tarnish its image."
PLA switching to an offensive footing, says Russian expert
China has more fighters than the United States, according to Konstantin Sivkov, director of the Moscow-based Academy of Geopolitical Problems in an interview with the English-language Sputnik News on May 27.
Middle East map carved up by caliphates, enclaves and fiefdoms
The border between Iraq and Syria is under the control of the so-called Islamic State; Syrian Kurds are experiencing the kind of autonomy their counterparts in Iraq have had for years; ethnic, tribal and religious leaders are running territories in Libya and Yemen.
Something Else Coming In September: A UN Resolution Establishing A Palestinian State
There has been a lot of talk about things that are going to happen in September, but something that has been almost totally overlooked is the fact that the UN Security Council is likely to be voting on a UN resolution which will establish a Palestinian state at that time.
Russian military jets and US destroyer clash in Black Sea 'posing danger to stability'
Russia has scrambled military jets in response to an American navy destroyer which, it has been reported in Russian media, was acting "aggressively" in the Black Sea. The Russian defence minister, speaking at a security summit in Singapore, said US missile ships operating near Moscow's territorial waters "pose a danger to strategic stability" between the two countries.
If Catholic Ireland said yes to same-sex marriage, could Israel ever do the same?
While gay couples would like to see gay marriage legalized in Israel, some say issue of civil partnership for all citizens is more important.
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Pastor, Brian Brodersen, Says Sometimes It's OK to Attend a Homosexual Wedding
Radical Hindus to India's Christians: Convert 'Or Get Ready to Die'
Radical Hindu nationalists closely aligned to the Indian government warned Christians in Punjab state late last year to prepare to convert to Hinduism "or get ready to die," according to a complaint before a U.S. federal court.
EPA Now Defines What Constitutes A 'Waters of the United States' 
A "power grab and an attack on property rights."
Virgin Mary Painting Covered in Dung and Porn to be Sold at Christie's
Chris Ofili's 1996 painting "The Holy Virgin Mary," which caused a furor when it was shown at the Brooklyn Museum in October 1999 as part of an exhibition of works by young British artists, is going up for auction at Christie's on June 30.
VIDEO: Cruz Accepts "Defender of Israel" Award, Promises Unwavering Support
Anthrax bungle sees more labs receive US shipments than first thought 
A staggering 42 million poultry have been destroyed in the worst outbreak of bird flu in America's history. That is nearly three times larger than the last worst outbreak in 1983.

Bill Nye Wants to 'Remind Voters'... Do Not Support Climate Change Deniers

Friday 29, May 2015

Watch Arab Media Mock Obama...

Thursday 28, May 2015

Bill Salus: Yes, Second Chance After the Rapture
The fact that multitudes are getting saved after the Rapture supports the thesis that Salvation is part of God's loving plan for mankind. It also argues against the possibility that a select group is deprived of the same salvation opportunity. A few examples of those being saved after the Rapture are identified below...
Israel warns Hamas of 'heavy price' for rocket fire 
Earlier, Israeli Air Force jets bombed four targets in the Gaza Strip in response to the rocket, which hit near the town of Gan Yavne, outside Ashdod, causing neither casualties nor damage.
IAF Strikes Gaza Following Rocket Fire on Israel
Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Ya'alon issued a stern warning to Hamas on Wednesday following rocket fire from Gaza into Israel on Tuesday evening.
Russia, Iran Hail S-300 Weapons Deal a "Success"
Despite objections from Israel and the US, Russia and Iran have completed negotiations over the delivery of Russian-made S-300 missiles. The delivery is scheduled to take place "within a short period of time," Iranian Deputy Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian confirmed on Monday during his visit to Moscow.
Assad pulls air force out of Deir ez-Zour, the third Syrian air base surrendered to ISIS
This was Bashar Assad's last military stronghold in eastern Syria and the last air facility for enabling fighter-bombers to strike ISIS forces in northeastern Syria and the western Iraqi province of Anbar.
Rubio: 'Next Step' Will Be to Label Mainstream Christian Teachings Hate Speech
In a recent interview with CBN News, Republican presidential candidate Sen. Marco Rubio (FL) said the teachings of mainstream Christianity are "on the water's edge" of being labeled "hate speech."
Limbaugh: American Left Has Made Christianity Its No. 1 Enemy
Limbaugh made the observation and explained it after playing an interview of Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) by David Brody of CBN. In that interview Rubio suggested that mainstream Christian teaching was under assault from the left.
Sharpton on Texas Storms: "Is this a rebuke from God?"
The Reverend Al Sharpton is best known these days for his work as a "civil rights activist" and a tax cheat. But Sharpton is not above some good ol' fire-and-brimstone-style preaching.
Viral new game has kids summoning demons
Sheriff Clarke: Obama's 21st Century Policing Creating 'Unnecessary Black Carnage'
On Fox News Tuesday evening, Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke decimated President Obama's call for the transformation of policing in America, calling it a disaster in the wake of the "unnecessary black carnage" over the weekend in Baltimore where 32 shootings resulted in nine people being murdered.
Wednesday 27, May 2015

