The Sunday Law
News about Sunday Law Enforcement
Sunday Law
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Blue laws (national Sunday laws) are already on the law books across America and around the world, they just need to be ENFORCED. And as we know from Revelation 13, it is America (the earth beast) that causes the world to worship the sea beast (bow to the "authority" of the Vatican) and to take her mark.Daniel 6:5 ...'Then said these men, we shall not find any occasion against this Daniel, except we find it against him concerning the law of His God.'
"In the fourth and fifth centuries, Sunday shows and Sunday theaters, it was complained, hindered the "devotion of the faithful," because many of the members attended them in preference to the church services. The church, therefore, demanded that the state interfere, and promote Sunday observance by law. "In this way," Says Neander "the church received help from the state for the furtherence of her ends." This union of church and state served to establish the Papacy in power. A similar course pursued now will produce the same results." (AUGUSTUS NEANDER, General History of the Christian Religion and the Church, Torey translation (3rd American ed.), vol. 2, pp. 300,301)
! Warning to Sabbath Keepers ! Please do not become complacent in your faith, merely waiting for the Sunday law to be enforced. We NEED to have a DAILY relationship with Jesus Christ in order to get through the time of trouble that is coming. Are you living for Christ everyday?
Revelation 12:11 ...'And they overcame him by the blood of the lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto death.' ... These are powerful words and they describe the TRUE people of God. Who are they? They are the ones who trust in the blood of Jesus, and by the word of their testimony, SHOW that their lives were totally devoted to God. And as Revelation 14:12 says, they (the saints) are the ones who keep the faith OF Jesus. They don't just have faith 'IN' Jesus, they keep the faith OF Christ. In other words, the faith, character and life of Jesus is actively being LIVED OUT in their lives. Does this describe you?
Are you worshiping the TRUE living God of the Bible and our church pioneers? Please see the TRUTH about THE TRINITY DOCTRINE.
"Get ready, get ready, get ready. Ye will have to die a greater death to the world than ye have ever yet died ... Get ready, get ready, get ready. Ye must have a greater preparation than ye now have, for the day of the Lord cometh, cruel both with wrath and fierce anger, to lay the land desolate and to destroy the sinners thereof out of it. Sacrifice all to God. Lay all upon His altar." (Early Writings, P64-67)
Sunday Law News Update
.UNIONS UNITE to prevent opening of Shops in Jaragua do Sul, Brazil on Sundays (December 2014)
"On the afternoon of 16 December, the trade union movement CUT of every state, representatives of the National Confederation of Workers in Commerce and Services - CONTRACS and the Federation of Workers in Commerce and Services of Santa Catarina - FECESC, marched through the city and talked with the population and the commerce asking everyone to press the 11 city councilors, to vote contrary to Bill 174 proposes that free time to the local shops."We knew that Ellen White would be right when she said the trade unions would be a force in pushing the Sunday law. But it's nice also to see it confirmed. The trade unions are uniting all over the world in support of the Sunday law.
News Article: Link
Hungarian Government passes the Sunday Closure bill, Initiated by CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS (December 2014)
"On Tuesday, representatives in Hungary passed a controversial Sunday shopping ban affecting large-sized retailers, initiated by Christian Democrats KDNP, the junior partner in the governing coalition and later endorsed by Prime Minister Viktor Orban."News Article: Link
Government enforces Sunday rest law for Businesses in Santa Fe, Argentina (December 2014)
"On Tuesday santafe government enacted the law that restores the mandatory Sunday rest for clerks. You must have the support of municipal councils ... In article 1 states that 'commercial and / or services in the province of Santa Fe establishments must remain closed on Sundays.'"News Article: Link
Archbishop of Milan Pushes Sunday law with TRADE UNIONS in Italy (December 2014)
"The archbishop of Milan visiting traders Union launches into an impassioned defense of Sunday at home for the workers. 'The rest is a crucial element for our existence'." Ellen White said that the trade unions would be used to help bring about the Sunday law, and we can see the effort that the Roman Catholic Church are making in pushing the 'Sunday rest' issue with the unions. Prophecy is being fulfilled friends. We need to BE READY!News Article: Link
German unions and churches win Sunday shopping fight to tighten rules (December 2014)
"While neighbouring France rolled out plans this week to loosen restrictions on Sunday work hours, Germany is tightening rules on the few businesses that had been allowed to open. The country's ban on stores trading on Sundays, which stretches back to 1919, was enshrined in the West German constitution after World War 2. Unions and churches oppose any effort to relax regulations ... Last month, Germany's top court ordered the state of Hesse to stop letting libraries, video stores and lottery sellers operate on Sundays."News Article: Link
Hungary Christian Democrats submit bill on mandatory Sunday rest day (November 2014)
"Hungarian lawmakers to vote on Sunday shopping ban as gov't backs bill ... If the bill submitted by the ruling Fidesz party's minor ally is passed by Hungarian lawmakers, the general rule for businesses from 15 March 2015 will be the following:- opening hours on working days are from 6 A.M. to 10 P.M.
- on Sundays and holidays businesses must be closed
- stores may be open on five Sundays a year between 6 A.M. and 10 P.M.
- stores may be open between 6 A.M. and noon on 24 December and on 31 December
News Article: Link
Israel Stock Exchange Plan to Close on Sunday and work on Friday (September 2014)
"The Monday through Friday work week is coming to Israel - at least at the stock market. In the coming days, the management of the Tel Aviv Stock Exchange will present a plan to members that would have the exchange close on Sunday, and the current Friday day off would become a regular work day ... The directors of the TASE support the plan, and reports in the media quote stock exchange officials as saying that the idea has strong support among members."Not in Israel surely? Yes, in Israel too!
News Article: Link
'The Lord's Day Alliance' in America is Pushing for People to Lobby for a Sunday Rest Law (September 2014)
"Second, we can lobby for and practice in our lives and even corporate life the maintenance of a Lord’s Day asking, what would Jesus do on this day? As the LDA finds its voice in a society that is hungry for its message it can best do this in alliance with others ... Such could lead to work with the United Nations Advisory Committee on Environmental Sabbath/World Day of Rest. And, there are almost endless possibilities of engagement with the Labor Sabbath movement and Marketplace Ministries ... In other words, if we look around we might find many who would rally to an alliance of the Lord’s Day and its integration of spirituality with social justice, as we find our voice and our place in challenging times."With all the troubles in the world now, and with the world looking to Pope Francis for a 'solution', we could soon see the Sunday issue being pushed in the spotlight a lot more as a 'solution' to the world's woes.
