How Salty Are We?

It should not surprise us, but Jesus warned us about today:
As Jesus left the temple courtyard and was walking away, his disciples came to him. They proudly pointed out to him the temple buildings. Jesus said to them, “You see all these buildings, don’t you? I can guarantee this truth: Not one of these stones will be left on top of another. Each one will be torn down.” [And it has happened].Continue reading 
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You & Your Church

A friend of mine shared these very astute quotes from St. Seraphim of Saratov. Within the Russian Orthodox church, he is considered one of the holiest and revered persons. They attribute him with many instances of healing, deliverance, words of knowledge, and various other kinds of miracles: Continue reading 
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To Be Transformed

I have expressed this many times before, but whenever I teach or share something I find in the Scriptures, my greatest desire is for the hearers and readers to feel like they have met the Lord in a new and fresh way. I want each of us to know the Lord intimately. I realize that I am simply, to use the imagery of Tozer, a tiny candle in a world of bright lights, as he wrote, “. . . if my fire is not large it is yet real, and there may be those who can light their candle at its flame.” Continue reading 
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Much Will Be Required

In Beth Moore’s book, “JESUS 90 Days With The One and Only,” she provided some insights from the 12th chapter of Luke, where Jesus told several parables regarding His return. Each one dealt with being watchful and doing whatever Christ had assigned them to do. Continue reading 
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The Final Solution

Let’s pretend I offended you in some way, like stole your lawnmower or something. You would certainly want some justice, wouldn’t you? Of course, you would. Unless you took justice in your own hands and came and punched me in the nose. But then I could take you to court and let a judge settle our dispute. Continue reading 
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The Things We Learn From Children

One of my sister-in-laws takes care of foster children and recently shared some excellent insight that each of us should learn: Continue reading 
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How Are We “Supposed” To React?

All of us know that we live in a destructive world. Almost every day now we hear of events that are catastrophic, where in a split second, multitudes of lives are lost. There are of course murders and illnesses, but right now I am thinking of Tornadoes, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, and Tsunamis. Sure, they don’t happen every day, but when they do occur, thousands of people are instantly killed, and people are left shocked and devastated.Continue reading 
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Yours, Just For The Asking

In the 14th chapter of JohnI found some cool promises that may interest you. Now, I could spend a week talking about them, but I won’t. Instead, I will figure out how much it will take, later. Continue reading 
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Bored, Boring, & Meaningless

I just finished sending you what I felt was one of the most important studies of my life. The Song of Solomon illustrated the relationship each of us is called to experience, but far too many never surrender to it  I am not being extravagant or over-stating myself but truly, are we getting bored with our Faith, or is it still capturing our full attention? I am serious. Maybe questioning our faith would be more accurate. Why don’t we have a greater involvement of our faith in our lives? Some of us are in the very presence of the Almighty, and simply moving our lips. Sure, some folks raise their hands, hop around with excitement, and others are moved to tears. Yet, some are numb and feel they are wasting their time. Why is that? Continue reading 
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The Heartcry of the Bridal Soul

The maiden longs for the day of his appearing to the world — for that glorious day when he will be marveled at in all them that believe; so, in unison with the Spirit of God, she “Joyfully turned to him, the one altogether lovely, the chief among ten thousand to her soul, and with unconcealed eagerness to begin her life of sweet companionship with him, she cried, ‘Make haste, me beloved‘” (Song 8:14, Amplified Version). She is “looking for, and earnestly desiring — hastening — the coming of the day of God,” and is, according to his promise, looking for “new heavens and new earth, in which righteousness dwells” (II Peter 3:12-13). Continue reading 
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The King as Counselor

The maiden has learned to walk very silently with her God. The talkative disposition of early days has passed away. She has no desire now to blaze abroad the secrets of his love. The life hidden in the heart of God is a very deep and silent one. When God speaks, he speaks with a purpose and the soul is learning to partake of his divine silence. She cannot talk just for the sake of talking, nor can she listen to or pass on to her neighbors, the thousand petty and insignificant stories that so easily impress those whose minds are set on earthly things. Continue reading 
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The King’s Business

Leaning on her lover, the maiden finds him to be a skillful teacher. He first had to make her know herself and her position as an earthen vessel; then to know the jealous love of the God who owned her. Continue reading 
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Communion with The Well-Beloved

Leaning on her lover, what privileges belong to the hidden one! He whispers in her ear, “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be given you” (John 15:7), and she replies, “We have a young sister . . . what shall we do for our sister?” She can speak to him freely about all who are on her heart, assured that they are on his heart, too.Continue reading 
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The Lover’s Instructions

1. Concerning the Earthen Vessel
While she leans on her Lover, he answers the cry of her heart for instruction in the mysteries of the Kingdom. “Under the apple tree, I roused you.”Continue reading 
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“Leaning on her Lover!”