Secret Meeting in London to "End Cash"
Economist Martin Armstrong claims there is a "secret meeting to end cash" set to take place in London before the end of the month involving representatives from the ECB and the Federal Reserve. Armstrong, who is known for successfully predicting the 1987 Black Monday crash as well as the 1998 Russian financial collapse, expressed his shock that no news outlet has reported on this upcoming conference.
Israeli Air Force strikes four empty "terror" targets in the Gaza Strip for five Palestinian rockets 
Israel resorted Tuesday night, May 26, to its old routine response to rocket fire from the Gaza Strip by the aerial bombardment of four "terrorist" targets. Once again, Hamas hurriedly removed its personnel from the targeted facilities in time to escape casualties.
French diplomat warns Iran deal unlikely by deadline 
France's ambassador to the US said Tuesday that world powers and Iran will probably miss an end-of-June deadline for a comprehensive nuclear agreement, as his German and British counterparts warned the sanctions against Tehran could crumble if no deal was reached.
Iran: S-300 Delivery from Russia Coming Soon 
Moscow and Tehran have concluded talks on the delivery of Russian S-300 missiles to Iran which should take place "quite" soon, Iran's Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian said on Monday, according to the AFP news agency.
In endless Sunni-Shiite battles, blood keeps flowing as the pendulum swings 
There seems to be no end in sight for the religious war going on in the Middle East. More and more battlefronts are joining the long and inglorious list of cities, villages and other places where Sunnis are killing Shiites and vice versa.
Obama's Amnesty Plan Suffers Another Defeat
Obama's plan to offer illegal immigrants amnesty from deportation suffered yet another blow on Tuesday when a federal appeals court sided with a lower court and refused to lift an injunction preventing the administration from moving forward with the amnesty program.
Liberals Gone Wild: Bernie Sanders Wants 90 pct. Income Tax
He may have been in Congress since 1991 and held elected office since 1981 but Bernie Sanders says he is campaigning against the Washington establishment as he seeks the Democratic nomination for 2016. In an interview with CNBC's John Harwood, Sanders wasn't afraid to make controversial statements like praising the idea of returning to a 90% tax rate.
Michelle O Injects Racism, Global Warming into Latest Commencement Address 
And this time around, she urged the graduating students to fight the civil rights issue of their time, same-sex marriage, and do their civic duty to combat global warming.
Tuesday 26, May 2015

Netanyahu Ready to Create Palestinian State
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday stated clearly that he supports the creation of a Palestinian Arab state as the outcome of a bilateral agreement to end the present conflict.
Top Khamenei Advisor: We Have Divine Permission to Destroy Israel
The "government of the Islamic Republic of Iran has divine permission to destroy Israel," said Mojtaba Zolnour, a Khamenei representative in the elite Revolutionary Guards.
Hezbollah Unveils Vast Terror Tunnel Network along Israel's Northern Border
In preparation for war with Israel, the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah has built an advanced network of terror tunnels that run along the northern border with Israel, Lebanese media reported.
Iran: 'We Welcome War With the U.S.'
A senior Iranian military commander on Wednesday said the Islamic Republic would "welcome war with the U.S." and "set fire to every military base from which a hostile U.S. plane takes off," according to reports in Iran's state-controlled media.
Germany sees 25.2 pct. rise in anti-Semitic crime in 2014
Germany's top security official said new statistics show a sharp rise in anti-Semitic offenses last year, as well as in crimes against foreigners.

