Sunday, January 25, 2015

Page 2 through Page 7 of my Book on CD Called Giving Wittines To A Dark World By Carl Coglianese

Page 2 through Page 7 of my Book on CD Called Giving Wittiness To A Dark World By Carl Coglianese

When God took His Hand Away

Think about all the hate

Think about all the pain in this world

Think about the growing unrest

Think about the hopelessness of it all

Then dare to think that

Perhaps these were the good old days

For something wicked know walks this way

For the very foundations of everything you once knew

Simply will have faded away.

When the very hand of God has been lifted

And for the first time since there was created man

The presence of Father God will not be felt upon this earth

And all manner of strangeness will corrupt all land

Mankind will not as of first realize this had been planned.

Now can you imagine

This earth with out Father God

With out the hand of God protecting us

Removed from us, no longer shading us any more

No longer protecting us from all the evil ones?

There would be such chaos

That this world had never seen

All matter of hatred and greed gone horrible wrong

Demons rooming free to destroy the unborn.

No places to hide in safety, for evermore. Forever forlorn.

Now listen to the Word, written so very long ago

It tells of a transformation to come, a mystery if you will

There will come a great disappearance, thousands of ten thousands

For this will be true, a day of great happenings

When the very hand of our Father God has been removed.


mighty cry and great despair will fall upon all lands

For our Father God’s presence will have disappeared from among us

creating great chaos, rumblings in all the earths lands

A great and desperate emptiness begins to creep about

Know all innocence has gone and left ,four horsemen galloped about.

How many times have we been warned

How many prophets of our Mighty Father God have been laughed at

Ridiculed, Beaten and killed

How many more will die in their service to the Father, The Word

How many more will cry out in the greatest of despair for a future only littered in great blackness covered with death.

This day will come, I have no doubt of this as you can see

I have come to warn you to wake up and look all about you

Can you not smell the very master of death about you

Can you not taste the very blood of the innocence that will be last to be lost.

Why can’t you hear these words I have been screaming,

can you not hear at all.


On that day, this blackest of days

When the very hand of God will be lifted and taken away.

There will be the sound in the heavens, throughout this whole earth, yes it will be heard in all these lands.

The great gates of heaven, being closed, yes even being slammed.

They will be locked, closed forever, this is the very end of man.

For no more will man be taken to this heaven, this most promised of lands.

No more will the cries of man be herd in heaven

Man will find himself truly alone, in his own blackness

His very fate in his own blooded hands.


Have We Just Walked Away?
Have we just walked away?

Oh my dear Father God
For what have us, mankind done?
Why Have we sinned so greatly
Why do we have no remorse?

We just walk away
With our hands raised to heaven
As if to ask you why!
For in reality it is us that should ask, why have we failed you and walked away

We have some how lost our conscience
Was this because we just did not care
Or did we ever care.
Or is this the time of sorrows that was predicted so long ago

I have herd them say that God is dead
Even now men of great learning even question
If God even ever lived before
Perhaps He died, or maybe he never was in the first place

How can mankind walk away from all that God has given
Why Can't we even see Him in Nature any more these days
Even nature has abandoned us and gone quite crazy
Volcanoes, earth quakes, tidal waves run amok, making no sense any more these days

The time is know,
That we must make our stand
To awake from this dream of complacence
For in reality we created in the first place


Even the very stars in Heaven begin to fall
The sun grows brighter and hotter much more these days
We now have such things as solar storms
Solar winds coming to threaten our man made ways

Even our very science has begun to fail us
Even the very earth beneath us begins to thrust ever forward
For now there is no special safe place for us to escape
It seems that very nature revolts in our wake

And yet we still raise up our clenched fists to the heavens
As if in disbelief and we want to say
Damn the heavens above this earth as they blacken
Damn this very earth that shakes

What will it take for this generation
When will they wake up to realize their gruesome fate
How much more can this old planet Earth continue
Until this last generation wakes up and realizes it is all ready to late.














One Last Fight (Do we have it in Us)
I think we do
afraid to fight anymore that is
we just do not have it in us
modern life has drained us to become void of feeling
we have nothing left to give
there is nothing left to give

And I have to wonder
how did we end up this way
what could we have possibly done to merit this
the lessening of the soul
and yes, even to the death of the human soul

has 21st century man just simply lost the ability to give anymore
and how the very last visage of Americana
Life as we have known it is under a vicious attack
the very adage in God We Trust has been put on trail
Presupposed, suspected guilty

How dare they
how dare they mock our very foundational presets
our most prolific words that have made this nation, America number One, Is in God We trust

The line will be drawn here, right now
you will not break this nations spirit
by your very words, this treachery
you will cause a great out cry in this land

In God We Trust
will not go quietly into that goodnight
it will not be allowed to go at all
this fight will not be lost
it will not be lost

also pity those who will go even one step further in there un-American cause
Do not take away, God Bless America
for these two combined will most assuredly cause us to fall
it is time to stand tall and be counted,
which side are you on

There are those who would destroy this country, this America
not from an enemy at our boarders, but from the enemy with in our own walls

Guard those basic principles we as Americans hold dear to our hearts
God Bless America
In God We Trust
One Nation Under God
these three precepts describe a once honorable American way of life

Help us restore them to a former grander
when once being American meant
In God We trust
God Bless America
one nation under God meant greatness never to be lost again

We can not
we will not lose this fight
if they succeed, those powers that be
who will they come after next
will it be me
will it be your children
will there be anyone left
when they come for you

and they will come
as if the very gates of hell had been opened. they will come as if a great plague
had befallen this very young and yet old great nation of ours.
but we as Americans will be waiting and we will give them one heck of a fight






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