Monday, February 2, 2015

Obama’s Foreign Troop Martial Law Occupation Forces Are Already Here

Obama’s Foreign Troop Martial Law Occupation Forces Are Already Here

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When the American people, courtesy of the independent media only, reported that The Department of Homeland Security had obtained 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and 2700 armored personnel carriers, do you recall the government’s explanation? After all, who is DHS preparing to fight? It is not likely that they will be sent to storm the beaches of Crimea. This nonmilitary army could only be used for one thing, the subjugation of the American people.
In yesterday’s article, I documented the fact, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that U.S. Army field manuals that specify the command and control related to the running of the FEMA camps would be conducted by foreign troops. The fact that the Army has stated as much does not tell us exactly who  these guardians of the political dissidents of the future will be. However, the list of suspects is indeed a very short list

When a Liar Tells the Truth

Presidential candidate, Obama, made a bold 2008 campaign announcement regarding the use of private assets (i.e. Brown Shirts) in order to fulfill his national security goals as he made the following statement:
“We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

There are some campaign promises that this president has fulfilled. It is clear, in the present context, that Obama was promising to raise an army of “Brown Shirts” that “would be just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded”. This civilian national security force is a three-headed monster. As I pointed out, DHS, along with its acquisition of 2.2 billion rounds of ammunition and its 2700 armored personnel carriers, is the executive head of this new army of unconstitutional thugs which will head the upcoming martial law enforcement troops. The other two parts of this force would be the Chinese and Russian soldiers who are presently training on American soil and have been for some time.

The Russians Are Our Enemy

Previously,  on my talk show, I posed the open question as to why FEMA would sign a bilateral agreement with the Russian military to permit Russians to train on American soil. My most immediate concern has to do with the fact that Russians have repeatedly threatened to nuke the United States if we invaded Syria or Iran in the fall of 2012. I also raised the point that FEMA is a Federal agency designed to rfema camp workersespond to natural disasters. Why would we need the Russian military to help us with a response to a natural disaster? Are the National Guard units going to be disbanded? Has our military grown so inept that they cannot be counted on? Or, is it more likely that the Russians will not hesitate to fire on American citizens during a martial law crackdown, subsequent gun confiscation as well as the deportation of dissident Americans to re-education camps?
The following is a quote from the Russian Emergency Situations Ministry:
The Russian Emergency Situations Ministry and the USA Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) are going to exchange experts during joint rescue operations in major disasters. This is provided by a protocol of the fourth meeting of the U.S.-Russia Bilateral Presidential Commission Working Group on Emergency Situations and seventeenth meeting of Joint U.S.-Russia Cooperation Committee on Emergency Situations, which took place in Washington on 25 June.
The document provides for expert cooperation in disaster response operations and to study the latest practices. In addition, the parties approved of U.S.-Russian cooperation in this field in 2013-2014, which envisages exchange of experience including in monitoring and forecasting emergency situations, training of rescuers, development of mine-rescuing and provision of security at mass events.”
Don’t be deceived America, this is not just another example of international cooperation between two nations. As far back January of 2012, Russia threatened nuclear war and the threat was issued by the outgoing Russian ambassador to NATO, Dmitry Rogozin, when he said that “Russia has given Iran its bear hug and warns Israel and the West that an attack on Tehran would be considered an attack on Moscow”….
The nuclear attack threatened of the former Russian NATO ambassador is not the only time that the Russians have threatened to nuke the United States. Over two years ago, the Russians threatened to nuke targeted American sites in retaliation for a nuclear shield that the US erected in Europe. The unmistakable conclusion is that the Russian government is an enemy of the United States and as such their military does not belong on our soil in any way shape or form.

Grid EX II: Handing the Russians the keys to the car.
Disturbingly, in the fall of 2013,  Russian troops were used in the highly secure Grid EX II drill. Further, in the same time frame, it was announced that Russian soldiers training at Ft. Carson, CO., would be used to  police major events on American soil. This is martial law desensitization training in which the Russians are trained to interact with American citizens. In short, these enemies of the Republic are a part of the new martial law enforcement troops and this development defies belief.