The Catholic Church will now forgive your abortion
Pope Francis will send an army of globe-trotting priests, his "missionaries of mercy", to absolve women who've had abortions, in the latest Vatican bid to catch up with modern times.
Pope Francis: Ecumenical Movement Is Taking Great Steps Toward Reconciliation, Peace
The ecumenical movement, the Pope stated, has enabled the Churches and the Ecclesial Communities in Europe "to take great steps on the way of reconciliation and peace."
Practicing Homosexuality Does Not Contradict Christian Doctrine, United Methodists Claim
The United Methodist Church took one step closer to apostasy this week. At Nashville meetings, Methodist leadership voted to submit what is aptly called a "compromise" legislative proposal to its 2016 General Conference that removes "prohibitive" language from The United Methodist Book of Discipline concerning homosexuality.

For Cardinal Mamberti, dialogue with Muslims is a must
Rome, Italy, May 13, 2015 / 06:22 am (CNA/EWTN News) Among all the difficult situations in the world, the Middle East situation � including the plight of the region's Christians, is one of the most compelling, says a former top Vatican diplomat who adds that dialogue with Islam must be fostered.
Iris Scanners, Widely Used By US Military, Could Be Coming To A Police Department Near You
Iris scans could become part of a routine traffic stop, thanks to technology being developed by researchers at Pittsburgh's Carnegie Mellon University that can grab an image from a distance of 40 feet. The technology would allow police to take an image the second a driver glances into the rear-view mirror.
Prediction: Rich to become 'God-like cyborgs'
This is according to Yuval Noah Harari, a professor at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, who believes the radical shift will take place in the next 200 years. Using biotechnology and genetic engineering, Professor Harari claims the wealthy will transform into a new type of divine, immortal human with complete power over life and death.
Tracking kids via microchip 'can't be far off,' says expert
It's a thought that is just a little too Orwellian for most people, putting a microchip inside your body. But there are people who are doing just that already. For most of those who have, it's a matter of convenience. Now, they can log onto their computer, lock or unlock their front door, or even start their car with a wave of a microchip implanted in their hand. Now let's take the technology one step further...
Liberal Salon: 'The U.S. military is a national security threat'
True to the anti-American, anti-military hate that is central to the progressive vision, chose to honor our fallen heroes this Memorial Day weekend by warning that our own military is "a national security threat."
Anti-evolution legislation introduced in Alabama House
Legislation that would allow Alabama educators to teach alternatives to mainstream scientific theories like evolution, the origins of life, global warming and human cloning was introduced late last month in the House of Representatives.
Student Vet Suspended, Labeled 'Threat' After Requesting Non-Muslim Counselor
Campus Reform reports that a former active-duty Marine who served two combat tours in Iraq and is diagnosed with combat-related PTSD was suspended from Mississippi College in Clinton, Mississippi after he requested to meet with a non-Muslim counselor in the school's Office of Counseling and Disability Services.
Friday 22, May 2015

Iran's Supreme Leader Rules Out Broad Nuclear Inspections
we will not let foreigners inspect any military center
Israel slams US for allegedly allowing Iran to violate sanctions
Court Rejects Notre Dame's HHS Mandate Challenge
Provision requires the school's insurance providers to cover the costs of contraceptives
Obama: Climate change deniers endangering national security
Gaia as God: The post-Christian world.
Youngstown State University administration � not the student government � apparently took the lead in removing 'Straight Pride' posters
No surprise when the university administrators take the position of squelching traditional values. It's a brave new world!
Boy Scouts President Robert Gates: Ban on Participation of Gay Adults Isn't Sustainable
"Boy Scouts of America President Robert Gates is urging his organization to change course and possibly allow gay adults to participate"
An Author Of Paper About Changing Minds On Gay Marriage Seeks Retraction
The ends justify the means?
Sixth-Grader Wanted to Include John 3:16 in a PowerPoint Assignment. Her Teacher's Alleged Response Has Her Parents Threatening to Sue.
Martial Law? Training Op Lists 'Hostile' US States
This summer, the U.S. military is planning an unprecedented training exercise
Tuesday 19, May 2015

One World Religion: Former Israeli President Proposes Pope to Head 'UN for Religions'
Can you imagine any way to bring a tumultuous world under a one world religion? This is a good head start. A few months back, former president Shimon Peres met with the Pope at the Vatican and proposed that the Pope head up a UN for religions.

