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Right out of a Nazi play or movie,
you just cannot get more fascist than this. The churches are being forced to go
along with FEMA, with loosing their 501c3 tax exemption to prepare their
communities to relinquish their firearms and obey their officials and leaders by
taking Romans: 13 out of context. Below are articles links and a news report on
this outrageous assult on America!
Freaky News Report About Clergy Used In US
Martial Law
The 501c3 Church
being Muzzled Part 3
A Pastor has come forward to blow the
whistle on a nationwide FEMA program Link
A Pastor has come forward to blow the
whistle on a nationwide FEMA program which is training Pastors and other
religious representatives to become secret police enforcers who teach their
congregations to "obey the government" in preparation for a declaration of
martial law, property and firearm seizures, and forced relocation.
In March of this year the Pastor, who we shall refer to as Pastor Revere, was
invited to attend a meeting of his local FEMA chapter which circulated around
preparedness for a potential bio-terrorist attack, any natural disaster or a
nationally declared emergency.
The FEMA directors told the Pastors that attended that it was their job to
help implement FEMA and Homeland Security directives in anticipation of any of
these eventualities. The first directive was for Pastors to preach to their
congregations Romans 13, the often taken out of context bible passage that was
used by Hitler to hoodwink Christians into supporting him, in order to teach
them to "obey the government" when martial law is declared.
FEMA training
document for pastors (PDF) 33 pages.
It was related to the Pastors that quarantines, martial law and forced
relocation were a problem for state authorities when enforcing federal mandates
due to the "cowboy mentality" of citizens standing up for their property and
second amendment rights as well as farmers defending their crops and livestock
from seizure. It was stressed that the Pastors needed to preach subservience to
the authorities ahead of time in preparation for the round-ups and to make it
clear to the congregation that "this is for their own good."
We have received confirmation from other preachers and Pastors that this
program is a nationwide initiative and a literal Soviet model whereby the
churches are being systematically infiltrated by government volunteers and used
as conduits for martial law training and conditioning. The Pastor was told that
over 13,000 counties were already on board.
It falls under the umbrella of the NVOAD program which is training volunteers
in a "Peer to Peer" program in a neighborhood setting.
Pastors were told that the would be backed up by law enforcement in
controlling uncooperative individuals and that they would even lead SWAT teams
in attempting to quell resistance.
Click the play button on the player below to Listen to Interview.
About three months ago, I was invited to become a part of a group
implementing federal FEMA/Homeland Security directives in our county. I couldn't
pass that up!
Lots of interesting and bothersome info being discussed at these meetings...
* Local FEMA's ('across the US' according to a spokesman at our local
meeting) are gathering Ministers (Pastors) to help in the event of a
"declaration of Martial Law or like police action following a declared emergency
or quarantine due to an act of bioterrorism". The discussion centered around the
need of 'locals' to "quell the cowboy mentality" of farmers who may have their
stock or crops confiscated and subsequently destroyed.
* FEMA and other Disaster Agencies (NVOAD in particular:
http://www.nvoad.org)/ are training volunteers in a "Peer to Peer" program. That
program trains people to assist FEMA in a neighborhood setting--teams reach out
to neighbors in a declared emergency and "get their neighbors to obey
authorities". According to our spokesman, Ministers will be especially helpful
because "you guys and gals can use Romans 13".
These are but two highlights and I would like to share more with you should
you find this helpful.
Plum Island is a CDC/USDA effort to stop "Foreign Born Diseases" from coming
into the US. They also test domestic diseases. Since the island sits in
International waters, our spokesman said "anything sent to them can be declared
'foreign born' and could initiate a quarantine by the fed's". He added, "that
would help us all".
By the way, I am a Pastor. You all know one of our congregation******** a
blessing to our church and my family.
The next meeting (FEMA) is set for May. I will attend as they will be giving
out printed material on this plan. Want a copy?
Name deleted to protect the Pastor by Webmaster
By PastorErnieSanders
You have heard it preached from the
pulpits of the churches all across America: "Christians must obey Civil
Government; that is what the Bible teaches." [Were the Jews taught this lie in
the 1930's Germany?] This is a false teaching filled with error. The truth is
that the Bible teaches that man and Civil Government must obey God or suffer the
consequences. Did you ever ask yourself, "Where did we get the institute of
Human Government?" Let us go back to Genesis, Chapter 9 and the Noahic Covenant.
Here God establishes the sovereign institution of Human Government as ordained
by Himself. Four points of Law were clearly defined. First, the Covenant Law was
with all mankind for perpetual generations. Second, the intent of Human
Government as ordained by God was that man was to govern for God. The third
purpose of Human Government was to preserve the image of God, that being man.