Article: Link
What Pope Francis Would Say to Obama: Let Workers Unionize (September 2014)
"On March 27 of this year, Pope Francis and President Barack Obama met to discuss, among other topics, their shared concern about the moral and economic crisis of growing income inequality ... And more recently, Pope Francis called on the faithful to fight for social benefits, a dignified retirement, holidays, rest and freedom for trade unions. All of these issues create social justice ... I hope the president will now go further and allow these federal contract workers the freedom to form a union and bargain collectively with their employers."Remember the link that Ellen White made between trade unions and the time of trouble (Sunday law)? Friends, prophecy is being fulfilled to the letter. The Roman Catholic Church is rising to power again, especially with pope Francis, the Jesuit! It's time to BE READY. Give your all each day to Christ Jesus.
News Article: Link
Ikea France convicted for Violation of the Sunday Rest Law (July 2014)
"A court has convicted Ikea's French branch for violations of the Sunday rest. It has been fined 120,000 euro in damages which it has to pay 8 employees, but the cost could surge to 30 million euro ... Eight employees, from its Paris Nord 2 store, finally took the company to court and got FO's support, a socialist labour union. The judge has now agreed with the plaintiffs and awarded them 3,500 to 34,000 euro each, depending on the number of Sundays they had to work."News: Link
Pope Francis says No-Work Sundays are Good for all People, not just Christians (July 2014)
"Pope Francis has lamented the abandoning of the traditionally Christian practice of not working on Sundays, saying it has a negative impact on families and friendships."You will see this argument all the time now. God is pushed in the background and the focus is becoming all about SOCIETY. It's difficult I suppose to push the obedience angle, because keeping Sunday isn't being obedient anyway. But more and more we are seeing this great push for families and society from a humanistic approach.
News: Link
Israel Justice Minister backs proposal for Saturday-Sunday weekend (June 2014)
"Justice Minister Tzipi Livni announced Monday that she will support legislation proposed by Energy and Water Minister Silvan Shalom to institute a two-day weekend in Israel, including Sunday ... This is the right move, Livni said in her remarks at the opening of a Lobby for Religion and State event."News: Link
"The Catholic Church has been recovering this teaching at least since 1998, when Pope John Paul II published his apostolic letter Dies Domini ... Last October, about 250 bishops met in Rome for a conference on the movement called the New Evangelization, which focuses on reawakening faith in those already baptized. One of their conclusions was, Even though there is a tension between the Christian Sunday and the secular Sunday, Sunday needs to be recovered - in keeping, they wrote, with John Paul's Dies Domini."And what did John Paul II say in 'Dies Domini'? ... "Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy." Friends, the Sunday law is coming! Be ready!
News article: Link
Hundreds of People Protest Shops Opening on Sunday in Athens, Greece and Block Access to Shops (April 2014)
"Some 500 protesters closed access to shops on a central street in the northeast part of the capital on Sunday, where banners were raised reading 'Never on Sunday'. The demonstrators also called on the people not to shop."When you have the people protesting shops and businesses opening on Sunday, then Rome has the perfect situation ready for their mark.
News Article: Link
Trade and Industry Board Members Support Sunday Rest Bill as Shops Close in Argentina (April 2014)
"Members of the Board of the Centre for Trade and Industry (CCI), showed their commitment to bill submitted by the legislator Julian Moon through which the closure of shops on Sundays is sought to ensure, in this manner, the rest of the workers ... We are extremely pleased to promote the closure of shops on Sunday, a move that will be the basis to recover the values ??of harmony, solidarity and respect among the members of our people ... It is important to recover the Sunday rest to humanize working relationships, revitalize family relationships, encourage spiritual life and give back to society the ability to enjoy their free time, so we welcome the provincial legislature concerned this point."News Article: Link
EUROPEAN TRADE UNION CONFEDERATION Pushing for Sunday law in Europe (April 2014)
"The protection of a work-free Sunday is of paramount importance for workers health, and has a greater impact on workers health and well being compared to any other work free day."Didn't Ellen White say that the trade unions would have a big part to play in all of this?
Now we know that Revelation 13 confirms that it is America who causes the world to take the mark of the beast, but what is happening in Europe is all part of Satan's plan. And with Pope Francis' popularity rising incredibly in America we are soon to see some interesting developments happen in the USA soon. Keep watching friends.
Article: Link
Deal Reached to Give Israelies one Sunday as a day of rest every Month (February 2014)
MKs Silvan Shalom (Likud), Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home), and Rabbi Shai Piron (Yesh Atid) have reached an agreement in the ongoing initiative to introduce Sunday as a day off from work and school, according to Channel 10. The catch: free Sundays would only be once per month."One step at a time!
News article: Link
State Council in France Rules that Sunday Opening Goes Against 'the Principles of a Weekly day of Rest' (February 2014)
"DIY STORES across France will not be allowed to open on Sundays, after the Conseil d'Etat suspended a government decree following a complaint from trade unions ... The judgement went on to say that Sunday opening went against the principles of a weekly day of rest that is guaranteed in the constitutional rights of employees and that this right is exercised in principle on Sundays ... Unions have welcomed the Conseil d'Etat's ruling."Notice the support from the unions? Didn't Ellen White say that the unions would have a part to play in this? Keep watch friends, we are getting close! And give your ALL to Christ Jesus now.
