Monday, October 30, 2017

Amalgamated Bank Supports Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz With New Credit Card

From lipstick lines to emojis to lollipops, pro-abortion business owners are finding new ways to support the killing of unborn babies at Planned Parenthood.
A New York City bank recently began advertising yet another fundraiser for the top abortion chain in America – a Planned Parenthood “give-back” savings account coupled with a pink ATM card bearing the abortion chain’s logo.
Amalgamated Bank said its new savings account will support Planned Parenthood of New York City. The account features an ATM card that “displays your support for Planned Parenthood of New York City every time you take out your wallet.” The bank said it also will match half of the interest from each account and donate it to the abortion chain’s New York City affiliate.
“Through educational programming and advocacy, PPNYC helps families and individuals plan for the future and make independent, well-informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive lives,” the bank advertised as its reason for the new account.
The bank never mentioned the word “abortion” – a top priority for Planned Parenthood.
Amalgamated has supported the abortion chain in the past, too. In 2015, when the Center for Medical Progress first released its expose on Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trade, the bank issued a statement in support of the abortion chain.
Bank CEO Keith Mestrich also is a big donor to pro-abortion candidates, according to Open Secrets.
Other businesses and individuals have sold lollipops, chandeliers made out of tampons, specialty ice cream, sex toys, lipstick and other bizarre items to raise money for the abortion chain. In the spring, some of the top pastry chefs in New York City also held a bake sale with cookies and other items to benefit Planned Parenthood.
These efforts are supporting a group that kills more unborn babies than any other abortion chain in America. In 2015, Planned Parenthood performed 328,348 abortions, nearly 5,000 more than the previous year.
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Abortion is Planned Parenthood’s main business, and its leaders have refused to give it up to focus on providing real health care to women. Earlier this year, Planned Parenthood leaders refused an offer for an increase in tax funding if they stopped doing abortions. CEO Cecile Richards called the offer “obscene and insulting,” making it clear that abortions – not women’s health care – are Planned Parenthood’s primary focus.
Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood’s own annual reports show decreases in contraception, breast exams, cancer screenings, pap smears and overall patient numbers.
If only abortion activists put as much effort and creativity into helping pregnant moms and babies as they do into promoting abortion, who knows how many more lives would be saved. Instead, they choose to promote a giant abortion corporation that cares more about killing unborn babies than actually providing health care to women.

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