Saturday, July 1, 2017

Angel Takes Man To America's "VERY NEAR" Future & What Is Seen Will Brin...

Published on Jun 30, 2017

“But what I saw before my eyes, there was great destruction in the city… fire trucks, ambulances, all types of rescue people everywhere! While I was watching this scene, it was something that was indescribable, the torment to it. I saw people erupting into flames, their skin rippling and peeling as if they had severe burning, just peeling off their bodies. People staggering around by the thousands completely blinded…”

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https://www.reclaimyourcells.coman unknown man in Singapore who has heard a warning from God. But then, my guest Martin Banner shares what God has been showing him, not only in dreams, but visions and supernatural experiences! This MUST be shared, everywhere! Angel Takes Man To America’s NEAR Future & What He Sees Will Give You Chills! Martin Banner has been hearing from God A LOT over the years, with many prophecies and words that have come to pass. This time, God sends an angel who takes Martin to the future, showing him areas of the midwest and abroad, and the horrific, chilling judgment of God! This is downright explosive!

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