Monday, October 30, 2017

Judge Roy Moore
Judge Roy Moore
WASHINGTON – Much ado has been made in recent political campaigns about identifying America’s biggest threat. Is it ISIS? Russia? China? North Korea?
Actually, the greatest threats to the United States and the preservation of its freedoms come from within, Republican Alabama Senate nominee Judge Roy Moore believes.
Moore became the GOP nominee for the Senate seat vacated by Jeff Sessions, now U.S. attorney general, by defeating establishment-endorsed Luther Strange in the primary. He will face Democratic nominee Doug Jones in the Dec. 12 election.
Moore told WND the greatest threats are America’s domestic enemies: Marxists and Democratic leadership who are intent on expanding the role of the federal government and steering Americans away from belief in God.
“We’ve got more of a threat from the internal. That’s why the oath taken is to defend and protect America from all enemies [foreign] and domestic. We’ve got a lot of domestic enemies that are degrading our country and making us weak,” he said. “We are losing our structure of government. No foreign country will destroy us. We will be destroyed from within when we give up an understanding of the Constitution and how it restrains power all the way down to the people.
Moore emphasized “the people are the power of our government.”
“When we get back to that we will be a strong nation again,” he said. “When we forget our relationship to God, we forget our relationship to the only source of right and wrong, and when you do that you will become an immoral society. People are not recognizing this as a very important source of strength and security.”
The most important point Moore said he tries to convey to the American people, which the media misconstrues, is “the understanding of the relationship between God and our Constitution.”
“The hardest thing to relay to the media is the relevance of God to a prosperous country. If we don’t understand that then we lose our country because we don’t understand that things like God-given rights are inalienable because they are not given by government – they are given by God. That means that government can’t take them from you. When we forget that, government will take your rights from you,” he said.
“When God gives rights no government can take them from you. When you deny God, government certainly has an ability to take away your rights, and that’s the problem that we face today. We’ve been convinced that government give us our rights, the Constitution somehow gives it to us. The Constitution doesn’t give us our rights, it takes them from us.”
Illustrative of his point about getting the media to understand was a recent comment by NBC News anchor Chuck Todd.
Todd slammed Moore because he “doesn’t appear to believe in the Constitution as it’s written.”
The host of “Meet the Press” played a brief clip of the former Alabama Supreme Court chief justice stating: “Our rights don’t come from government, they don’t come from the Bill of Rights. They come from Almighty God.”
Todd commented: “Roy Moore, where the phrase ‘Christian conservative’ doesn’t even begin to describe him, could very well be your next senator. If you don’t understand just how freaked out some folks in the GOP and the White House are, then you don’t know Roy Moore. First off, he doesn’t appear to believe in the Constitution as it’s written.”
The Constitution mentions rights several times, firstly to recognize the rights of the state and federal governments. In the Bill of Rights, it refers to the Rights of Persons in Amendment 5, stating: “No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury.” It also references double jeopardy, the right not to incriminate oneself, “nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.”
Amendment 6 addresses the rights of the accused in criminal cases. There also are references to the right to vote and women’s suffrage rights.
It’s the Declaration of Independence, which declared the principles established in the Constitution, that states: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”
West Point graduate
Moore, a West Point graduate and an Army officer who served in Vietnam, argued that his understanding of and commitment to following constitutional principles has prepared him to confront America’s internal threats, and his military experience equips him to protect America from its external enemies.
“When you’ve been in the military, you know what the military does and what it needs to do its mission. That’s what West Point and my experience in the Army and in Vietnam did – it taught me what the military needs to accomplish its mission,” he said. “People that haven’t served in the military don’t know as much about combat and training. That’s a major difference between me and the candidates in this race.
“To annihilate terrorists, you have to know how to organize combat units. You have to know how to accomplish a mission, whether it’s terrorism or combat. I served five years – I served in Germany, in Vietnam and in parts of the United States – I understand the [chain] of command. Troops have to be trained properly,” he said. “That’s all needed when you pass legislation for the military. You have to know what you are there to support. My training has a lot to do with readiness.”
Democrats are intent on undermining the military, Moore asserted.
“The military was more of a social experience under the Obama administration. They don’t regard military readiness as they should,” he said. “We saw things like transgenderism in the military, and other things that just frankly do not identify with the things you need to know in the military. We certainly don’t need transgender troops because that decreases the morale of the troops and that decreases combat readiness.
“The stronger your military is the more likely you are to have peace because your enemies respect a strong military. When your military is weak, it will give you more problems,” he added. “Immediately you can secure the borders with the use of the United States military and support the border patrol. If you need protect our country from the continued invasion of illegal aliens, then you build a wall.”
‘They know I’ll take a stand’
Moore, a former Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice, has twice been removed from state Supreme Court for openly defying a politically correct agenda.
He was first removed, on a federal judge’s order, more than a decade ago for refusing to remove a statue of the Ten Commandments, the foundation for American jurisprudence, from the state Supreme Court building.
The Ten Commandments standoff led to national fame for Moore, and he flirted with running for president, courted by the Constitution Party.
He visited Iowa ahead of the 2012 cycle and seemed poised to run for president as a Republican, but he ultimately didn’t enter the race.
In 2012, Moore was returned to the state Supreme Court by voters.
When the United States Supreme Court issued a ruling in 2015 legalizing gay “marriage,” Moore ordered state judges to follow the state court’s ruling in an ongoing case until it reached a conclusion.
Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, slammed Moore in a recent interview, asserting he would not be a productive member of the Republican caucus.
“Look at his track record,” Cornyn said. “It’s highly likely that he could be disruptive. We’re talking about somebody who has been removed from the bench twice.”
But Moore says his track record demonstrates his commitment to standing for truth despite the consequences, a trait he argues differentiates him from every other GOP candidate who just makes promises and ultimately joins the “establishment swamp” in Washington.
“Being twice removed from the state Supreme Court means that I am doing something that causes them consternation. People ought do something rather than let our rights, our liberties be taken from us. They know I’ll take a stand, that’s why they are objecting so strongly to my candidacy for the United States Senate,” he said.
“If you look at my past – being removed twice – you know that I don’t give into the system. I stand for the truth. If you do stand for the truth, you will suffer the consequences,” he continued. “How do you know I’ll stand for the truth in the future? Because that’s what I’ve done in the past.”
‘Doesn’t mean you sacrifice your principles’
Most public and private polling has Moore leading in the mid- to high-single digits over his Democratic opponent, former Clinton U.S. Attorney Doug Jones, in the heavily Republican state.
Yet, a recent Fox News poll had the Jones-Moore match-up tied at 42 percent.
The competitiveness of the race is striking in Alabama.
A Politico analysis concludes Democrats want to reverse their electoral loss last year by running candidates who are outside the Washington establishment.
The Democratic National Committee’s hope for a comeback is reportedly centered on campaigning vigorously in Republican states and casting anti-establishment candidates as alt-right, “unelectable” and “fringe.”
It’s a strategy that is evidently being employed against Moore.
Last November, Moore said the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize gay “marriage” was “even worse” than the notorious 1857 Dred Scott ruling that upheld slavery, which found that African-Americans were not citizens and, therefore, property.
This week headlines excoriated Moore, blaring warnings such as Salon’s: “Republican embrace of Roy Moore reveals moral rot at the GOP’s core.”
But Moore stands by his comments on homosexual “marriage,” contending the preservation of the sanctity of marriage and the nuclear family is vital to welfare and prosperity.
“It secures the foundation of family – which is the source of strength for your country. It was worse than the pro-slavery ruling because the pro-slavery ruling didn’t mandate acceptance to it – people were free to contest it,” he said. “In this case, if you don’t perform weddings, if you don’t make cakes then you can lose your job, lose your business. Therefore it’s worse because they are taking away religious liberty.”
Moore argued slavery “is a terrible crime and terrible injury to people who were enslaved.”
“We don’t need that and we did overcome that problem,” he said. “But in this case, we’ve got a sanctioning that is being forced upon the country, we’ve all become slaves in a sense.
“People are the power and people historically across our country did not sanction gay marriage. It’s five lawyers on the Supreme Court that did that.”
Opposing same-sex marriage, he said “is not about being a homophobe or afraid of anything.”
“As a Christian I love all people. That doesn’t mean you sacrifice your principles or your institutions because you don’t want to be called names,” he said. “You’re going to be called names if you stand up for something.”
As Democrats persistently castigate President Trump and Republicans as “racists” and “white supremacists,” Moore believes he, nevertheless, will decisively defeat his Democratic opponent.
“I have a great following in the black community in Alabama. A lot of minorities recognize that I stand for the truth, in which they, too, believe. We are refuting that [propaganda] nationally by standing up for racial unity as a state,” he said. “People will vote for someone that stands for God and the Constitution.
“The role of the senator is to stand up and speak out – and to speak out about the Constitution. The problem is not many understand it or they don’t speak about it,” he added. “That’s what I plan to do, teach the Constitution and teach what it was founded upon and stand up for the restrictions of the various branches.”
Former White House chief strategist and Breitbart chairman Steve Bannon, who campaigned for Moore in victory over Strange, predicted Moore’s win signifies the beginning of the end for establishment-friendly Republicans.
This week Sen. Jeff Flake, R-Ariz., and Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., both outspoken critics of President Trump, announced they are retiring from the Senate, concluding there is no place for their service there.
Breitbart called the retirements “scalps” for Bannon.
“Bannon has three scalps so far: Corker, Strange, and now Flake,” Sam Nunberg, a former Trump adviser and Bannon ally, told the Washington Examiner.
Flake and Corker announced their departures because they are aware they embody what conservative voters have grown to detest, Moore argued.
“People out there are seeing the Senate not taking action on Trump’s proposals – they are upset with the people in Congress. Congress is starting to see this, and they choose to leave rather than do something responsible,” he said. “The GOP needs change, change back to what it began as. Unfortunately, politics has become a corrupt establishment in itself. And that’s the way people try to win elections.”
Corruption scandals are piling up for Democrats, but they are not being held accountable because the Republican-led House and Senate “don’t stand up and speak against it,” Moore said. “They don’t want to be called names. I’ve been called names – I do speak out the truth. That’s what I’ll continue to do.
“My greatest life struggle is to speak up for the truth,” he said. “Even if it’s harmful and you lose your job, you’ve still got to stand for the truth. That’s been the biggest struggle we have before us.
“My experience in the military, my experience in the judicial branch, understanding of the law and the Constitution. These are things we need in Washington. We need understanding of all of these things, plus the relevance of God in our country.”

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