Monday, October 30, 2017

Virginia’s 2017 Governor’s Race: Where Do Ed Gillespie and Ralph Northam Stand on Abortion?

 STATE   KAREN CROSS   OCT 26, 2017   |   9:19AM    RICHMOND, VA
On November 7, Virginians will decide whether they will vote for a governor who will protect unborn children in the Commonwealth, or whether they will vote for a candidate who supports abortion on demand. Where do Virginia’s gubernatorial candidates stand on life?

Abortion on Demand

Ed Gillespie is pro-life. He opposes abortion on demand, and supports protection for unborn children.
Ralph Northamsupports a policy of abortion on demand, which allows abortion for any reason.
Ed Gillespie supports the Virginia bill to ban abortion when the unborn child can feel pain after 20 weeks.
Ralph Northamopposes the Virginia bill to ban abortion when the unborn child can feel pain after 20 weeks.
Ed Gillespie will support and sign protective pro-life legislation that is passed by the Virginia General Assembly. He will defend Virginia’s pro-life laws.
Ralph Northam consistently worked against pro-life legislation in the Virginia Senate. He has promised to veto any pro-life legislation passed by the Virginia General Assembly.

Taxpayer Funding for Abortion

Ed Gillespie opposes the use of Virginia tax dollars for abortion.
Ralph Northam supports abortion on demand paid for with your tax dollars.

Government Funding for Abortion Providers

Ed Gillespie opposes giving your tax dollars to abortion providers.
Ralph Northam supports giving your tax dollars to abortion providers.
Click here for a downloadable candidate comparison. Please share it with your family and friends.
LifeNews Note: Karen Cross is the political director for the National Right to Life Committee.

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