Walking through the Land of Israel is an educational phenomenon. Every
kilometer is another story of ancient, medieval or modern history. The empires
that have passed through this land are many: Canaanite, Israelite, Assyrian,
Babylonian, Persian, Greek, Hasmonean, Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Mamluk,
Ottoman, British. Today, Israel, and Jerusalem in particular, is holy to many
religions. Each one passes down the stories sacred to them from one generation
to the next, reads their holy texts and experiences the magic of the Holy
Jerusalem. In times of great joy we revel in the aura of this ancient city and
connect it to bygone years. In times of pain and distress, we suffer at our
present and recall the tranquility of Jerusalem's past. What remains steadfast
throughout, is the love and yearning we have for Jerusalem to rise to its utmost
glory as a peaceful, unified city. YOU can be a part of this dream by supporting
our efforts in spreading the love for Jerusalem to all corners of the