Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Contained? New Report Says There’s ‘Unprecedented’ ISIS Mobilization In The U.S. Matt Vespa

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Contained? New Report Says There’s ‘Unprecedented’ ISIS Mobilization In The U.S.
Matt Vespa
Weeks after President Obama said ISIS was "contained," George Washington University’s Program on Extremism has released a rather disconcerting report showing “unprecedented” “ISIS-related mobilization” in the United States.
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Paul Ryan Sports New "Hunting" Beard
Christine Rousselle
Obama and Kerry Wine and Dine in Paris: American Taxpayers Cover the Tab
Justin Holcomb
Trying To Save His Own Job, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Fires His Police Chief
Katie Pavlich
#SueMeSaudi: Twitter's Latest Trending Topic Taunts Saudi Government
Christine Rousselle
Good News: Paris Attack Suspect Might Be In Syria, U.S. Embassy In Kabul Warns Of 'Imminent Attack'
Matt Vespa
Hillary: Hey, Let's Learn From Latin America's 'Success' and Elect a Woman President
Guy Benson
VIDEO: Cyber Monday Sets Record for Online Shopping
Shoppers traded bricks for clicks this year, spending more than $3 billion on "Cyber Monday." Adobe says strong sales made it marking the largest online sales day in history.
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War on Terror is Creating More Terror
Ron Paul
The interventionists will do anything to prevent Americans from seeing that their foreign policies are perpetuating terrorism and inspiring others to seek to harm us.
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VIDEO: Giuliani Basically Calls Trump Bluff On 9/11 Video
New York's former mayor Rudy Giuliani has warned Donald Trump that "it's going to make him look really bad" if evidence does not turn up to support his claims that Muslim Americans celebrated the 9/11 attacks.
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The Heart of the Pro-Life Movement Is a Heart of Compassion: A Response to Colorado
Congressman Diane Black
Last Friday, a deranged man opened fire at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, killing three and injuring nine.
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VIDEO: Chris Christie's Tough Words for Donald Trump
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie blasted Donald Trump on Tuesday, saying that the businessman's recent comments mocking a reporter with a disability is "not worthy of someone running for president of the United States."
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Are Trump and Putin Right?
Pat Buchanan
Monday, MSNBC's "Morning Joe" hosted a spirited discussion with Donald Trump on whether he was right in asserting that Muslims in New Jersey celebrated as the towers came down on 9/11.
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Watch Megyn Kelly Tear Apart Media for Biased Reporting On Planned Parenthood Shooting
Christine Rousselle
Megyn Kelly did not mince words last night on "The Kelly File," where she went on an explosive eight-minute rant tearing apart the liberal media for blaming "angry rhetoric" by pro-lifers as the cause of the recent shooting in Colorado Springs.
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At Climate Summit Obama Touts Stimulus Funding For Totally Failed, Bankrupt Solar Power Projects
Katie Pavlich
Speaking from Paris Tuesday at the global climate change summit, know as COP21, President Obama touted his "investment" in solar power through the 2009 stimulus package.
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BLACK LIVES DON’T MATTER: Obsessed With Planned Parenthood, Media Ignores Larger Mass Shooting | Bob Owens
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CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!!

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!!

CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!! CONTRIBUTOR: . Please visit for News and Bile Prophecy Updates There are people freaking out about CERN, but is there really a reason to be conCERNed about what they are trying to do. Billy Crone is about to show you that everything CERN is doing has all been done in the...

Unveiling The End Time Babylon Code: A Final World Empire Is Coming! Are You Prepared?

Unveiling The End Time Babylon Code: A Final World Empire Is Coming! Are You Prepared? CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit Is there an ancient "code" that connects the days of Nimrod and the enigmatic "Tower of Babel" to our time? Is a final world empire under design now amidst the world's elites? The so-called "Illuminati"?...

The Purge Is Underway: MSM Warns Of “Christian Terrorism”

The Purge Is Underway: MSM Warns Of “Christian Terrorism” CONTRIBUTOR: . DW Ulsterman Nothing like a bit of anti-Christian fear mongering to get us all in the Christmas spirit, eh? Despite knowing very little regarding the motivations of the madman-loner responsible for the shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility, the Mainstream Media now marches out dire warnings of...


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Pope Benedict, Father Jean Danielou, And Advent

Pope Benedict, Father Jean Danielou, And Advent CONTRIBUTOR: . my source: Catholic News AgencyRome, Italy, Feb 15, 2015 / 05:05 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Theological giants Benedict XVI and one of his heroes – the controversial Cardinal Jean Danielou – have been hailed for illuminating through their respective works the ever-relevant answer to a modern world in crisis: Jesus Christ.“If...

No Guarantees for Refugees

CONTRIBUTOR: . Are you tired of stories about Syrian refugees? It’s been all over the news since Paris was attacked and around 130 people were killed in three separately coordinated attacks. Our Christian brothers and sisters in places like Iraq and Syria face extraordinary dangers every day. There are strongly-worded articles both...

Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences CONTRIBUTOR: . By Larry BeaneI don't know if this article from the Twin Cities Pioneer Press ("Concordia student loses ministry post over lesbian relationship") is true or not. I've learned to be skeptical of the press, having had many friends misquoted and misrepresented by the mainstream media over the years. So, I...

Choose LIFE This Giving Tuesday!

Choose LIFE This Giving Tuesday! CONTRIBUTOR: . Today is #GivingTuesday. We know you could give to thousands of other charities. But you chose HLI. That means a great deal to our family. It is a trust that we do not take for granted but, rather, one we take very seriously. It is why we are very careful...

Blessed Liduina Meneguzzi

CONTRIBUTOR: . Elisa Angela Meneguzzi was born on September 12, 1901, to poor and humble farming family in Padua, Italy. She manifested an ardently spiritual soul and spent hours in prayer, attended Mass every day and taught catechism.In 1926, willing to totally donate her life to God, she joined the Sisters Congregation of Saint...

Christmas Gift Ideas from NLM Authors

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SIX EVENTS that could change your life forever

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Massive Quake Alert! Experts Warning Reactivated Smaller Quakes to Trigger Large Quake in Oklahoma (Video)

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Massive Quake Alert! Experts Warning Reactivated Smaller Quakes to Trigger Large Quake in Oklahoma (Video) CONTRIBUTOR: . 1 Dec 15 Residents of central Oklahoma have become familiar with the ground shaking in the last few years, but it could all lead to something bigger and more damaging, according to geologists. The findings of a new study, published recently in Geophysical Research Letters, reveals that thousands of small,...

4.7 magnitude earthquake among seven recorded in Oklahoma

CONTRIBUTOR: .   December 2015 – MEDFORD, Oklahoma — At least seven earthquakes rattled north-central Oklahoma on Monday, including one felt 300 miles away in Iowa, prompting concern from local residents and policymakers that the state isn’t doing enough to curb the quakes that scientists have linked to oil and gas activity....

Alert Level 1 issued for four restive volcanoes in the Philippines

CONTRIBUTOR: .   December 2015 – PHILIPPINES – Four volcanoes in the country —Taal, Kanlaon, Mayon, Bulusan —remain under Alert 1, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (Phivolcs) said on Monday. Kanlaon Volcano in Negros Island, in a state of unrest and in an abnormal condition following a minor steam explosion...

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