News article: Link
European Sunday Alliance Pledge to Commit Politicians into LEGISLATING Sunday Rest (January 2014)
"The European Sunday Alliance officially launched a Pledge for a work-free Sunday and decent work, ahead of the European elections 2014. The Pledge is aimed at committing European politicians to the promotion of a common weekly day of rest as well as a legal framework guaranteeing sustainable working time patterns based on the principle of decent work."Pledge Document: Click Here
15th Annual World 'Sabbath' Interfaith Service [SUNDAY] - The Interfaith 'Holy Day' (January 2014)
"The World Sabbath of Religious Reconciliation - the interfaith holy day of Peace and Reconciliation among all religions, races, ethnic groups and nations ... The World Sabbath, held on the last Sunday afternoon in January, begins with a Jewish youth blowing the shofar, a Muslim youth chanting the Muslim Call to Prayer, followed by middle school, high school and college youth giving additional prayers for world peace from many other religions; for example; Jain, Buddhist, Baha'i, Zoroastrian, Christian, Hindu, Native American, Sikh, Quaker, and Unitarian faith traditions."News article: Link
European Bishops Demand Respect for Sunday Rest with Support of Trade Unions (January 2014)
"The Commission of the Bishops' Conferences of the EU countries - in partnership with the European Alliance on Sunday, which adhere politicians, trade unions, religious, family associations ... We all have the same goal: to protect Sunday as a common day of rest."Article: Link
European Conference for a Work-Free Sunday to be held in January 2014 (December 2013)
"The objective of this conference is to highlight the paramount importance a work-free Sunday and decent working hours for citizens throughout Europe and is not necessarily to be set against economic competitiveness. All people in the European Union should be entitled to benefit from work-free Sundays and decent working hours."News Article: Link
Angry Churchgoers Put Pressure on a Supermarket for Opening on a Sunday in Netherlands (December 2013)
"Angry churchgoers plastered a branch of Albert Heijn with pamphlets. They call on customers to stop shopping there, because the supermarkets will be open on Sundays from now on."The earth beast tells 'them that dwell in the earth to make an image of the first beast' (Revelation 13:14). So it is the people that bring about the image of the Papacy, which will end up causing the law makers to enforce the Sunday law. And we can see that 'spirit' in this news item.
News Article: Link
UK Court of Appeal Recognises by Law, Sunday as a Christian Day of Rest (December 2013)
"The Court of Appeal has today (5th December) upheld protection of Sundays as a day of worship and rest for Christians. In a landmark judgment, the Court of Appeal dismissed earlier findings that Sunday observance was 'not a core component of the Christian faith'. The ruling comes in the case of children's worker, Celestina Mba."News Article: Link
INFO: Everything Stops on a Sunday in Indian State, Even Political Campaigning (November 2013)
"Sunday is for God in Mizoram. Everything else can wait, even campaigning for once-in-five-years assembly elections. Campaigning for the November 25 polls in Mizoram has entered a crucial phase. But for the people, nothing is more important than sticking to the Sunday routine of going to church. Every other public place too is in shutdown mode."Article: Link
INFO: SUNDAY Assembly Movement Launching ATHEIST Churches (November 2013)
"A fast-growing, worldwide congregation for atheists called Sunday Assembly picked an unlikely spot to try and launch a new group ... Nashville. Evans and Jones, who launched the first Sunday Assembly ... in London less than a year ago and, within weeks, were drawing a capacity crowd. They now head up 30 congregations around the world, with major U.S. locations in New York, Boston and Washington, D.C."So even atheists are starting to make Sunday a 'special day' for gathering together now. I wonder who those two people who started this movement really are and what their background is. Satan is far reaching in his plans to implement the mark of the beast.
News Article: Link
Sunday Rest Bill gets Preliminary Approval in Santa Fe, Argentina (October 2013)
"The lower house of Santa Fe gave preliminary approval at its meeting today to a bill that sets the mandatory closing on Sundays and national holidays for retail and service companies in the province."News: Link
Catholic Church Pushing for Sunday Law in Polish Parliament (October 2013)
"Today in Parliament held a conference .. Free Sunday. Representatives of the Catholic discussed include about how important for the healthy functioning of families is free Sunday, presented the arguments in favor of legal protection that day ... Free Sunday is nothing but the improvement of working conditions. I am confident that it will succeed, we will have a free Sunday - said Bujara."Notice the strong emphasis on 'society', 'family', and 'economy' with regards to the Sunday law now? This is the main angle that the Catholic Church is using now in a bid to secure their false sabbath day within law!
News article: Link
New General Labour Law to Establish only one day of Rest for Angolans: Sunday! (October 2013)
"Currently, the work week ends on Friday, getting the days of Saturday and Sunday devoted to rest. In this proposal, the number one Article 119 states that the employee is entitled to a full day of rest per week, as a rule, is Sunday."News Article: Link
Mowing the Grass in your Garden on Sunday is Banned in Belgian Town (October 2013)
(Translated) "Who in the Belgian town of Kortrijk Sunday mows, risk a fine of 250 euros ... The penalty is discussed in Kortrijk, however, because the town comes with an (online) referendum on the issue ... The regulation is not exclusive Kortrijk in Flanders, where the municipal authorities give substance to the Sunday rest day. Many local police regulations prohibit on Sundays and holidays every noise."News Article: Link
France Looking into Law Curbing Sunday Shopping - Court Orders 14 Stores to Close on Sundays (October 2013)
"French law has established Sunday as a mandatory day off to help ensure rest and the quality of life ... Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault met with government ministers today on the subject after a court ordered two hardware chains to close 14 of their stores on Sundays."We are seeing these Sunday laws in place all over the world. So would it take much to properly enforce them? Not with the state the world is in today, with all the economic troubles and disasters. Yes, there are people who protest against it, and there will always be people who protest. But a few big disasters and some signs and wonders from Satan will secure a place for the Roman Catholic mark.
News article: Link
National Back to Church Sunday gets Record of 3 Million People (September 2013)
"An estimated 3 million people attended a National Back to Church Sunday event this past weekend, which organizers believe is the highest number the movement has ever recorded."We need to get the sabbath truth out there friends!
News item: Link
Catholic Church and Trade Unions Working Towards a Shopping Ban on Sunday in Italy (June 2013)
"The Roman Catholic Church, along with trade unions and small business associations, is working to save Sundays by pushing for a ban on shopping in Italy ... The broad consensus in opposing Sunday openings shows that having a common weekly day for rest is something that benefits everyone, not just believers."Source
The Desecration of the 7th Day Sabbath in Jerusalem (June 2013)
"New shopping complex called a breakthrough that will revolutionize Saturdays ... It's incredibly rare to see so many people publicly desecrating the Sabbath in Jerusalem, where most businesses shut down at sunset on Friday and streets are quiet until nightfall the following day. Secular Jerusalemites have hailed the new complex at the station as a breakthrough that will revolutionize Saturdays in Israel's capital city."So how are the Jews going to be deceived with regards to the Sunday law? Obviously not all of them will, but as we can see from the news item further down this page stating that a political party in Israel are pushing for Sunday to be a day of rest and now this news item showing that the 7th day sabbath is being desecrated with shops being open for business for the first time. We can see the pieces being put into place ready for the Sunday law.