Fourth, the means that man was to use to govern for God were God's Laws,
statues, precepts, covenants, commands, ordinances and promises. (Genesis 9:9,
12, 1
God's command was very clear. He gave man complete dominion over the earth
environment (Geneses 9:1-3) but kept dominion of man for Himself. (Genesis
9:4-7) The statue of the death penalty was given in Genesis 9:4-7. The purpose
of the death penalty was to preserve life. (Genesis 9:6)
But doesn't the Bible teach that we must always obey government, even a
Godless, corrupt government? No, a thousand times no. (Acts 5:29-32) [The true
and loving God would never ask his people to obey evil, never, this is a lie
perpetrated by blind leaders of the blind preachers.]
But why do so many preachers teach that Romans 13 says we must obey even a
Godless, corrupt government? There are several reasons for this false teaching.
The main reason is what is known as a 501c3 tax statue that is issued by the
state to religious organizations. To receive a 501c3 tax statue, a church or
ministry must enter into a covenant with the state. The church at this point
ceases to be a church and becomes a corporation.
The structure of the corporation under a 501c3 is as follows: The state is
the head, and the pastor of the corporation is an agent for the state. The
corporation must have a board of directors and a constitution. The state has the
power to revoke the 501c3 status of the corporation, if the corporation violates
the state's rules. The state then can confiscate the property of the
corporation, such as buildings or anything else owned by that corporation. This
is the reason for the misrepresentation of Romans 13 by so many pastors from the
pulpits of 501c3 corporate churches.
When a pastor or the members of a 501c3 corporate church takes a biblical
stand against that which is not lawful according to God, but yet legal according
to the state, they run the risk of losing their property. When the state takes
that which is unlawful according to God and makes it legal by license, they
commit an act of high treason against God. The state at this point sets itself
up as a rival god. This is a violation of the first Commandment. (Exodus 20:3)
A close look at Romans 13 reveals what is a legitimate government ordained of
God, compared to that which is illegitimate by acts of disobedience to God's
Romans 13:1 "Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is
no power but of God; the powers that are ordained by God."
Ask you're self, is you're government today ordained by God? If so, why is
the state removing the Ten Commandments from government institutions?
Romans 13:2 "Whosoever therefore resists the power, resists the ordinance of
God, and they that resist shall receive unto themselves damnation."
This verse clearly states that to resist a Godly lawful government (in
compliance with God's Law) is to resist God. To obey ungodly government that
resists God's Laws is to transgress the Law, and that is called treason.
Romans 13:3 "For rulers are not a terror to good works, but to the evil. Wilt
thou then not be afraid of the power? Do that which is good, and thou shalt have
praise of the same."
Since God's purpose in ordaining government in the days of Noah was to
restrain evil and promote virtue, we are to be in subjection to any government
that fulfills this purpose. Our Founding Fathers rejected King George the
third's government for punishing good and rewarding evil. Christians are never
under subjection to injustice, not to a government of wickedness. We are to
reject any government that legalizes such evils as abortion, sodomy, gambling,
pornography, child-theft, unjust and unlawful taxes, etc.
Romans 13:4 "For he is the minister of God to thee for good. But if thou do
that which is evil, be afraid; for he beareth not the sword in vain: for he is
the minister of God, a revenger to execute wrath upon him that doeth evil."
The officer of the state is ordained of God to minister that, which is good.
Therefore, the town's mayor is as much a minister of God as the local pastor,
but in a very different way. The mayor is to conduct his office in a manner that
is in subjection to God's Laws. For example, if an abortion mill sought
permission to open its doors in a local town for the purpose of killing babies,
the mayor, in obedience to God, must deny permission. When a police officer is
called to arrest Christians for rescuing babies at an abortion mill, that police
officer is obligated not to hinder the Lord's work. (Proverbs 24:10-12) He is
also obligated to protect such Christians from those who kill babies. (I John
3:16 When a pastor tells a police officer that he must obey the government and
arrest Christians for rescuing children, he commits several sins. First, that
pastor becomes a fearful liar. (Revelations 21:8) Second, he hinders the Lord's
work. (Proverbs 24:10-12) Third, he causes that police officer to sin by obeying
man rather than God. (Acts 4:19 and 5:29)
Romans 13:6-7 "For this cause pay ye tribute also: For they are God's
ministers, attending continually upon this very thing. Render therefore to all
their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom
fear; honor to whom honor."
Tribute is a tax that is levied ... We must pay that which is lawful
according to the Word of God. Custom is a tax on imports and exports. Again, we
must pay that which is lawful according to the Word of God. Fear: Jesus tells us
in Matthew 10:28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to
kill the soul; but rather, fear him who is able to destroy both body and soul in
hell." The Word of God tells us that we are to be bold. (II Timothy 1:7) Honor:
We are to honor those who are in obedience to God. To honor the wicked just
because they are the officers of the state is a sin. (Proverbs 24:23-26,
Jeremiah 15:1-4) [If the Jews wouldn't of obeyed the nazi government, some of
them might still be alive today] We must obey God rather than man. To do
otherwise is sin.
Cilck here for
more research on this
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