Monday, October 30, 2017

The 10/30/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:

The 10/30/2017 Jihad Watch Daily Digest:
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US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 01:57 pm

US Antifa and other Leftist groups met in Germany with al-Qaeda and ISIS to plot Trump’s destruction
These hard-Leftist groups, although they claim to be against fascism, are fascist to the core, wanting to shut down, violently if necessary, anyone who disagrees with them. They claim to be against hate, but are more hateful than anyone, and so they see natural allies in al-Qaeda and the Islamic State. Both hate the West, […]

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Jihadis slipped into Philippines without arousing suspicion: they were attending an Islamic conference
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 01:47 pm

Jihadis slipped into Philippines without arousing suspicion: they were attending an Islamic conference
“A mosque, about 100 metres behind the house, was the venue for an annual gathering in Marawi of Tablighi Jamaat, a Sunni missionary movement, just days before the fighting erupted. Military officials say the foreigners who fought in Hapilon’s alliance – among them Indonesians, Malaysians and some from Arab states – had used that event […]

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UK to give returning Islamic State jihadis taxpayer-funded housing
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 01:37 pm

UK to give returning Islamic State jihadis taxpayer-funded housing
The idea is to bribe them into not waging jihad in Britain. This proceeds from the assumption that Muslims only wage jihad because they are poor and disenfranchised, and that giving them money and opportunities will end their interest in jihad. That idea is ridiculous on many levels. The foremost why is that jihad is […]

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Israel: Muslim and Christian leaders warn that selling land to Jews is “treason”
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 01:21 pm

Israel: Muslim and Christian leaders warn that selling land to Jews is “treason”
What’s really treason is these Christian leaders standing with those who would oppress and subjugate their communities under the dhimma, just as much as they would oppress and subjugate the Jews under the dhimma if they had a chance. In the time of the great caliphates, the Muslim rulers would always keep the dhimmi communities […]

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Why has feminism sold its soul to Islam?
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 11:02 am

Why has feminism sold its soul to Islam?
The feminist movement was supposed to be about equality of rights for women. It was supposed to be about freeing women from male domination. It was supposed to be about empowering women as individuals, and enabling them to attain their full potential. Maybe feminists were never really committed to these goals at all. Maybe the […]

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Women’s convention features Hamas-linked CAIR’s Zahra Billoo, who claims FBI recruits for ISIS
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 10:42 am

Women’s convention features Hamas-linked CAIR’s Zahra Billoo, who claims FBI recruits for ISIS
Along with a rogues gallery of Jew-haters and apologists for Sharia atrocities. What has happened to the feminist movement, that it has completely sold out its principles and surrendered to Islamic supremacists? The FBI is a gang of idiots, but it’s unlikely they recruit for ISIS. “Women’s Convention speakers raise eyebrows over past remarks,” by […]

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UK police: “Dislike” and “unfriendliness” can be hate crimes
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 09:43 am

UK police: “Dislike” and “unfriendliness” can be hate crimes
By these totalitarian criteria, the British police will mop up the last remnants of resistance to jihad terror and Sharia supremacism. “‘Dislike’ and ‘Unfriendliness’ Can Be Hate Crimes, UK Police Confirm,” by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, October 25, 2017: Official guidelines insist a hate crime must be driven by “hostility”, but when contacted, many UK forces are unable […]

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UK: Muslim Oxford U staffer suspended after it was found he was arrested for terror offenses
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 09:25 am

UK: Muslim Oxford U staffer suspended after it was found he was arrested for terror offenses
Yet another convert to Islam misunderstands his new, peaceful religion, and gets the idea that it has something to do with waging war against unbelievers. Authorities remain resolutely incurious about this phenomenon. Oxford University would never have dared question his bona fides as a “moderate.” That would have been “Islamophobic.” “Oxford University worker suspended over […]

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Somalia: Muslims murder 18, injure 30 in jihad suicide bombing at Mogadishu hotel
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 09:15 am

Somalia: Muslims murder 18, injure 30 in jihad suicide bombing at Mogadishu hotel
Why do these bombings keep happening in Somalia? Is Mogadishu plagued with “right-wing extremists”? “Islamophobes”? “At least 18 dead, 30 wounded in Mogadishu hotel blast,” Associated Press, October 28, 2017: A suicide car bomb exploded outside a popular hotel in Somalia’s capital on Saturday, killing at least 18 people and wounding more than 30, and […]

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Today: Robert Spencer and Christine Douglass-Williams speaking in Canada!
By Robert Spencer on Oct 29, 2017 09:10 am

Today: Robert Spencer and Christine Douglass-Williams speaking in Canada!
Canadian fascists tried to get me banned from the country, but failed again. If you’re in the area, come see us!

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