Hartford Seminary's Interfaith Dialogue Program Swaps Stereotypes For Understanding
Dean of Westminster defends inclusion of Muslim prayer in Abbey service
The Dean of Westminster has defended the choice of a prayer in which the prophet Muhammad was described as 'The Chosen One' at the Abbey as "within orthodox Christian worship".
Central Planning Goes Global As UN Unveils Major Sustainable Development Agenda "For The Good Of The Planet"
For those wishing to expand the scope of "global governance", sustainable development is the perfect umbrella because just about all human activity affects the environment in some way. The phrase "for the good of the planet" can be used as an excuse to micromanage virtually every aspect of our lives.
It's time to give Israel the means to take out Iranian nukes
Carter says Hamas leader committed to peace, Netanyahu not
Former US president Jimmy Carter called Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal a strong proponent of the peace process Saturday, and said he wasn't meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu because it would be "a waste of time."
40 Percent Rise This Year in Global Immigration to Israel, Report Shows
A new report shows that Jewish immigration to Israel from around the world rose more than 40 percent in the first three months of 2015, the UK's Guardian reported on Sunday.
Some people are saying these trumpets are a sign of the end times
For over a decade, people have captured strange noises on video all over the world. No one knows for sure what is causing the strange trumpet-like sounds, and some are wondering if it could be a sign of the end times.
Transhumanist Party Scientists Frown on Talk of Genetic Engineering Moratorium
A wave of ethical discussions and admonitions recently appeared after Chinese scientists reported successfully editing an embryo's DNA. Many large media outlets interviewed scientists around the globe who chimed in on the ethical implications of the science, which ultimately could lead to designer babies.
Transhumanism: An Attempt To Use Technology To Turn Men Into Gods
Did you know that the word "transhuman" literally means "beyond human"? All over the world, scientists and intellectuals are joining the transhumanism movement. Those that adhere to this philosophy believe that the time has come for us to use technology to take control of our own evolution. By doing so, they believe that we can give ourselves superhuman powers and radically extend our lifespans.
Transhumanism marches on as "human chipping" becomes trendy
Undergoing a somewhat painful injection to have a microchip implanted into your hand might not be something most sane individuals would ever consider doing voluntarily, but for a growing number of people, it has actually become a fashionable trend.
Visa looking for partners to integrate biometrics in payment process
isa is currently scouting for industry partners to research ways in which it can integrate biometrics to authenticate payments, according to a report by Banking Day.
As sensors shrink, watch as 'wearables' disappear
Forget 'wearables', and even 'hearables'. The next big thing in mobile devices: 'disappearables'. Within five years, wearables like the Watch could be overtaken by hearables - devices with tiny chips and sensors that can fit inside your ear. They, in turn, could be superseded by disappearables - technology tucked inside your clothing, or even inside your body.
How Supremes could cripple Christian schools
If the Supreme Court finds there is a constitutional right to same-sex marriage next month, the tax-exempt status of any nonprofit groups that refuse to embrace the movement could soon be on the chopping block.
Pakistani Christian erecting 140-foot cross in nation's biggest city
A Pakistani businessman who is building a 14-story cross in the heart of Pakistan's largest city claims he got the idea when God came to him in a dream.
Todd: Good News for Democrats, America Losing Religion
In the new age of politics, it's all about the religious "nones" -- those that the Pew Research Center says have no affiliation with any mainstream religious organization. They are atheists, agnostics, or have no devotion to any label in particular.
Monday 18, May 2015

Vatican to officially recognize Palestinian statehood in new treaty 
In a ceremony fraught with diplomatic and security overtones, Pope Francis on Sunday canonized the first two saints from the modern region of Palestine at a consecration mass in St. Peter's Square in Vatican City.

Ramadi Has Fallen To ISIS
A spokesperson for the Iraqi Governor of Anbar Province has announced that the city of Ramadi has fallen to the Islamic State after bitter fighting and a barrage of airstrikes. The battle for the city was intense throughout the weekend, culminating in Sunday's events.
Israeli Intelligence: Hezbollah Hiding 100,000 Rockets
According to a senior Israeli intelligence official, the Lebanon-based militant group Hezbollah is hiding a massive arsenal of advanced weapons, including an estimated 100,000 short-range rockets as well as "several thousand" missiles capable of reaching central Israel and Tel Aviv.
Israel's PM: Jerusalem is Home of Jewish Nation, Vows to Never Divide Holy City
Amen, PM Netanyahu! We hope you mean it.
Iranian Ayatollah: We 'Will Never Allow' Inspections of Nuke Sites 
Mr. Obama... are you listening? We know Isralie PM Benjamin Netanyahu is.
US, China set for high-stakes rivalry in skies above South China Sea 
When the U.S. navy sent a littoral combat ship on its first patrol of the disputed Spratly islands in the South China Sea during the past week, it was watching the skies as well.

