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has been a chronicle of armed conflict. The second of the Four Horsemen of the
Apocalypse represents the horror of war. Wars have intensified through history
and this trend will grow worse—much worse. 28:30
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22, 2016 Elijah
& That Prophet—The 1st Dominion Restoration (Part 4) The
Bible foretells the arrival of Elijah and That Prophet just before Christ’s
Return. Many Christians believe That Prophet is Christ. Jews believe he and
Elijah are different men. Are they correct? Part 4 brings plain answers to
questions held for thousands of years—involving matters affecting the
entire world. 28:17
15, 2016 The
Mid-East in Prophecy—What History Reveals! (Part 2) The
Middle East has for thousands of years been filled with unrest and violence.
Learn how God brought to pass many specific prophecies that He foretold
would occur. 28:55