Thursday, February 1, 2018

CNN Figures Melania Wore White Because She's Unhappily Married

So much for "facts first."

CNN has branded itself a “facts first” kind of news network with its banana/apple ads. But last night during its coverage of President Trump’s State of the Union, it was speculation, speculation, speculation.
In particular, a theory was formed among the reporters that First Lady Melania Trump’s separate arrival and choice of evening wear was a silent protest against her husband.
White House reporter Kate Bennett narrated as the live video showed the first lady entering the House chamber:
“She did drive up separately this evening from the White House to the capitol … We do hear from the White House, however, Wolf [Blitzer], they will be driving home together. The President and the First Lady will share the ride home. But it is, again, bucking tradition that she drove up on her own.”
What could that mean? Melania can’t stand to be in the same car as her husband? Or could it be that, like Bennett said but ignored, “She accompanied the guests that were invited to sit in her box tonight.” 
Mrs. Trump, along with second lady Karen Pence, hosted 15 special guests to sit with them during the speech. On Twitter, the first lady said, “I will be joined tonight by an honorable group of Americans. Sitting with me are heroes who have served our nation in times of need, families who have suffered at the hands of evil, and citizens who have embraced the American dream.” There was also a special meet-and-greet with them, as well. Now, that would be "facts first," CNN.
But Bennett, Blitzer, and Jake Tapper were convinced there was something more. Tapper baited Bennett with his next question: “Is there anything you want to tell us about her outfit?”
You bet she did.
“You know, she's wearing a cream-colored suit there, which I find interesting,” Bennett responded. “Remember last year, the female Democratic Senators all wore white, a bunch of them, to protest Trump’s policies against women.”
“Listen, it could be a total coincidence,” she continued breathlessly, “but I just find a lot of the stuff she does these days, to look at it twice.”
Tapper quoted Maureen Dowd who calls Mrs. Trump the “Slovenian Sphinx” and added, “Everybody looking at her and trying to decipher the mysteries.”
CNN’s Sally Kohn had her secret decoder ring out last night and had it all figured out:

Kohn was blasted for her tweet, which she countered was an obvious “joke," you stupid conservatives:
Funny, Sally never “joked” about all of Hillary Clinton’s white pantsuits being a racist dog whistle, now, did she?
CNN wasn’t alone in diving into conspiracy theories. USA Today’s Maria Puente crammed it all into one headline: “First lady Melania Trump goes to SOTU speech with guests, not POTUS, wearing all-white outfit.”
Innuendo > evidence.

Trump Says America, ACLU Complains

Finds America too "divisive."

You would think the President of the United States of America saying the word "America" would be the least controversial aspect of any State of the Union address, but not to the American Civil Liberties Union.
The ACLU issued a statement after President Donald Trump's speech on Tuesday night, a speech that was noted for its bipartisan nature. But to the ACLU, saying "America" was a triggering moment, it seems.
"Tonight, President Trump said the word ‘America’ more than 80 times in his speech. Yet, after a divisive first year, we hear and feel how exclusionary that ‘America’ is, with policies that have harmed so many vulnerable American communities," said the statement from ACLU national political director Faiz Shakir.
For anyone who doubts the leftist tilt of the ACLU, a review of Shakir's resume will show in which direction their politics lean. Before joining the group that claims to simply stand for individual liberties under the Constitution, Shakir was a top aide to Democratic Senator Harry Reid.
Prior to joining Reid's office he worked for Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi and before that the Center for American Progress, helping lead their far left publication Think Progress.
Shakir and the ACLU are not only upset with President Trump for using the word "America" in his speech but also for defending America against illegal immigration. According to the ACLU statement, the group will fight against the president's stated immigration plan which offered citizenship for so-called "Dreamers" in exchange for securing the border and fixing the system.
Shakir promised that the ACLU would fight the president.
"In particular, the immigration plan put forth by Trump would hold Dreamers hostage to his demands for a harmful border wall and an even larger mass deportation force," Shakir said.
While the ACLU scaremongers about mass deportations, President Trump offered something different in his speech: "The first pillar of our framework generously offers a path to citizenship for 1.8 million illegal immigrants who were brought here by their parents at a young age -- that covers almost three times more people than the previous administration," the president said.
The rest of the president's plan includes securing the border with the construction of the border wall, replacing the visa lottery system with a merit-based immigration plan, and ending chain migration by restricting sponsorship to immediate family members.

Leftist Pundit Thanks God for Fatal GOP Train Crash

"God is working hard today to clean up the stink. Thank her."

