Published on Oct 2, 2014
The richest men in the world are plotting the worlds end. The plan has begun in Africa where they will start wipeing the African People off the face of the Earth. They have plans to eradicate most people from the Earth and preserve only their own Race which they beleve is superior. This is a WARNING to Africans Asians and Latinos. They plan on eradicating you first. Please Help me get this out. We MUST stop them NOW. Please help everyone. Please share this video everywhere and to everyone. Our lives depend on it.
The richest men in the world are plotting the worlds end. The plan has begun in Africa where they will start wipeing the African People off the face of the Earth. They have plans to eradicate most people from the Earth and preserve only their own Race which they beleve is superior. This is a WARNING to Africans Asians and Latinos. They plan on eradicating you first. Please Help me get this out. We MUST stop them NOW. Please help everyone. Please share this video everywhere and to everyone. Our lives depend on it.