News item: Link
UK News Article States that Sunday "Sabbath" is a Day of Stress Rather than Rest (May 2013)
"It is usually thought of as a day of rest. But increasingly busy lifestyles mean Sundays are now considered the most stressful day of the week for one third of Britons, according to a new survey."You can see the varying ways they are using to get Sunday into the minds of the people. And with all the troubles around the world, it will be easier to convince the people to accept the Sunday law when the time is right.
News: Link
Pope Francis Book Talks About a Needed Sunday "Sabbath" Rest - THAT APPEALS TO EVERYONE! (April 2013)
"Responding to the question, "Do we need to rediscover the meaning of leisure?" Pope Francis replies: Together with a culture of work, there must be a culture of leisure as gratification. To put it another way: people who work must take the time to relax, to be with their families, to enjoy themselves, read, listen to music, play a sport. But this is being destroyed, in large part, by the elimination of the Sabbath rest day. More and more people work on Sundays as a consequence of the competitiveness imposed by a consumer society. In such cases, he concludes, work ends up dehumanizing people."Why do we keep the 7th day sabbath? To honor God right? And to spend one special day a week in complete devotion to Him. Can you see the new path that the Vatican is taking towards the Sunday law? God is taken out of the picture and in place we see things that appeal to ALL MANKIND: rest, family time, playing sport, etc. Who wouldn't want an enforced "day of rest" where you can down tools and enjoy relaxation and recreation? This will appeal to everyone. And this is how the beast will be able to cause the "WHOLE WORLD" to take the mark.
News article: Link
Large City in India to Enforce a Strict Sunday Closure Law From 1988 (March 2013)
"Hyderabad: Sundays may no longer be the designated day for shopping. Going after shops and commercial establishments in the state, the labour department has decided to enforce a strict Sunday closure in accordance with the Andhra Pradesh Shops and Establishments Act 1988."There are Sunday laws on the books all over the world. Just waiting to be enforced!!
News: Link
Sunday Now to be a Day off Work in Israel (February 2013)
"The first vote on new legislation in the 19th Knesset was initiated as a joint effort between Yesh Atid’s Rabbi Dov Lipman, Jewish Home's Naftali Bennett, and surprisingly, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Easily passing the vote, the Knesset decided that Sundays would now be an official day off from work."Revelation 13 says that the beast will cause ALL to take the mark of the beast. Including the Jews. And those who have said the Sunday law could never happen because of the Jews, need to think again.
News article: Link
"In these difficult times of economic insecurity too many workers and employers are coming under pressure and our society overlooks the importance of free time and the participation of citizens in society ... The current practises and legislation in EU- and Member States need to be improved. Synchronization of working time which includes the work-free Sunday is crucial. Only if this happens can health, safety and dignity of all citizens can be promoted. Only in this way will all citizens be able to reconcile their personal, family and professional life. Only by this is social cohesion guaranteed as it enables people to gather, employers and employees alike."We can continue to see the new tactic of bringing about the Sunday law.
Article: Link
Hillary Clinton: ‘Going on the Sunday Shows Is Not My Favorite Thing to Do' (January 2013)
"Rep. Joe Wilson asked Secretary Hillary Clinton, It's been reported, since you managed the response to the Benghazi attack, why weren't you the person to appear on the Sunday shows immediately following the attack? ... Clinton responded to Wilson, I have to confess here in public, going on the Sunday shows is not my favorite thing to do. There are other things I prefer to do on Sunday mornings."Just a little seed planting in favor of a Sunday rest there?
Article: Link
Vatican Works with Unions to Stop Sunday Shopping in Italy (December 2012)
"The Roman Catholic Church, trade unions and small business associations have joined forces in a bid to save Sundays."News: Link
FEMA Disaster Recovery Centers to Close on Sundays in New Jersey (December 2012)
"Beginning Sunday, Dec. 9, all Disaster Recovery Centers (DRCs) and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) centers will be closed on Sundays. The centers will continue serving the community during their regular hours on all other days."Website: Link
A Growing Movement in America Seeking to Keep "A" Sabbath (November 2012)
"More and more holidays are becoming days of shopping and other business, and Sundays long ago ceased to be quiet days of rest and worship. A Kentucky doctor and author is part of a growing movement in the opposite direction. The doctor's prescription: Keep a Sabbath."The Hungarian Prime Minister just the other day said that this economic disaster was due to the people abandoning Christian principles (source). And as the disasters and troubles keep mounting, this movement for a sabbath rest will continue to grow, until the Papacy has her way and the Sunday law is enforced - "for the better of society". Keep watch! And get ready!
Article: Link - Also see here.
'Earth Sabbath' Helps Activists in America Tend Spiritual Side Of Environmentalism (November 2012)
"Earth Sabbath celebrations are now held in a handful of North Carolina cities, including Chapel Hill, Durham and Asheville. Their purpose is to salve and energize the spiritual lives of environmental activists and others who grieve for the damage to the earth and its resources."Can you see the many ways they are using to reach the world with the coming Sunday "sabbath" law?
Article: Link
Sunday Alliance is Formed in Switzerland (November 2012)
"Good news from Switzerland! On 13 June 2012 the Sunday Alliance Switzerland was founded. The Alliance for a work-free Sunday in Switzerland was initiated by the trade union Unia ... The organisations stated at the press conference in June 2012 that Sunday ... needs to be protected as the day of rest and of social gathering."There are many trade unions, churches and organisations pushing for a Sunday law now in many different countries. And their goal will be realised one day soon.
Article: Link
Why Shutting up Shop on Sunday is Good for Everyone (September 2012)
"The reason Christians argue for a day off is because it's good for people to have a rest, not for some abstract or particularly religious reason."They have been using this new angle for some time now, to condition those outside the faith and get them ready for the coming Sunday law.
Article: Link
Proposed 'Sundays Off' Makes it Past Israel Prime Minister (September 2012)
"A proposal to extend the weekend past Shabbat into Sunday has made it past the prime minister, sources in Jerusalem said this week. There is nothing new about a shorter work week in many Western industrialized nations, but in Israel, the six-day work week is a standard."We can now see how the mark of the beast could be accepted by the Jewish people. Satan is the arch deceiver, and he is going to deceive the whole world into accepting the mark. Apart from God's true remnant people.
