Monday, October 30, 2017

Did you know there is a US Law that upholds child slavery - and Hollywood loves it

Did you know there is a US Law that upholds child slavery - and Hollywood loves it
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Remember the Donna Reed Show and Paul Peterson who played her son?  In this interview Paul & I talk about Disney’s destruction of children, the US Law that still upholds child slavery and why so many child stars have committed suicide. How did we go from shows like Donna Reed to Roseanne Barr? What really happened to destroy family values and how can we get them back? Enjoy this interview.

I love you,

Paul Peterson was an original Mouseketeer before spending 8 years on the Donna Reed show.
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Thank you, Donna, for shining Jesus' light in Georgia!
I want a T-Shirt!
"You are one of my favorite people!
I support what you are doing 100%." 

Jeff, Atlanta
"Bravo for the honesty,"
- Rose R.

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