Wednesday, December 2, 2015

CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!!

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Should the GOP Fight Obama on Gun Control?

CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!!

CERN: How The Large Hadron Collider Is Proving What They Are Trying To Do Has Been Done Before In The Bible!! CONTRIBUTOR: . Please visit for News and Bile Prophecy Updates There are people freaking out about CERN, but is there really a reason to be conCERNed about what they are trying to do. Billy Crone is about to show you that everything CERN is doing has all been done in the...

Unveiling The End Time Babylon Code: A Final World Empire Is Coming! Are You Prepared?

Unveiling The End Time Babylon Code: A Final World Empire Is Coming! Are You Prepared? CONTRIBUTOR: . Please Visit Is there an ancient "code" that connects the days of Nimrod and the enigmatic "Tower of Babel" to our time? Is a final world empire under design now amidst the world's elites? The so-called "Illuminati"?...

The Purge Is Underway: MSM Warns Of “Christian Terrorism”

The Purge Is Underway: MSM Warns Of “Christian Terrorism” CONTRIBUTOR: . DW Ulsterman Nothing like a bit of anti-Christian fear mongering to get us all in the Christmas spirit, eh? Despite knowing very little regarding the motivations of the madman-loner responsible for the shooting at a Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood facility, the Mainstream Media now marches out dire warnings of...


A TIME OF PREPARATION:  ON THE BEGINNING OF THE NATIVITY FAST by ARCHPRIEST ALEXANDER MEN & AN EPISTLE FOR THE BEGINNING OF THE NATIVITY FAST by  METROPOLITAN LONGIN OF SARATOV AND VOLSK CONTRIBUTOR: . my source: Pravmir.comIn the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit!Once St. Gregory the Theologian, praying in the church in Constantinople on the feast of the Nativity of Christ, addressed the people with an enthusiastic speech that began with these words: “Christ is born!...

Pope Benedict, Father Jean Danielou, And Advent

Pope Benedict, Father Jean Danielou, And Advent CONTRIBUTOR: . my source: Catholic News AgencyRome, Italy, Feb 15, 2015 / 05:05 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- Theological giants Benedict XVI and one of his heroes – the controversial Cardinal Jean Danielou – have been hailed for illuminating through their respective works the ever-relevant answer to a modern world in crisis: Jesus Christ.“If...

No Guarantees for Refugees

CONTRIBUTOR: . Are you tired of stories about Syrian refugees? It’s been all over the news since Paris was attacked and around 130 people were killed in three separately coordinated attacks. Our Christian brothers and sisters in places like Iraq and Syria face extraordinary dangers every day. There are strongly-worded articles both...

Unintended Consequences

Unintended Consequences CONTRIBUTOR: . By Larry BeaneI don't know if this article from the Twin Cities Pioneer Press ("Concordia student loses ministry post over lesbian relationship") is true or not. I've learned to be skeptical of the press, having had many friends misquoted and misrepresented by the mainstream media over the years. So, I...

Choose LIFE This Giving Tuesday!

Choose LIFE This Giving Tuesday! CONTRIBUTOR: . Today is #GivingTuesday. We know you could give to thousands of other charities. But you chose HLI. That means a great deal to our family. It is a trust that we do not take for granted but, rather, one we take very seriously. It is why we are very careful...

Blessed Liduina Meneguzzi

CONTRIBUTOR: . Elisa Angela Meneguzzi was born on September 12, 1901, to poor and humble farming family in Padua, Italy. She manifested an ardently spiritual soul and spent hours in prayer, attended Mass every day and taught catechism.In 1926, willing to totally donate her life to God, she joined the Sisters Congregation of Saint...

Christmas Gift Ideas from NLM Authors

Christmas Gift Ideas from NLM Authors CONTRIBUTOR: . NLM authors were asked to offer Christmas gift ideas to pass along to our readers. Their suggestions have been grouped into thematic lists. The following list is obviously anything but comprehensive — and if your personal favorites happen not to be included, that’s not because we don’t think they’re worth...
SIX EVENTS that could change your life forever

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