News: Link
Reformed Political Party in Netherlands Want to Shut all Shops on Sundays in Order for Citizens "to go to Church" (September 2012)
"The party, which bases itself on strict Christian principles and has never had a woman in parliament since its founding in 1918, advocates a no work Sunday, unless the work is an act of charity or an essential service."News: Link
Eurozone Demands Six-Day Working Week for Greece - A Move Towards Sunday Law? (September 2012)
"Greece's eurozone creditors are demanding that the government in Athens introduce a six-day working week as part of the stiff terms for the country's second bailout."This demand means that workers will be "forced" to work on the seventh day sabbath, not Sunday, because Greek law already forbids working on Sunday (see here - last sentence). And it is interesting that this has now come about after the recent high level meeting between Religious leaders and the Presidents of EU.
We know that it will be America (earth beast) that causes the world to take the mark of the beast, but we can certainly see the "workings" and "ways" that Satan will eventually bring about the Sunday law.
News item for this: Link
National "Back to Church Sunday" Event for September 2012 (July 2012)
This is a movement (in it's 3rd year) in which thousands of churches are getting together to get their respective communities to attend church on Sunday. And it is just another way to get the masses to accept the Sunday law when it is enforced.Friends, are you getting the truth about the Sabbath out there? Are you getting the 3 angels messages out there? The world needs to hear and see the truth!
Website: Link
Landmark Decision: Austria Court Supports Ban on Sunday Shop Opening (July 2012)
The prohibition of shop opening on Sundays and public holidays in Austria has been decided as "not unconstitutional" by the Constitutional Court in Austria, saying that "the ban is justified by public interest in protecting and preserving the weekend rest."So they have deemed it as "not unconstitutional", and for the better of society. I think we will be seeing this kind of reasoning in America and the rest of the world someday soon.
News: Link
UK: Make Sunday a Day of Rest - Ban HGV's on Motorways (June 2012)
"The incoming president of the Institute of Highway Engineers risks the wrath of truckers - but may earn the adulation of weekend motorists - as he calls for the UK to consider banning HGVs from its motorways on Sundays."Can you see the many different ways that Rome is going to use to bring in the Sunday Law? Remember, this isn't just going to be a law for professing Christians. It will be a law for ALL mankind. As it says in Revelation 13:16 ...'And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads.'
Time Out "on the Sabbath" Necessary to Help 'Save Our Souls' (June 2012)
"It is a good question for any era, because it invites us to pause and check what life really is all about. It is particularly pertinent to New Zealand today, since for many people workplace goals and pressures are constantly undermining the ideal of a healthy work-life balance."By the way, the "sabbath" in this article is Sunday, not the 7th day. Can you see what they are pushing at? We are getting this thrown at us all the time now ... "better for family" .. "better for society" .. "better work-life balance" .. etc, etc. And are they right? Yes, of course they are, as having a day of rest each week is what God intended for us. The problem is, as we know, they are pushing for the wrong day!
Young People from Cologne Make a Website Dedicated to Sunday Rest (June 2012)
"We, the people, our personalities and our relationships, shall be at the centre of society. However, relationships cannot be sustained without caring for them. The Sunday is dedicated to this, it is the day of promise and recovery for our week."Notice how the main focus has shifted to "the better of society"? Which of course reaches those outside the church also.
News Article:
Sundays Must be a Day of Rest Dedicated to God and Family, Pope Says (June 2012)
"By defending Sunday, one defends human freedom, he said during his weekly general audience in St. Peter's Square June 6 ... Humanity has no future without the family ... Sunday is the day of the Lord and of man, a day which everyone must be able to be free - free for the family and free for God."The Vatican is really pushing for the Sunday law now and making the all important link with "family", so that it reaches those outside the faith also. And with the world in the state it is, we are getting close to the time when the Sunday law will be embraced by the people of the world in order to help bring peace. Are you getting ready? Time is short friends.
Lagos State Government Enforce Ban on Sunday Markets (May 2012)
"The Lagos State Government has said it will start enforcing the Trading on Sunday (Prohibition) Bye-Law, which bans opening of markets on Sunday on the Island."News article:
Sunday to be a Day of Rest in U.S. Town, Harveyville (May 2012)
This happened back in March after a tornado hit the town. Did they designate Sunday as the day of rest partly because of the disaster? Maybe. The spirit of prophecy does tell us that Sunday laws will spring up because of natural disasters."It will be declared that men are offending God by the violation of the Sunday sabbath; that this sin has brought calamities which will not cease until Sunday observance shall be strictly enforced." (E.White, The Great Controversy, p.590)
News Article:
A Community in Brooklyn, U.S.A., to Report Any Restaurants Breaking the Sunday Blue Law (May 2012)
"Department of Consumer Affairs inspectors - deployed after requests from CB1 members - began cracking down on restaurants that serve food and drink outdoors before noon on Sundays in violation of a rarely enforced city blue law that has prohibited the practice since 1971. The Sunday ban was put in place to promise peace and quiet out of respect for restaurant neighbors on what some view as a day of rest, city officials said."One thing to remember about this. The earth beast in Revelation 13 (America) calls for the people to make the image of the sea beast (Papacy). So America will call for the people of the world to make the image of the Papacy. And what is happening in this situation above? The community leaders are calling for the PEOPLE to make sure the Sunday blue law is enforced within their community. Just a small example of what will become a worldwide issue one day soon.
Lord's Day Observance Society in U.K. Pushing for Sunday to be a day of Worship and Rest (April 2012)
"Today, the organisation - previously known as the Lord's Day Observance Society - under the name of Day One Christian Ministries campaigns for Sunday to be a day of worship and rest; our day of rest is increasingly under threat as retail businesses, sports events and entertainment seek to make Sunday just another day to make money."It's interesting that they even quote what we Sabbath keepers quote, and that is the fact that God ordained the sabbath day at creation. They just miss the important fact that it was the SEVENTH DAY that God blessed and sanctified. Not the first day of the week.
