Friday, January 29, 2016


Published on Jun 2, 2012

[The latest information for the dream my 10 year old daughter had is in the Remake of this video. The understanding has become clear. The new video is posted below.]

This dream, was given to my 10 year old daughter on June 1 2012. IF... the countdown began at the time of her dream; it will end on 6/6/12. In this dream a woman and a man are speaking in a sinister demeanor. This makes me think that some unprecedented deception is set to occur. I cannot say what will take place or the exact time this count-down had begun or will begin, however, I do believe my daughter's dream is a warning of a plan, against all people. The dream may be indicating that this plot is almost finished and will be put into full effect at any moment now. It is possible that the minutes could have been hours, however, I have also calculated them as possibly being days. IF the seconds are "days" then the last day of the 99 "seconds" from June 1st, 2012 would come to September 7th of 2012.

Prophecy Lesson: VERSE of the DAY. Matthew 24:36.
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son of Man." Note: This verse is referring to the THIRD WORLD EVENT. The Rescue (Rapture) Event is the SECOND WORLD EVENT! V. 30) "At that time the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the sky, and all the nations will mourn..." v.31) "And 'He will send' His Angels with 'a loud trumpet' call AND 'they will gather' His elect from one end of the heavens to the other." "His Elect" are the Servants—not the Saints.
(The Elect remain on the earth during the Wrath) No where in this discourse is Yeshua referring to the Second World Event. Read v.35) Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Words will never pass." Immediately the verse is followed by the ever famous "No one knows the day or the hour" verse. This verse is separated by a new topic in most Bibles, put there by man. Who can say, w/100% knowing that Yeshua was not referring to the end of the world? Not one of us... v.30 clearly reveals Yeshua is referring to the Third World Event; when He is seen coming on the clouds.
Notice also: "...a loud trumpet call" when He is seen "coming on the clouds". 2nd Thess. 4:16. "With the "voice of the arch angel" AND "the" trumpet call of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first. (The dead were raised in May 21, 2011). It is clear in v.17 that "the dead" had returned to with Yeshua to rescue the saints from the coming Wrath of God. "After that; we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with "THEM" in the clouds to meet the LORD 'in the air'"...
The event known to the masses as the "Rapture" is The Second World Event. I understand this event as the "Rescue", and will occur before the Wrath of God is poured out onto the earth. The Third World Event occurs after the Wrath at the time of the Seventh Bowl. Understand this: There are 3 Major World Events. One has already come; the other 2 are yet to come. Go to your Bible and Read Revelation 7:1711:15 & 19:7. At each of these verses there is an unseen, by physical sight, return. The 1st is the return of His Kingdom revealed before the 7th Seal. The only event we see physically is mentioned in Matthew 24:30
"The 2nd return is at the 7th Trumpet at Revelation "and the child was snatched up to God and to His Throne". It is revealed in the Word that the "male child", who will rule the nations, is the saints, and is revealed in Revelation 2:26-27.
Furthermore: 1st Thess. "After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up..."
The Event in Matthew says, "...they will see the Son of Man coming is the clouds."This event will occur sometime after the 7th Bowl/Vial is poured. Revelation 19:7. "For let us rejoice and be glad and give Him Glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready." This wedding is known as the New Jerusalem in Revelation 21. "I saw a new heaven and a new earth, for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away and there was no longer any sea. I saw the Holy City, the New Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God prepared as bride beautifully dressed for her husband.

Many prophecies have already occurred and others will occur AFTER the Rescue, Second World Event.

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