Obama has opened the back door and let our enemies in the country in this version of the ultimate “Trojan Horse” scenario. This also explains why Obama is turning the United States military upside down on its ear with his endless series of purges of our military leadership. Obama knows that most of our present military leadership is not on board with the treason coming out of the White House. Therefore, Obama is reshuffling the deck in an attempt to find American generals and admirals who will do his unconstitutional bidding.

The Chinese Are Our Enemy

For the first time in American military history, the United States allowed communist Chinese troops to train on American soil. Like the Russians, the Chinese military  were also a part of the highly secure Grid EX II drill in which they provided military support by a simulated attack of a rogue “third world nation” upon the US and its power grid infrastructure. The Chinese first put boots on the ground in Hawaii.
This is an incredible act of treason being committed by the White House. The Chinese government is the enemy of the American people. Just like Russia, the Chinese have threatened to nuke the United States over a potential invasion of Syria and Iran. Just like Russia, the Chinese have been involved in the purchase of Iranian oil for gold which undermines the Petrodollar. The latter is a direct attack on the United States economy. In my book, when a nation threatens to nuke us and attacks our economic interests, they should be considered to be a hostile enemy and should be kept at arm’s length. However, our current President embraces our enemies and turns his back on our traditional allies.
Chinese President Hu, "I will nuke you America".
The leader of the Communist regime’s delegation, Major General Zhu, became infamous worldwide after telling reporters in 2005 that the dictatorship in Beijing would deploy nuclear weapons against major American cities in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. Let me emphasize, that there can be no dount that Chinese President Hu and Major General Zhang Zhaozhong have threatened the United States with nuclear war if they invade either Iran or Syria.
Do the above statements sound like the statements of a trusted friend that we should let be a part of a highly sensitive RIMPAC war games in the Pacific? This is exactly what we have done over the past two years.
Interestingly, the only nation on the face of the earth which possesses a sufficient number of troops to effectively garrison the United States is China. Military estimates tell us that six million troops would be needed to occupy this country in a martial law takeover. The Chinese certainly have that capability. Hawaii would prove to be an optimal staging from which to send massive amounts of Chinese soldiers to this country in order to enforce martial law.
The Chinese own much of our debt. It is not hard to conceive of the fact that the IMF would strike a deal with the Chinese which promised debt collection through the seizure of American hard assets in exchange for occupying the country.

Obama Is a Traitor

obama_communist_flag_card-p137872120744570903q0yk_400To perpetuate the running of our FEMA camps by the Russians and the Chinese, they would need assistance from within our government. Before you Obama supporters tell me that this president would not be this stupid, or this president would never be that treasonous so as to endanger the country by using troops from enemy countries to participate in a highly sensitive exercise with huge national security implications, I would refer you to a previous article that I wrote on the fact that Obama was bred by communists, raised by communists and had his political career launched by communists to do what he’s doing today. This is not hyperbole, these are well documented facts that I would encourage all skeptics to read by clicking on the hypertext links, view the evidence for yourself and then do your own research. There is only one correct interpretation. Obama was put into office to deindustrialize the US through the introduction of cap and trade policies and to destroy the sovereignty and individual civil liberties of American citizens by putting the country under martial law. He is succeeding on both fronts.


We in the alternative media, do not have time to deal with the skepticism of America’s sheep any longer. The situation is dire and deserves immediate attention and exposure if we have any hope of turning back the dark future that some have planned for the citizens of this country. It might already be too late.
The short answer to this problem is that this President needs to be impeached and immediately removed from office.
In future articles, I will be reporting the expanding locations of these troops as well as the communities that this occupation force inhabits. The Russians and the Chinese are not coming, they are here and the American people have been sold out at the very top level of our government.




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