A Call to Americans - Let's Make Sunday a Day of Rest, For God's Sake (April 2012)
"This is an invitation to Jews, Hindus, Muslims, Atheists, Agnostics, Buddhists, and Christians. One day a week. Rest. For God's sake."One day a week rest! I'm sure that appeals to ALL people. And soon Rome will have THEIR day enforced! Time is short my friends. Are you ready?
News article:
Christian Leaders Welcome Weekly Rest Day for Maids in Singapore (April 2012)
"Pastors and Christian leaders in Singapore have expressed their support for a new requirement by the Ministry of Manpower of a weekly rest day ... The idea of a day of rest finds strong support from the Christian teaching of Sabbath, said the theologian. God rested on Sabbath and he commands us to observe Sabbath ... Sabbath is still Sabbath, he expressed. And our human body is such that we all need rest for physical refreshment and spiritual renewal."Of course, we know that the "sabbath day" they are pointing to is Sunday!
A Bill Passed That Would Ban All Commercial Activities on a Sunday at Kailua Beaches in Honolulu (April 2012)
This Bill will go into effect in July 2012. As you will see from the news pages, social reasons are being pushed now for Sunday laws to be introduced. Which obviously appeals to everyone. Maybe this is how Rome will introduce the Sunday law worldwide, in this very troubled world we live in now. The signs of the end times show we are living in the last days. And Satan knows this!News:
UK Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls Says "Keep Sunday Special" Campaign is Important (March 2012)
In a tv interview, Mr Balls, the Shadow Chancellor in the UK Government said that the campaign to keep Sunday special as a day of rest is an important campaign.News:
Maids in Singapore Get One Day Off a Week (March 2012)
"Worker and human-rights groups praised the change Tuesday, saying it will bring Singapore closer to international labour norms."This is a move that is happening all around the globe today, in readiness for the Sunday law to be enforced.
Activists in 12 Different European Countries Call for Sunday as Day of Rest (March 2012)
This was the planned event for 4th March which took place across Europe.News:
Municipal Council in Freiburg (Germany) Voted Against Any Shop Opening on Sundays (February 2012)
"Shops remain closed on Sundays in 2012 in several german cities. This is the result of the decisions in the municipal Councils that were taken recently in some german cities."News page:
Jewish Rabbis to Meet and Discuss the Possibility of Making Sunday a Day Off in Israel (February 2012)
So how are the Jews going to be reached with the Sunday law? Wonder no more! The fact that they are even discussing it, shows that the door is open.News:
Virginia Lawmakers Preserve Ban on Sunday Hunting (February 2012)
Just a little example that shows the "blue laws" are still on the books in America.News:
Glenn Beck Announces "WE ARE ALL CATHOLICS NOW" Movement (February 2012)
I found this very interesting in that this is a call for the people "to reach out to Congressional leaders to encourage the passage of legislation." Now this is all done at the moment for the sake of "religious liberty". But once the people have been "trained" to use their voice in getting Congress to pass what THEY want, then the screw can be turned and the "religious" leaders will get the people to call for the Sunday law.
"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions." (E.G.White, Great Controversy, p.588)
News page:
"The European Sunday Alliance calls on all members and supporters to take action on Sunday, 4 March 2012, as the EUROPEAN DAY FOR A WORK-FREE SUNDAY.""the Alliance calls on members, supporters and all citizens to make our common demand visible on Sunday, 4 March 2012!"
News Item:
Rick Santorum Wants to Impose Christian Law Upon America! (January 2012)
"Santorum wants to impose conservative Christian law upon America ... Plainly put, Rick Santorum wants to convert our current legal system into one that requires our laws to be in agreement with religious law, not unlike what the Taliban want to do in Afghanistan."And the "religious laws" that will soon be imposed upon America will include the Sunday law. We are fast approaching the last days. Get ready my friends!
News article:
Declaration From COMECE Bishops Pushing for Work-Free Sunday (January 2012)
"it is the task of government to provide guaranteed market-free times and living spaces where people can search for ways to meet these needs. It is right that market activity is restricted on official public holidays and Sundays, because on those days, for national, cultural or religious reasons, peace and quiet and time to collect one's thoughts take precedence over economic activities."They are really pushing the "social reasons" for having Sunday off each week now, which will reach those outside the faith. And with the economic problems of nations all over the world, getting Sunday protected as a work-free day for the sake of "stability, peace and family", will be much easier to secure.
Workers in Portugal May be Forced to Work 25 Saturdays Each Year (January 2012)
This would be a clear tactic of the enemy to put pressure on workers to work on the sabbath and only have Sunday off.News item: (You will need to Google translate this news)
Also see:
A French Retail Company is Ordered to Close 31 Shops on Sundays After TRADE UNIONS Appeal (January 2012)
"FEC FO and the unions of employees and managers of commerce sector from Val d'Oise and from Paris referred the BRICORAMA case to the Pontoise Court. After this action, BRICORAMA was sentenced by the court to close 3 shops in Paris and 28 shops in Ile de France on Sundays. Otherwise Bricorama would be obliged to pay a fee of 30.000Euros by day of misconduct."Notice how it is the TRADE UNIONS who got involved with this and caused this action! And what did Ellen White say? ... "The trades unions will be one of the agencies that will bring upon this earth a time of trouble such as has not been since the world began." (E.G.White, Last Day Events, p.116)
News Article: (scroll down to see it)
The "Sabbath" to Make a "Comeback" in 2012 in America (January 2012)
Faith leaders were asked for predictions for 2012. Look at one of the things that was stated ..."Sabbath becomes trendy! Fourth Commandment makes a comeback! Sabbath named Time’s person of the year! A new movement sweeps the country. They call themselves 24/6. Worn out by being tethered to the grid 24/7, sick of being accessible all hours of the day, inundated by updates, upgrades, and breaking news, AMERICANS FINALLY REBEL, DEMANDING, "WE NEED A DAY OFF." People all over the country go offline for 24 hours every week. The simple break from the frenetic pace results in lowered cholesterol rates, fewer speeding tickets, and a reduction in marital strife. Peace, tranquility and contentment spread like wildfire."
This "sabbath" as we know will be Sunday!
News Article: (See point number 9)
Churches and Unions Say No to Sunday Workday in Dominica (December 2011)
Here we have the Association of Evangelical Churches, the Roman Catholic Church and the Trade Unions raising their voices against Sunday being a workday in Dominica. Pretty powerful combination there. And we will see this "allegiance" in America and throughout the world soon, enforcing the Sunday law.Do you notice we are seeing the Unions get more and more involved? Didn't Ellen White speak of the Trade Unions getting involved and using their clout?
