Sunday, January 31, 2016

The tree grew and became strong, and its height reached the sky, and its appearance [was seen] to the end of all the earth. DANIEL (4:7)

This month in Israel history: 35 fallen heroes | 21 Shevat 5776
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The tree grew and became strong,
and its height reached the sky, and its appearance
[was seen] to the end of all the earth.

DANIEL (4:7)

רְבָה אִילָנָא וּתְקִף וְרוּמֵהּ יִמְטֵא לִשְׁמַיָּא וַחֲזוֹתֵהּ לְסוֹף כָּל אַרְעָא

דָנִיֵּאל ד:ז

r'-va ee-la-na u-t'-kif v'-ru-may yim-tay lish-ma-ya va-kha-zo-tay l'-sof kol ar-a

Today's Israel Inspiration

The popular name Elana (also Ilana or Alana) has its 'roots' in a Hebrew word for tree אִילָנָה. It is an appropriate name for those born in January because of the Holiday of Tu B’Shvat, the new year of the trees. Elana is a woman who stands tall and proud, with her feet planted firmly on the ground. The masculine version, also found in Scripture, is the popular Israeli name Ilan אילן. Want to explore the roots of your name in Hebrew?

This Month in History:
35 Heroes of Israel's War
of Independence

This is the tragic yet inspiring story of the 35 young soldiers who gave their lives in January 1948 trying to bring much needed supplies to a besieged area south of Jerusalem during the War of Independence.

Arab War Against the Resurrection of the Dead

Arab desecration of Jewish graves on Mount of Olives is a part of the same war of terror that will not only establish whose land it is, but will also determine the nature of the coming Messiah.

Turquoise Mini Dangling Earrings

A beautiful pair of polished turquoise stones held within crocheted 14 k gold filled or sterling silver setting. These can be purchased as a dangle or post earrings. Each pair is unique because of the beauty and individuality of turquoise stones, and the crafting that went into them. These earrings, created by Yael Falk will made a beautiful addition to your jewelry collection. Small Turquoise stones crocheted into a gold filled cabochon or a silver one.

Today's Israel Photo

Howie Mischel's beautiful photo of a double rainbow near the city of Ranaana, central Israel.

Thank You

Today's Scenes and Inspiration is sponsored by Ilana Eberson of New York, New York. Todah rabah!

“I Treasure It.... Knowing the Meaning of My Name”

It’s great to hear from so many of you - stay in touch and let us know where in the world you are enjoying Israel365!
I have just received my Hebrew name Certificate and how wonderful it feels to know the meaning. I treasure it so much that I am going to hang in my house. I personally recommend that you find out what your name means in Hebrew. Knowing the meaning of my name and its origin makes me love my own name even more. Thank you for bringing me this knowledge. George Anamolga, the Netherlands (Adam)

Just to let you know my certificate arrived last Thursday. It is really lovely and something I will always cherish. Thank you for all your help. Regards, Brian (Baruch)
Rabbi Tuly Weisz
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