Sunday, January 25, 2015

Page 8 through page 19 of my CD book Giving Wittiness

Page 8 through page 19 of my CD book Giving Wittiness

I Wear The Cross Because ?

I have always admired
Those people who wear the Cross
Proudly displayed upon their chest
for all the world to see

For the longest time I could not do this
I felt so strange
I did not know why I felt this way
I love the Lord Jesus, and I followed in His Way

many wear a full rosary around their neck
I thought how brave this individual was able to be
Showing their love for Christ
In the way for all the world to see

Then it came to men my ear you see
I am proud to be A Christian
now is my time to show all mankind for to see

It is not a fashion statement
or perhaps as some would assume
but to me it shows all the world
I am a Christian, bound to Christ Jesus, to be apart of the brotherhood

Fashion statement, no
Statement of Faith, yes indeed







Father, Your People are calling Thee

Your people are calling
their arms raised high
You name imprinted on their lips

Your people are calling
they sing a song of praise
Dear God, please grow near, they pray

Father we need You
we sing a new song to hasten Your return
Our world is falling
Our hearts are failing
we fall to our knees
we call out to you, Abba

Our days have grown shorter
we sing a song of desperation
we search the heavens for Your return

We cry out loud, Abba
You have been gone so long
please return, Dear Father
we sing such a sad song

Your people need You
There is a sadness so deep
grown men begin to cry
is it now a time to weep

With out You
there is no hope, only defeat
there is nothing left of all mankind
if not for the promises
You said you will keep

if the days were not shorten
no man would be alive
some begged the mountains to fall upon them
so in fear they hoped to hide


When the time of your coming
has been revealed to the world
a new song will be sung
the time for the healing of all mankind,
has now begun to be full filled

When the time of Your Coming
Has been revealed to the world
A new song will be sung
The time for the healing of all mankind
has now begun to be full filled

Praise God, it has been full filled























Asking God for Help

The pain has reached its threshold
I could no longer go on
I cried out in prayer to my God
I cried out loud in torments song

I need You Mighty Father
the need in me is so strong
my soul in torment cries out, Father
I cry out in pains song

Dear Jesus I cried
my heart in my hands
tormented by pain
broken in half from the sadness and sorrow

Please take this pain away
I can no longer go on
This pain has grown unbearable
in torment I cry out in song

Dear Father I need You
I can no longer be strong
I need You to take me home
from this world of sad songs

One night while awake
I asked You for release
to take the pain from me
to give me final peace

That mourning I awoke
feeling better, feeling strong
the pain was still there
something was different, but not wrong

I realized He had touched me
gave me the will to go on
so much had changed that night
my soul now sings a Glorious song


The Father had touched me
and some how something inside had changed
the touch of God, can do that
I find I can live with my pain

I asked God to save me from this pain, and I could not go on any longer. I wanted to be released and to go home to be with Him. But that mourning I realized that I was able to live with that pain. but most important that God has work for me to be done. So I will stay. God Bless our God. for in all wisdom there is no other greater than He. Amen





























It has somehow Changed
It has somehow changed
Something is just not like it used to be
It has somehow all changed

There was something in the air that night
You could almost say a sense of calm before the storm
Yes, there had been a change, can you feel it?

Was it because something had gone wrong
Something terribly wrong
Like the whole of this world gasped in disbelief

Something that night had been changed, something so incredible
something had changed into utter disbelief

On that night we were given back Hope
Something that we had lost for such a very long time.
A child had been born, Salvation a wondrous gift had been given us freely
Hope had been rekindled in sinners like we

In sinners like we
in sinners like we
In sinners like me!











Page# 14



Without Christ I can not Sustain

Without Christ I can not Sustain
Without renewal in Christ Jesus
I can not sustain the word of god that is within me

In Christ there is salvation
In salvation there is no other name to be reckoned
For in Christ Jesus there is no other.

He alone has given me reason
a reason to fight to survive another day
To fight the good fight

There is honor In His Name
there is Glory in his presence
His is all that is good, Is He not God?



















Page #15

If Jesus said I Never Knew You

If Jesus said I never knew you!

How horrible would it not be
If Jesus said, I never knew you

My dear God just the sound of this on His Lips
Would leave you with your mouth wide open in lose of words

My God, to never have any hope of seeing you,
Of hearing you.
To never have any hope of ever being part of you, no more hope a dream then not realized.

To never full fill the dream of spending eternity with you
How horrible indeed would this be, with no hope of being with you.

I could never had anticipated those words you said
I never knew you, but I thought I was one with you

Did I not prophesy in your name
Did I not glorify you to others and preached to them of you

Was I not there every Sabbath
Did that prove nothing to you

I defended your name
Paid my tithing too.

After all this
You still say "I know not of you?

The realization
This horrible nightmare to be sure

Was just in a dream
I had last night

A nightmare of this to be assured

Page #16


A new day born, let this be another chance to be sure

To never have to hear those words upon your lips
I never knew you

How horrible would this indeed be to ever imagine to hear our lord and Savor say these words that would so terminally destroy ones soul than I never knew you. My God the lose of hope would be on such a grand scale the loss insurmountable.
Pray every day, let our father and lord know each day that they are on your mind always, God Bless ye all, Carl



















Page #17

To look into the face of Jesus

What a wondrous thought
To look into the face of Jesus Christ
And to see the face of God.

can you imagine such a miraculous
image to behold.
And yet those who saw could never
imagine this personage that they beheld.

To have lived during such a moment in time.
When to see our savor in person and to know what we know now.
Though impossible since god would not allow such a thing.
Still never the less what a amazing moment in time this would be.
Just to be able to thank him in person for all that he has done, all that he had suffered for us!
Just to say thank you for given mankind hope.

And sometimes hope is all that there is
Hope for salvation
Hope for a better tomorrow
Hope in the forgiveness of sin through Christ Jesus.

We need Jesus in our lives every day, not only Sundays but all days. We would be so lost without Him. Keep Him in your prayers every day, always let him know that you are thinking of him and always remember to thank Him for all he has given you, God Bless you all, love Carl









Page #18

Decisions Current Tense

Wow, to this generation
For a decision must be made
Sides must be chosen, neutrality is not an option

This is the time of decision
It had been ordained from times past tense
Present tense, the word is now.

A decision must and will be made
All whom are alive must chose sides
There is no neutrality at this time, time has run out

There is no escape, not any more.
No shades of gray
Just your basic black and white.

We all new it was coming?
It had been prophesied for thousands of years
No excuse, since the Word had finally reached the entire world

The signs were always there
Just could not see them so close to our eyes
It was upon us like a thief in the night

We knew it was coming
Some for a while even said it was already hear
Yet why did we miss the very truth staring us in the face

What could we have been thinking
We were supposed to have been prepared.
Some were, thank God ,some were.

But were does that leave most of us
Those who would be the last left to be called
Were we so unaware of everything going on?

Page #19

But there was a hope
In this personage called The Christ
This redeemer of sins which we were all quality of committing

This hope, this man called Jesus
Was our only hope. All He asked us
Was to believe on He, who is the Son of God



Please dear friends in Christ give all you can, all your hearts love all your souls tenderness to the one they call The Christ. Our father so loved us that he gave His only begotten Son. All I ask is to trust in your heart and soul. give all that you are to Him, God Bless. love Carl



















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