Germany: Churches and Trade Unions Urge for Better Protection of Sunday (November 2011)
Again, they continue to point to commercialism and family time in order to convince the people about the Sunday law.Article:
(You will need to "Google Translate" the above article)
The Lord's Day Alliance of the U.S. (October 2011)
"Today, The Lord's Day Alliance stands on the edge of a great opportunity to proclaim the message of the Sabbath (SUNDAY), a message of spiritual renewal and personal well being, in this fast-paced 24/7, 21st century American culture."For those of you who have not come across the Lord's Day Alliance before. It makes for interesting reading!
Preparatory Catecheses for the World Meeting of Families in 2012 (October 2011)
"The upcoming World Meeting of Families affords a privileged opportunity to rethink work and celebration in the perspective of a family that is united and open to life, thoroughly integrated in society and in the Church, attentive to the quality of relationship in addition to the economy of the family nucleus itself." (Pope Benedict XVI)"Not only work but also rest from work constitutes a fundamental right and an essential good for individuals and their families. This is what the post-synod Exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis states. A man and a woman are worth more than their work. They are made for communion and encounter. So Sunday should not take the form of an interval from work to be filled with frenetic activities or unusual experiences, but rather a day of rest which opens up to the encounter, lets the other be rediscovered, and makes it possible to dedicate time to family relations and friends and to prayer."
"It is particularly urgent nowadays to remember that the day of the Lord is also a day of rest from work. It is greatly to be hoped that this fact will also be recognized by civil society, so that individuals can be permitted to refrain from work without being penalized."
"The seventh day of creation. Modern man created free time and lost the meaning of celebration. The meaning of the celebration, particularly Sunday, as a time for man, indeed, a time for the family, needs to be retrieved."
"The commandment to keep holy the sabbath. The THIRD commandment of the Decalogue recalls the liberation from Egypt, the gift of freedom, which creates Israel as a people. It is a perennial sign of the covenant between God and man in which every life shares, even animal life."
They are really laying the groundwork for the Sunday law now! And with the economic turmoil and troubles around the world today, the people of the world will soon be ripe to be deceived into accepting the mark of the beast. Please pray, study and LIVE the truth! Jesus is coming soon.
Alabama Judge to Send Offenders to Church on Sunday Instead of Jail? (September 2011)
"So far, 56 churches have expressed support, according to Rowland, who says there is overwhelming public support for the plan."
Scottish Rugby Star Questions Need for Sunday Matches (September 2011)
"I don’t see why there have to be games on Sundays ... I hope things will change in future."Yes "things will change" when the mark of the beast is enforced.
News Article:
National Back to Church Sunday Uses Facebook, YouTube to Reach Millions (September 2011)
"Over 7,300 churches from 34 different denominations are participating in the third annual event, which will take place this Sunday. In order to accomplish their goals, many participating churches are inviting the unchurched through Facebook, YouTube, Vimeo, electronic invitations and more." We really need to get the truth out there about God's TRUE Holy day. Please do what you can to share God's true sabbath day with the world.News:
Pope Says Virgin Mary is the "Living" Ark of the Testament in Heaven (August 2011)
Wow! What statement this is!!Do you see what this could lead to? Watch for Satan to make some sort of "apparition" or "miracle" of the virgin Mary, with her stating that the world is breaking God's Commandments (ESPECIALLY THE "SABBATH" - SUNDAY), which is causing all these disasters and distruction, and that the only way forward is to enforce a Sunday law.
Are you rooted in the Love of Christ and His Word? I hope so. Because the ride is soon to get very bumpy for the saints! By the way, ever wondered how the Muslims would be brought under control? Do you know what Muslims and Catholics have in common? Their high regard of the Virgin Mary!
National Back to Church SUNDAY (August 2011)
"Join thousands of churches on September 18th to invite everyone back to church." "This year we anticipate 10,000 churches to join the National Back to Church Campaign."Websites:
North Dakota Catholic Conference says 'Sunday law' Benefits all People (July 2011)
"The purpose of North Dakota’s Sunday closing law is not to impose times of worship. Nor is it to demand adherence to religious doctrine. The purpose of the law is to preserve the common good by ensuring that society is not overtaken by work and profit, wrote Christopher Dodson." Again, we can see how Satan is going to reach those outside the faith with the Sunday law, by saying it isn't a "religious" law, but one that "benefits the secular world."News:
Pennsylvania Debates Whether to Hunt on the "Sabbath" (Sunday) (July 2011)
"Farm Bureau members also claim they want one day free of hunters traipsing across their property. Hikers and bird-watchers have joined the farmers, saying they want one day a week of bullet-free passage through Pennsylvania. And some sportsmen also support the ban, saying the wild critters they stalk need a day of rest as well."Well, we all need a day of rest each week don't we? God said so Himself. Problem is, the world has rejected God's holy day in favor of another! Do you notice that this "we need one day a week rest" is reaching all walks of life?
The Sunday law is coming for sure!
Vatican Exhorts Catholics to Set Aside Sundays for God and Rest (July 2011)
"We need to realize that we need more time with family and friends. It is hard to give them time during the week because of our professional and social commitments, he noted. Sunday rest is a human necessity, he continued ...Article:
Southeastern Conference will not play Football on Sunday (July 2011)
"This conference has always maintained that in this part of the country Friday nights belongs to high school football and what Sunday represents for people goes without saying."Aside from whatever objections people have to football on the Sabbath, moving games at the last minute is a headache and a half ..."
