Thursday, January 2, 2020

Cory Booker Supports Killing Babies in Abortions Because “Women are People”

Struggling in the polls, Democrat presidential candidate Cory Booker attempted to gain abortion activists’ support Saturday by claiming men should support abortions because “women are people.”
Booker believes in abortion on demand up to birth and taxpayer-funded abortions, ignoring the scientific consensus that an unborn baby is a unique, living human being from the moment of conception. He has a 100-percent pro-abortion voting record in the U.S. Senate.
“Abortion rights shouldn’t matter to men because women are our mothers, sisters, daughters, friends,” Booker wrote Saturday on Twitter. “They should matter to men—to everyone—because women are people.”
Townhall reports Booker made a similar argument in May after Alabama passed a law prohibiting abortions.
“Men, it’s on us to speak out too. It’s on us to take action,” he said at the time. “Not because women are our mothers, wives, daughters. Because women are people. And all people deserve to control their own bodies.”
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But this position denies basic biology and fundamental human rights. It elevates one human being’s rights above an other’s, allowing one’s life to be destroyed by another – even just for mere convenience.
Booker’s abortion advocacy – and that of his fellow Democrat presidential candidates – is perhaps the most extreme of any presidential candidates ever in the United States. Though unrestricted abortion on demand is hugely unpopular with the general public, they persist in advocating for the killing of unborn babies anyway.
In October, Booker, a senator from New Jersey, went so far as to call abortion a “sacrosanct” right and promised to begin an office of reproductive rights in the White House, if elected.
His extremes do not end there. Earlier this year, Booker and other presidential candidates, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, voted against a bill to protect viable newborns who survive abortions from infanticide.
Polls consistently show that most Americans oppose late-term abortions and want protections for newborn abortion survivors. Americans oppose taxpayer-funded abortions, too. Democrats like Booker are aligning themselves with the radical agenda of the billion-dollar abortion industry, not the American people and certainly not the unborn babies who are being denied the most basic human right of all: the right to life.

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