Thursday, February 1, 2018

Sarah Sanders Nails it on Pelosi's Bitter SOTU Expression

Pelosi "Looks like that all the time."

Last night, when Trump was speaking to the nation on the State of the Union, Nancy Pelosi looked like she was sucking on a lemon. Literally. Her bitterness at America's success was nearly palpable.
This morning, Sarah Huckabee Sanders appeared on CNN and was asked about it. Her response was to throw some serious shade as only a Southern lady can:
"I think Nancy Pelosi looks like that all the time."
Not necessarily. For example, put her with somebody who has overseen the end of millions of lives. She's delighted!
She probably smiles all the time when horrific things are going down; she just hasn't had much to smile about lately (and that's a good thing - for America).
Sarah Sanders- Get it, girl.


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