Bernie Sanders surrogate and frequent CNN guest Jonathan Tasini had some thoughts to share on Twitter this morning after a train carrying Republican Congressmen and their families crashed into a truck that was sitting on the track, killing one person and injuring others. This wasn't a message of sympathy, however; it was a message thanking God for the accident. 
After Trey Gowdy announced that he would not be seeking re-election, Tasini tweeted:
Of course, God would also be a woman. Had to work that in there, too. Tasini later deleted the tweet after people pointed out how tasteless it was to celebrate the death and injury of others (who were in the truck, by the way, not even members of the GOP, if that's relevant to the morally void who would tweet such things). Of course, the internet already had screenshots. Will these fools never learn that screenshots are forever? Tasini tweeted this quasi-apology. 
So, he apologizes for tweeting it, but still wants everyone to be clear it was the GOP's fault. Got it. So far, nothing from Bernie Sanders or CNN, but people of all political stripes agree: the real garbage in this story is Tasini. 

Sarah Sanders Nails it on Pelosi's Bitter SOTU Expression

Pelosi "Looks like that all the time."

Last night, when Trump was speaking to the nation on the State of the Union, Nancy Pelosi looked like she was sucking on a lemon. Literally. Her bitterness at America's success was nearly palpable.
This morning, Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared on CNN and was asked about it. Her response was to throw some serious shade as only a Southern lady can:
"I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time."
Not necessarily. For example, put her with somebody who has overseen the end of millions of lives. She's delighted!
She probably smiles all the time when horrific things are going down; she just hasn't had much to smile about lately (and that's a good thing - for America).
Sarah Sanders- Get it, girl.


NBC Cautions Viewers Before SOTU Speech: Trump ‘Under Criminal Investigation

“There is a missing major figure in this hall tonight...and that is the Special Prosecutor of the United States.”

NBC provided an incredible introduction to President Trump's State of the Union speech last night. Whereas the major networks drooled all over themselves at Obama's last SOTU delivery -- the network's Matt Lauer spent the morning with the biracial president for an extended schmooze session (see video at bottom) -- no such affection was given to Trump.
On Tuesday evening, shortly before Speaker of the House Paul Ryan gave the introduction, Today show co-host Savannah Guthrie made sure to remind viewers of the context of the event: Donald Trump was "under criminal investigation," and Special Counsel Robert Mueller "[hovered] over the chamber." 
"And let’s not forget, as we see Attorney General Sessions, this is a president who’s under criminal investigation right now for obstruction of justice with regard to the Russia investigation. So a lot going on in the backdrop."
Was this how NBC covered the criminal investigation of Hillary Clinton in 2016? Not hardly. Ten days before the election, James Comey announced that the Federal Bureau of Investigation was reopening its probe. Still, the media -- including NBC -- pushed her as America's candidate to a hernia-inducing degree.
The media's fawning for, and protection of, Hillary hasn't subsided -- four weeks ago, Elite Daily lamented:
"Another day, another ridiculous turn of events, thanks to the Trump administration. This time: according to an exclusive report from The Daily Beast, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has reportedly  re-opened the Hillary Clinton email investigation. Again. In 2018. Five years after her stint as Secretary of State ended and more than a year after the investigation was closed. Please, lord, on the fourth day of 2018, give me strength."
So, apparently, the investigation into Hillary is all because of Trump; Clinton bears no blame. But as for the President, any investigation is due to faults which lie squarely with him.
After Speaker Ryan's introduction of Trump, Special Correspondent for the Peacock Tom Brokaw added to Savannah's jab:
“There is a missing major figure in this hall tonight that we ought not to forget about, and that is the Special Prosecutor of the United States, who is at this hour probably meeting with his team deciding where they go now.”
Absolutely pathetic.
Chuck Todd -- moderator for Meet the Press -- responded in kind:
“He’s not there, but it hovers. He sort of hovers over the chamber, doesn’t he?”
No, Chuck. That cloud hovering is your shameful bias and lack of professionalism.
Brokaw added:
"Right, and that is an extraordinarily important part of what’s going on in Washington, D.C. And despite all of the grandeur of this setting and the television photos and the members of the Supreme Court, members of the cabinet, out there is a highly regarded investigator who is looking into whether or not he broke the law."
No evidence has been found to support any collusion between Russia and the Trump administration in the 2016 election. Nevertheless, the media continues to toss coins into a well of hope, throwing away their journalistic integrity in the process.
The sinister nature of the villain is what makes the victory of a hero so glorious. And as the mainstream media continues to wallow in desperation and negativity, Americans across the country are smiling because, despite the networks' best efforts, Donald J. Trump won the presidency and America is winning again.

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