Church Militant Action Arm

Church Militant is taking action in order to get real results.
Church Militant is launching our Action Arm, which will involve working behind the scenes with law enforcement and whistleblowers to help expose corruption and abuse among Church leaders, hiring private detectives and sharing documents with whistleblowers — all with the goal of achieving real-world results: removing compromised clergy from their positions or, where appropriate, prosecuting and imprisoning them.
We've highlighted the work of Detective Brian Berg, a Michigan law enforcement officer whose cunning and courage helped nab predator priest Fr. Robert DeLand, a longtime homosexual predator allegedly linked to up to five suicides. DeLand is now serving time in prison, in large part owing to Berg's covert operation involving secret audio recordings that captured incriminating evidence leading to DeLand's arrest and conviction. Our action arm will involve hiring first-rate detectives like Berg to help expose and nab more compromised clergy.
There are a number of ways you can help.
For Law Enforcement and Investigators
Church Militant has worked with law enforcement around the country to help expose abuse and corruption among Church leaders. If you are a current or former member of law enforcement (state or federal) or a private investigator and would like to contact Church Militant for information or collaboration, please email us at our secure email:
All information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
For Whistleblowers
Church Militant is providing a safe and secure way for Church insiders as well as victims of abuse or those with firsthand knowledge of corruption to share that information with us. If you are an employee of a diocese or otherwise a Church insider, a victim of abuse or have firsthand knowledge of abuse/corruption, please contact us at our secure email:
All information will be treated with the strictest confidentiality.
All Other Tips
If you are neither law enforcement nor a whistleblower or abuse victim, please send your information via our tip line:
Taking action to expose corruption and abuse in the Church is costly. It involves hiring private detectives, travel expenses, interviews with various individuals across the country and many hours of fact-gathering and on-the-ground research. But taking such action is crucial in order to get real results. Please help defray costs by donating to Church Militant’s Action Arm.