Published on Oct 7, 2013
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With all the Craziness going on by our government I thought I should share this video again!
These executive orders have been put into place by our govt. for years. So don't discredit the info thinking I'm blaming obama for all executive orders. He is simply the puppet that will be used to carry them out!
There are Politicians who Want to Take Your Freedom! Don't just be Silent! Let Your Voice Be Heard! It CAN Make A Difference! Stand Up For Your Rights or LOSE THEM!
With all the Craziness going on by our government I thought I should share this video again!
These executive orders have been put into place by our govt. for years. So don't discredit the info thinking I'm blaming obama for all executive orders. He is simply the puppet that will be used to carry them out!
There are Politicians who Want to Take Your Freedom! Don't just be Silent! Let Your Voice Be Heard! It CAN Make A Difference! Stand Up For Your Rights or LOSE THEM!