To bring the maiden to an entire reliance and dependence on him, is the Lord’s purpose in his various dealings, whether in the valley or on the mountaintop. “Leaning on her Lover!” This is the outcome of the life of union — what life is more simple or more blessed! In this privileged position, the hidden one comes forth to renewed service and activity. “Leaning on her Lover” to be taught by him.
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Leaning on The Beloved

A pause, and again the daughters of Jerusalem exclaim, “Who is this?” as they watch her emerge from her time of rest in the Lord’s care. They see her now leaning on her Beloved because she has learned that she can only keep in step with him as she leans on him every moment in utter dependence and helplessness. Continue reading 
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The Maiden’s Rest and The Beloved’s Care

The maiden, out of touch, no sooner cried out for her resting place than she found herself as a babe in the Everlasting Arms! As the mother hears the faintest cry of her child, so the Well-Beloved responded, “Here I am,” to his purchased one (Isaiah 58:9). While she struggled and said, “I would, I, I,” he was obliged to wait to be gracious; but her first helpless cry after his heart, and his upholding power, brought her into rest.Continue reading 
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The Maiden’s Resting Place

However foolish and ignorant she may be, there is no question as to the integrity of her heart. Her will is always kept immovably set to obey. “I only desire to be taught,” she says. “That He may have His way and be satisfied is all I want. Oh for the rest and the upholding of the Everlasting Arms!” Ah, she thought she knew how to keep step, but she sees she is as helpless as ever. She needs to be carried. Now she knows what is meant by being a “little one,” and understands the Master’s words that the greatest in his Kingdom is as a “little child” (Matthew 18:4). She is maturing in truth because she is progressing from “the cross to the cradle!” Her growth in the stature of Christ will be manifested in the child-spirit which forever lies down in the Father’s bosom. Continue reading 
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The Maiden’s Desire to be Taught

If for one moment the maiden had thought otherwise, she is now conscious that she is utterly ignorant in herself and that she knows nothing yet, as she should. This is the artistry of the “skillful Workman“— to illuminate a soul with his light, and yet keep it conscious of its own ignorance — to be Wisdom to the redeemed one, yet to keep the earthen vessel from appropriating that wisdom as its own, so that it can always cry, “Instruct me.” The Shulamite cries, “Teach me — then I will cause you to drink, to be refreshed through me, whom you have always compared to a pomegranate.” He is still the center of her whole being. She has lost step on occasion, but not him as her life. Her aim is still that He may be satisfied. Continue reading 
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The Maiden’s Desire to be Open

If only you were like a brother. Then, if I found you outside, I would kiss you and no one would despise me.” In ancient Israel, public kissing between men and women, even husband and wife, was forbidden and despised. The only exception was between blood-relatives such as brother and sister. Earlier in our Song, her cry was, “Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth.” As we learned earlier, it meant that her heart’s cry was to be brought into intimate fellowship and union with the Lord. Now, her heart’s cry is for a greater public declaration of her love, because the world’s unrenewed mind makes this difficult. During her development, she has known the pain of being despised. She can never forget that although her inward life has been illuminated by the Sun of his glorious presence, she has never been promised anything but suffering, tribulation, and rejection in the world that rejected him. Jesus made no secret of this to his disciples, but said, “Blessed are you when men hate you when they exclude you and insult you and reject your name as evil, because of the Son of Man” (Luke 6:22). Continue reading 
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The Maiden’s Open Door

She tells her Beloved, “Over our doors are all manner of choice fruits, which I have laid up for you!” (Song 7:13). Catch that? “For you! — precious fruits for you!” Now her eyes are opened to see all kinds of precious fruits in others. Before she could only recognize one kind of fruit that was acceptable to him, and expected to see it on every one of the Lord’s trees! Now she understands the individuality of believers, and can discern all kinds of fruit produced by each new life in union with him, “for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, and righteousness, and truth” (Ephesians 5:9). Continue reading 
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