Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Christian Persecution in the China house church

Christian Persecution in the China house church



Christian Persecution in China
Information gathered by the American Policy Roundtable Christians in China Statistics (Estimates)
Totals for the number of Christians in China leaked from two Chinese government bodies reveal far larger estimates of the number of Protestants than official church leaders have previously admitted.
At a January Religious Affairs Bureau (RAB, the government body responsible for oversight of religions) conference, delegates were told the number of Protestants in China was 25 million. A leaked report from China's security organization -- the Public Security Bureau (PSB) -- put the total at 35 million.
Official spokesmen, such as China Christian Council Chairman Dr. Han Wenzao, have long denied the possibility that there are more than 15 million Christians in China. Three Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) statistics claim there are only 13.3 million Protestants. The TSPM is the official Protestant church organization in China.
"These leaks clearly show the Three Self leaders have been deliberately deceiving their Western audiences by pretending the total of Christians is far lower than their own government supervisory estimates, which they must have had access to," said a Hong Kong-based China watcher.
Many Western missions maintain the true number of Christians in China is likely to be 60 million and up. (More, from Worthy News)
World Serve
Source: Worldserve.org
WorldServe Ministries is a 30-year-old international ministry focused on church planting in areas that are either closed or have restricted-access to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are uniquely positioned on the vanguard of the greatest turning to God in the history of the church.
Our core philosophy is to come alongside the chosen servants of God in these difficult countries and lose our identity as we "serve" them and provide resources they desperately need - or as we like to call it, Following God and Fueling the Fires.
As we have continually sought God's direction, He has focused WorldServe's heart on one particular aspect of our work - indigenous church planting movements. God's chosen vehicle is the local church. When it is strong, maturing, and mobilizing its members, the foundation is laid for dynamic growth.
The fruit of those efforts is supernatural - Tens of thousands of new churches are being planted and millions of new believers choosing to follow Christ and mature with a local body of believers.
In 2005 alone, WorldServe Ministries documented the incredible work of His Spirit, His people, and the resources entrusted to us.
• 13,684 new churches planted
• 1,072,567 individual decisions for Christ
• 13,388 pastors and workers trained
• 2,944 Church planters and workers trained
• 365,000 Bibles and Bible Scripture portions provided
• 5,703,000 Evangelistic booklets distributed
• 2,050,000 tracts distributed

Read more about World Serve. 
Listen Now Listen to: Wayne's Trip To China
Listen to: Direct Report on the Church in China
World Serve
Contact WorldServe
Related Books
Wise as Serpents, Harmless as Doves, by Jonathan Chao
China's Christian Millions, Tony Lambert
Related Articles
Underground Churches in China Find Faith, CBS News
Up From the Underground, Washington Post
Christian Home Churches Gaining in China, News America Media
China arrests followers of banned church, BBC News
China Defies Vatican Over Bishop, BBC News
China Detains Americans and House Church Leaders After Worship Service, BosNewsLife
A New Religion, CBS News
All these people died still believing what God had promised them. They did not receive what was promised, but they saw it all from a distance and welcomed it. They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth. – Hebrews 11:13, New Living Translation The communist party here does not want to see anybody more organized then they are. -Wayne Shepard in China

I asked, in the particular area of China,…how many Christians are there. We get many various reports in the states. They said that in that province, of about 9 million, about 5 million were members of the underground church. - Wayne Shepard in China

[These people are] putting there personal freedom, if you will, on the line, just coming to worship the Savior that we have the ability to go worship everyday – freely. – Rob Walgate, Vice President, American Policy Roundtable

The burden is for urban church planting….The number one need that has come up…is that we need to equip these urban churches planters, we need to get them educated, get them trained, get them placed in the city. - Wayne Shepard in China

Bibles [in China] are so necessary right now. - Wayne Shepard in China

Prayers are important, promise have to be kept. – David Zanotti, President, American Policy Roundtable

The answer is not to collect Bibles and ship the over here, of course. The answer is to give them the resources to print them here. There are, both in Vietnam and in China, there are ways to get the Bibles printed legally. - Wayne Shepard in China

Public pressure, here, means a lot. - Wayne Shepard in China

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