Monday, April 1, 2019

Spain: Mosque demands that Spanish King apologize for Christian victory over jihad in 1492

Spain: Mosque demands that Spanish King apologize for Christian victory over jihad in 1492

Can Israel say the same about the Temple Mount, Josephs tomb, Judea, Samaria? Arabia was Jewish land before the savage jihad wars. Can the Jews get an apology for a 1,400 jihad against them? Don’t get me started. Can the Christians  expect such apologies for the initial conquest of Spain? How about the Byzantine empire? Hagia Sophia? Or India? Or Afghanistan’s Buddhists for the Buddhas of Bamiyan? Hell, the whole of the Middle East was a Christian region — where’s our apology for 1,400 years of jihad wars, land appropriations, cultural annihilations and enslavements?
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This is what happens when you norm savagery and terror.

Spain: Mosque demands that Spanish King apologize for Christian Reconquest of the country

Sure, Yihad. Right after you folks apologize for the Islamic conquest of Spain that preceded the Reconquista. But of course you will never, ever do that, because for jihadis and Islamic supremacists, every atrocity they ever commit is the Infidel’s fault. But if Yihad Sirasua were inclined to be honest, he would have plenty to apologize for. The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS shows in immense detail from primary sources that Muslim Spain was anything but pluralist — it was miserable to live as a Christian there. Christians could never be sure that they would not be harassed. One contemporary account tells of priests being “pelted with rocks and dung” by Muslims while on the way to a cemetery. The dhimmis suffered severe economic hardship: Paul Alvarus, a ninth century Christian in Córdoba, complained about the “unbearable tax” that Muslims levied on Christians. Nor could Christians say anything about their lot, because it was proscribed by Islamic law, and criticizing Islam, Muhammad, or the Qur’an in any manner was a death-penalty offense.
Yihad Sirasua will never tell you any of that, because if the public knew those facts and others, they wouldn’t favor the policies he wants Spain, and the West in general, to adopt. The truth is in The History of Jihad From Muhammad to ISIS.
“Muslim leader wants Spanish King to apologise for defeating Islam in 1492,” Voice of Europe, March 30, 2019:
A few days ago, the new president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Abrader, demanded that King Felipe VI ask for forgiveness for the conquest by Spain, and now a mosque in Seville is doing the same but for the Reconquista (the Reconquest, when the Muslim rulers were driven out of Andalusia-Spain).
The Ishbilia mosque has published a post on Facebook under the name of the Islamic Community itself and its president, Yihad Sarasua, in expressing “the sentiments among Spanish Muslims and those who for certain reasons, reside in Spain, for the lack of conciliation between the Crown and the heirs of the Andalusian legacy.”
“Sir, being the King of Spain, I believe that the historical moment has arrived to carry out the recognition of the vileness, plunder, displacement and murders carried out by orders of the Catholic kings and their most direct collaborators, which culminated with the surrender of Granada and the breach of everything subscribed to the Muslim community”, reads the letter.
Besides, he adds that the Muslims were subjected to a “constant persecution” that left “millions of dead”:
“Never has existed such a fierce persecution and eagerness to eliminate a religious community, as was carried out by the old Spanish royalty in the times of Felipe II, an extermination that culminated in the War of the Alpujarres subsequent to the Pragmatic Sanction of 1567.”…
“As a descendant of the aforementioned kings, what a formidable opportunity you would have to demonstrate to the Muslim community your respect and your discrepancy, with the Islamic theses, apologising to our community for so many atrocities and interceding for the recognition of Spanish nationality for the descendants of Al Andalus, as was done with the Sephardic Jewish community.”…


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