Monday, October 30, 2017

Mom Jailed for Not Vaccinating Her Son With Vaccine That Uses Cells From Aborted Babies

A Michigan mother recently spent several days in jail after she refused to vaccinate her son with vaccines cultured with aborted babies’ tissue, One News Now reports.
The case involves Rebecca Bredow, of Detroit, and her ex-husband who disagreed about their 9-year-old son’s vaccinations. According to the report, Bredow initially agreed to the vaccination in a court order but then refused to follow it.
As a result, a judge sentenced Bredow to seven days in jail earlier this month, WXYZ-TV Detroit reports. The judge said she understands that Bredow loves her son, but said she also does not get to make decisions for him on her own; the boy’s father also has a say.
Bredow said she does not regret the legal battle. She has served the jail sentence.
“I was trying to protect my kids,” she said. “I was trying to stand up for what I believed in, and it was worth it for me to try and take the risk, because I was trying to stop the vaccinations from happening.”
In response to the case, Right to Life of Michigan issued a statement supporting a parent’s right of conscience in choosing not to use vaccines derived from aborted babies’ tissue for themselves or their children.
“There is absolutely no question that a significant number of common vaccines are directly cultured using cells from aborted unborn children,” Legislative Director Ed Rivet said. “That is how the vaccines are produced. We have long supported the right of parents to refrain from using them or to request alternative versions cultured in untainted cell lines.”
The pro-life group said all common childhood immunizations have versions that were created using cells from aborted babies. These include MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella) and DTPP (Diptheria, Tentanus, Pertussis, Polio). Some ethical alternatives are available, but there are none currently for Chickenpox, Hepatitis A and MMR, according to the group.
“These cells came from healthy babies who were electively aborted, not from miscarried babies,” Rivet said. “The unfortunate part is that all of these vaccines can be produced without the use of aborted fetal cells. The pharmaceutical industry can eliminate this entire controversy by using other cell lines to produce vaccines.”
“The fact of the matter is that aborted fetal tissue is absolutely unnecessary for vaccine production or any medical research. There are numerous FDA approved moral cell lines and if human cells are desired, they can be obtained from a plethora of non-objectionable sources including umbilical cord, cord blood and other adult stem cells,” Debi Vinnedge, the director of the pro-life group Children of God for Life, wrote in 2015.
Last year, a Congressional investigative panel found that fetal tissue often was used to develop vaccines for “economic, not scientific reasons.”
“Almost 75 specific vaccine formulations have been approved by the FDA for use in the United States and not a single one has been produced using freshly isolated human fetal tissue. Eleven of these vaccines rely on fetal cell lines for historic reasons, yet all of them could be produced using animal cells,” according to the report.

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