Friday, January 30, 2015

Masada Chapter 1 & 2

Masada Chapter 1 & 2
© By: Carl Coglianese (Ephraim Calib)

This generations Last Stand-Chapter One

For we are at One, One Nation once more
For this time, will be our last time
We as a People, a Nation of Souls will fight
No more will we be dispersed among the nations any more

We once The People of a Great Nation
Dispersed among all the nations
For a call has come out from Israel
Our Mother has called all of Her Children to come Home

Israel, O� Israel
Calling all your Children once more to come Home
This will be Our Greatest Glory
We will rebuild The Third Temple, never to be destroyed any more

For we are an Ancient Peoples
For we have preserved The Written Word and Traditions of our God
For we are a Chosen people
First but not the least of His children of our Father God

For Us, this very Generation
Yes, we can feel it deep, rising in the blood
For it is this Generation, O� Israel
For it is we that Speak, Never again, Never again will we back down

Masada Chapter Two
This Our Final Stand

For these fifty plus years we have labored
Reclaimed the Deserts with our sweat and our blood
Out of these barren rocks we built our cities
These foundations we know they will not ever rot

We have welcomed back our Peoples
Searched this earth from high and low
We have found what treasure had been taken from us
We will not let our past ever be taken or forgotten, or let go

This time, this time
We as a Nation of Jews, Say No!
For this will never do for never more we proclaim
It is death till this the end, we have pledged in our hearts to make

In finale proclamation
We the nation of The Jew
We shall fight till the end of everything
Or we shall die in making this true.


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