Israel Government to Consider Making Sunday a Day of Rest (July 2011)
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has appointed the head of National Economic Council as chairman of a committee to look into making Sunday a day of rest in Israel. We are really seeing Revelation 13 play out now.News Article:,7340,L-4091159,00.html
Sunday Law in Fiji (July 2011)
Just like America has the blue laws (Sunday laws) still on their law books, Fiji has had the Sunday law on their books since 1989. Satan is getting ready to enforce the Sunday law throughout the world.Source:
Evangelical Preacher Warns that America is Under Divine Judgment (June 2011)
"Author of more than 150 books, the evangelical leader said, I look at America… people say what is wrong with this country. That is what’s wrong with this country. Right there. They have rejected the Word, the law of the Lord, the Holy One Himself." It's not hard to see that one day soon, once the image of the beast is fully formed, that Sunday "Sabbath" breaking will be the reason given for the judgment of God and the troubles of this world. Then the Sunday law will follow.Source:
Churches in the US are Being Asked to Rededicate their Nation to God During Sunday Services (June 2011)
Can I remind you that it is America that causes the world to worship the Papal Church and to take the mark of the beast. And Revelation 13:14 tells us that it is the people who come together to make the image of the beast.News Article:
Sunday Protection Conference to be held on June 20th 2011 (June 2011)
It's within the EU that we are seeing things happening with regards to a "Sunday law", but remember, it is America (the earth beast of Revelation 13) that causes the world to worship the Catholic Church and take the mark.Source:
A Call for Quieter Streets in the UK on Sunday (June 2011)
The article states ... "In a recent debate on Childhood Obesity, Health Minister Anne Milton mentioned a Colombian initiative Ciclovia, where some streets are closed on a Sunday."As I've mentioned before, we are seeing more and more of this "family life" and "wellbeing" as a reason for the Sunday law, which reaches those outside the faith.
News article:
Sunday Protection on the Agenda at The European Christian Economy and Employment Network 2nd Assembly (May 2011)
Sunday protection will be discussed at this European Christian assembly and the invitation describes the event in this way ... "The theme of the assembly will be empowerment.". Download the pdf invitation by clicking >>> Sunday Protection <<<Source:
Belfast City Council Refuses to Scrap Sunday Trading Laws (April 2011)
The article says that 73% of people were opposed to extending Sunday trading hours, with "concern for family life" being one of the main reasons.I'm seeing this focus of "family life" concerning Sunday a lot more now. And what does this do? It reaches those outside the faith also.
Catholic Workers Movement "Fighting" for Sunday in Brussels (March 2011)
"We are fighting for Sunday at the base locally, but also in Brussels," said Hannes Kreller of the Catholic Workers Movement.And as we know, they will soon succeed in bringing about the Sunday law that they so dearly want.
You will need to translate this page.
"Free Sunday" is on the EU Agenda (March 2011)
"The aim of the European Alliance for Sundays will be to bring the Theme of "Free Sunday" to the EU agenda. The work-free Sunday is a first step on the new working-time directive."You will need to "Google Translate" this page.
Pope Benedict Admits that the Seventh Day (Saturday) is True Bible Sabbath (March 2011)
The Pope in a new book says ..."if one considers the importance that Saturday has in the Old Testament tradition, based on the account of the creation and on the Decalogue, it is evident that only an event of overwhelming force could cause giving up Saturday and replacing it by the first day of the week." Now what the Pope is saying here is that the Bible reveals the seventh day (our Saturday) is the true Bible sabbath, but that man "GAVE UP" the true Bible sabbath because of the resurrection of Christ Jesus. But those of us who follow the Word of God ALONE know that there is no word from God or Jesus telling us to "give up" or change the true seventh day Bible sabbath. Therefore, this IMPORTANT day still stands today!News:
"Sunday Alliance" ACTION DAY Planned for 3rd March in German Communities (February 2011)
Take a look at this amazing quote from the website:"Free Sunday celebrates it's birthday. 1690 years ago, on 3 March 321 (A.D.) the Roman Emperor Constantine declared Sunday a day off. This marks the beginning of the "state" Sunday protection. 1690 years later, the free Sunday is threatened by Sunday work and Sunday commerce."
You will need to use Google to translate the news article.
News article:
Sunday Law News ARCHIVE for 2010.
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Featured Quotes
Sunday is "the mark of Christian identity."
(Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, 1st June 2012)
"Who must propose legislation in favor of the family? Christians must, and to do so they must move."
(Cardinal Antonelli, President of the Pontifical Council for Families, May 2012)
"Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy."
(John Paul II, Dies Domini, 1998)
"In churches and in large gatherings in the open air, ministers will urge upon the people the necessity of keeping the first day of the week. There are calamities on sea and land: and these calamities will increase, one disaster following close upon another; and the little band of conscientious Sabbathkeepers will be pointed out as the ones who are bringing the wrath of God upon the world by their disregard of Sunday."
(E.G.White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, March 18, 1884)
"Free Sunday celebrates it's birthday. 1690 years ago, on 3 March 321 (A.D.) the Roman Emperor Constantine declared Sunday a day off. This marks the beginning of the "state" Sunday protection. 1690 years later, the free Sunday is threatened by Sunday work and Sunday commerce.".
"87% of people think it is important for family stability and community life to have a common day off each week."
(UK NOP Consumer Poll, 2005)
(Cardinal Sean Patrick O'Malley, 1st June 2012)
"Who must propose legislation in favor of the family? Christians must, and to do so they must move."
(Cardinal Antonelli, President of the Pontifical Council for Families, May 2012)
"Therefore, also in the particular circumstances of our own time, Christians will naturally strive to ensure that civil legislation respects their duty to keep Sunday holy."
(John Paul II, Dies Domini, 1998)
"In churches and in large gatherings in the open air, ministers will urge upon the people the necessity of keeping the first day of the week. There are calamities on sea and land: and these calamities will increase, one disaster following close upon another; and the little band of conscientious Sabbathkeepers will be pointed out as the ones who are bringing the wrath of God upon the world by their disregard of Sunday."
(E.G.White, Advent Review and Sabbath Herald, March 18, 1884)
"Free Sunday celebrates it's birthday. 1690 years ago, on 3 March 321 (A.D.) the Roman Emperor Constantine declared Sunday a day off. This marks the beginning of the "state" Sunday protection. 1690 years later, the free Sunday is threatened by Sunday work and Sunday commerce.".
"87% of people think it is important for family stability and community life to have a common day off each week."
(UK NOP Consumer Poll, 2005)
Abraham Lincoln
John Adams
"I do not like the late Resurrection of the Jesuits. They have a General, now in Russia, in correspondence with jesuits in the U.S. who are more numerous than everybody knows. Shall We not have Swarms of them here? In as many shapes and disguises as ever ... In the shape of printers, Editors, Writers, School masters, etc. If ever any Congregation of men could merit, eternal Perdition on Earth and in Hell ... it is this Company of Loyola".