Thursday, February 1, 2018

CNN Figures Melania Wore White Because She's Unhappily Married

So much for "facts first."

CNN has branded itself a “facts first” kind of news network with its banana/apple ads. But last night during its coverage of President Trump’s State of the Union, it was speculation, speculation, speculation.
In particular, a theory was formed among the reporters that First Lady Melania Trump’s separate arrival and choice of evening wear was a silent protest against her husband.
White House reporter Kate Bennett narrated as the live video showed the first lady entering the House chamber:
“She did drive up separately this evening from the White House to the capitol … We do hear from the White House, however, Wolf [Blitzer], they will be driving home together. The President and the First Lady will share the ride home. But it is, again, bucking tradition that she drove up on her own.”
What could that mean? Melania can’t stand to be in the same car as her husband? Or could it be that, like Bennett said but ignored, “She accompanied the guests that were invited to sit in her box tonight.” 
Mrs. Trump, along with second lady Karen Pence, hosted 15 special guests to sit with them during the speech. On Twitter, the first lady said, “I will be joined tonight by an honorable group of Americans. Sitting with me are heroes who have served our nation in times of need, families who have suffered at the hands of evil, and citizens who have embraced the American dream.” There was also a special meet-and-greet with them, as well. Now, that would be "facts first," CNN.
But Bennett, Blitzer, and Jake Tapper were convinced there was something more. Tapper baited Bennett with his next question: “Is there anything you want to tell us about her outfit?”
You bet she did.
“You know, she's wearing a cream-colored suit there, which I find interesting,” Bennett responded. “Remember last year, the female Democratic Senators all wore white, a bunch of them, to protest Trump’s policies against women.”
“Listen, it could be a total coincidence,” she continued breathlessly, “but I just find a lot of the stuff she does these days, to look at it twice.”
Tapper quoted Maureen Dowd who calls Mrs. Trump the “Slovenian Sphinx” and added, “Everybody looking at her and trying to decipher the mysteries.”
CNN’s Sally Kohn had her secret decoder ring out last night and had it all figured out:

Kohn was blasted for her tweet, which she countered was an obvious “joke," you stupid conservatives:
Funny, Sally never “joked” about all of Hillary Clinton’s white pantsuits being a racist dog whistle, now, did she?
CNN wasn’t alone in diving into conspiracy theories. USA Today’s Maria Puente crammed it all into one headline: “First lady Melania Trump goes to SOTU speech with guests, not POTUS, wearing all-white outfit.”
Innuendo > evidence.

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