Thursday, February 1, 2018

Leftist Pundit Thanks God for Fatal GOP Train Crash

"God is working hard today to clean up the stink. Thank her."

Bernie Sanders surrogate and frequent CNN guest Jonathan Tasini had some thoughts to share on Twitter this morning after a train carrying Republican Congressmen and their families crashed into a truck that was sitting on the track, killing one person and injuring others. This wasn't a message of sympathy, however; it was a message thanking God for the accident. 
After Trey Gowdy announced that he would not be seeking re-election, Tasini tweeted:
Of course, God would also be a woman. Had to work that in there, too. Tasini later deleted the tweet after people pointed out how tasteless it was to celebrate the death and injury of others (who were in the truck, by the way, not even members of the GOP, if that's relevant to the morally void who would tweet such things). Of course, the internet already had screenshots. Will these fools never learn that screenshots are forever? Tasini tweeted this quasi-apology. 
So, he apologizes for tweeting it, but still wants everyone to be clear it was the GOP's fault. Got it. So far, nothing from Bernie Sanders or CNN, but people of all political stripes agree: the real garbage in this story is Tasini. 

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