Thursday, January 28, 2016

Video: 'Trump Should Pull On His Big Boy Trousers And Show Up' Guy Benson

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Donald Trump Says He'll Skip Debate
Christine Rousselle
Current GOP frontrunner Donald Trump has announced, via his campaign manager, that he will not be attending this Thursday's debate hosted by Fox News and Google.
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Hillary: I Regret Using Personal Email For Classified Info Only Because It Caused "Uproar" and "Commotion"
Katie Pavlich
Oh Boy: Chris Matthews Says 'Nobody Cares' About Watching a Debate Between 'The Two Cuban Guys'
Katie Pavlich
Video: 'Trump Should Pull On His Big Boy Trousers And Show Up'
Guy Benson
Donald Trump Offers to Debate Ted Cruz in Canada
Christine Rousselle
RNC Breaks Fundraising Record in 2015
Leah Barkoukis
It's Working: CBO Downgrades Obamacare Enrollment Projections By 8 Million
Guy Benson
VIDEO: President Obama Calls for More Active Steps to Stop the Zika Virus
U.S. President Barack Obama on Tuesday called for the rapid development of tests, vaccines and treatments to fight the Zika virus, following a briefing on the spread of the mosquito-transmitted disease, the White House said.
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CNN Enables Hillary's Whitewash
Brent Bozell
Just a couple of weeks after CNN happily acquiesced to a quickly improvised "town hall" meeting for President Obama to promote gun control, they once again agreed with the Democrats to provide a "town hall" event with Iowa voters.
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VIDEO: Former Texas Gov. Perry Campaigns for Ted Cruz
Perry ran for President in 2012 and briefly again for the 2016 election before dropping out.
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Anti-Establishment Does Not Mean Pro-Conservative
Ben Shapiro
Donald Trump will change everything.
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VIDEO: Whoopi Goldberg: The Oscars Aren't Racist...I Won One
In a conversation on "The View" on Monday, Whoopi Goldberg shared her thoughts on the current conversation surrounding the lack of non-white Oscar nominees.
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Running on Empty
John Stossel
Cars run on fuel. Politicians run on votes, and they'll do almost anything to get them. That includes supporting mandates that force us to use ethanol, a fuel made from corn that Iowa farmers grow.
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Ted Cruz Challenges Donald Trump to One-on-One Debate After Fox News Tantrum
Katie Pavlich
Texas Senator Ted Cruz has challenged businessman Donald Trump to a one-on-one debate after Trump announced last night he will not participate in Fox News' GOP presidential primary debate in Iowa Thursday.
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Jeb Places Second in New NH Poll
Cortney O'Brien
Don't count him out yet. A new poll from the Emerson College Polling Society shows that Jeb Bush has risen to second place in the New Hampshire primary.
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Columnists & Tipsheet
A Tale of Two Tapes: Teen Cruz and Terror-Coddler Obama
Michelle Malkin
Michelle Malkin
The Most Unpredictable Presidential Election Cycle
Allen West
Allen West
Education Insanity
Walter E. Williams
Walter E. Williams
After Years of False Alarms, the 'Conservative Crackup' Has Arrived
Jonah Goldberg
Jonah Goldberg
Liberals Continue to Distort the Truth About Abortion
Star Parker
Star Parker
What's a Party For?
Mona Charen
Mona Charen
With Trump It All Depends on What the Meaning of “It” Is
Bob Barr
Bob Barr
Hillary’s Good Old Boys
Alex Smith
Alex Smith
Political Cartoons
Bearing Arms favicon
Stupid Politicians Write Stupid Bill That Will Get People Killed | Bob Owens
FBI Captures Oregon Standoff Leaders In Fatal Roadside Shootout | Bob Owens
Sig Sauer and Remington To Expand In Arkansas | Matt Vespa
Rethinking Your EDC | Jenn Jacques
This Politician Got Tired of Hearing Hypocrite Gun Grabbers, His Comeback Will Leave You Cheering | Betty DeGrace
Political News
Fed voices concern about global economic pressures | AP News
Drug abuse bill raises hopes for election-year achievement | AP News
St. Louis County police chief censured over leniency request | AP News
House Dems, who delivered for Obama, now diminished minority | AP News
Stock market turns lower after cautious view from the Fed | AP News
Obamacare in Full Effect
Plus: 2014 Senate Races
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