Dem's new agenda hauntingly similar to communism
Last week, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio unveiled a 13-point national "Progressive Agenda" that is being touted as the liberal "Contract with America." The aim is for the "Progressive Agenda" to become the basis for the Democratic Party's main economic policies, including those of its 2016 presidential candidate.
Irish Parliament Rejects Pro-Abortion Bill
Losing by a vote of 74 to 23, the bill, led by Deputy Ruth Coppinger, sought to repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution, which effectively banned abortion throughout all of Ireland in 1983. The amendment suffered a major blow in 2013 when Parliament passed a bill allowing abortion for the first time in Ireland at any time up until birth when there is a threat of suicide.
Obama: I'll Commemorate Sunday as 'International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia'
In a statement, the president said he is working to "address the specific needs of transgender persons."
U.S. Attorney: Boston Bombing "Was Not a Religious Crime"
Even though the terrorist said he was doing it for his religion and Allah.
Texas biker gang shooting: Police officer describes carnage outside Waco restaurant as 'most gruesome crime scene I've seen in 34 years'
Sergeant W. Patrick Swanton said the Twin Peaks restaurant was littered with dead bodies, bullet casings, knives, weapons, shattered glass and pools of blood on Sunday night. At least nine people were killed when fighting broke out between up to 200 bikers who gathered for a meeting in the city of Waco.
Too Many Black Students Suspended Leads Oakland Schools to Stop Punishment
Board members of California's Oakland Unified School District unanimously voted on Wednesday to cease suspending students for what they call "willful defiance." Those behaviors can include swearing/yelling at teachers, refusing direct orders, texting, and storming out of class, to name a few. The reason? Concern that too many black students are being suspended for willful defiance.
Water level in Lake Mead, largest reservoir in the US, drops 150 feet in 14 years
It's one thing to hear about the severity of the drought out West, but images of Lake Mead, on the Colorado River, show an unprecedented drop in its water level and hammer home the severity of the drought.
Friday 15, May 2015

'We are already at war,' Ukrainian PM tells FRANCE 24
In an interview with FRANCE 24 on Wednesday, Ukraine's Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk discussed granting more autonomy to east Ukraine, Russian President Vladimir Putin's fight "against the Western world" and said that Ukraine is "already at war".
RAF jets scrambled again to intercept Russian fighters
wo Typhoon fighter jets have been launched from RAF Lossiemouth to intercept Russian bombers heading towards the UK. The Russian Bear aircraft were escorted away from Britain's area of interest but at no stage crossed into UK sovereign airspace.
Former Soviet republics ask NATO to permanently deploy an army brigade as a deterrent against Russia
The three Baltic countries are asking NATO to permanently deploy an army brigade to Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania as a deterrent against an increasingly assertive Russia. The chiefs of defense of the three countries are presenting the request in a joint letter this week to NATO's supreme allied commander in Europe, said Capt. Mindaugas Neimontas, spokesman for Lithuania's chief of defense.
Beijing wants total police state video surveillance by 2020 
Public areas such as roads will be fully covered by cameras and their surveillance information will be shared among authorities, according to a guideline released by the National Development and Reform Commission and eight other departments.
Pro-Abortion Group Labels 20 Week Ban "Inhumane"
The Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which contains exemptions in cases of rape, incest or when the mother's life is threatened, finally passed the House this week after a long delay, prompting outrage from pro-choice organizations who responded with familiar vitriol.
UK's Cameron Announces Plans to Fight 'Poisonous Islamist Ideology'
We at AWLITLD.COM wonder what it'd be like to have a leader who stands strong against radical Islam.
Howard Dean: 'Jesus Was Probably to the Left of the Democratic Party'
Sometimes it's "cute" to hear liberals talk about what they think Jesus did and would've wanted. But Dean's rhetoric is very disturbing.
40 Volcanoes Are Erupting Right Now, And 34 Of Them Are Along The Ring Of Fire
You may not have noticed, but our planet is becoming increasingly unstable. According toVolcano Discovery, 40 volcanoes around the globe are erupting right now, and only 6 of them are not along the Ring of Fire. If that sounds like a very high number to you, that is because it is a very high number. As I have written about previously, there were a total of 3,542 volcanic eruptions during the entire 20th century.
Drought-Hit Southern Africa at Risk of Food Shortage
Nebraska declares state of emergency in bird flu outbreak
Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts declared a state of emergency on Thursday, after federal agriculture officials confirmed a second farm site had tested positive for the rapidly spreading avian flu virus.

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