Monday, August 31, 2020

How a 'Discussion on Race' Looks in 2020 Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am Good luck. Read More...


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Recent Articles

It's Trump's Republican Party Now

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
A 'failed and corrupt political establishment' is out in the cold. Read More...

When Democrats Say ‘the People,’ They Mean ‘the Government’

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Donald Trump is the first president in nearly a century and a half to break with the slide into statism initiated by William Jennings Bryan.  Read More...

Who is Behind the 1619 Project?

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
How can such a document that propagates such a big lie be now widely circulated and even promoted by stars like Oprah Winfrey?  Read More...

A Simple Lesson in Home Learning

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Teaching within an online environment is not an excuse for a lack of organization or rigorous direction.   Read More...

How a 'Discussion on Race' Looks in 2020

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Good luck.

New CH-53K Helicopter for Marines Costs a King Stallion’s Ransom

Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
The Marines want to buy 200 CH-53Ks for $31 billion, or $138.5 million a copy. That's just the beginning of the extra costs. Read More...


Recent Blog Posts

One statistic should frighten Democrats more than any other
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Trump is diligently chipping away at the Democrats’ most reliable demographic, causing a shift that could wipe out the Democrat party.  Read more...

It seems that the Wuhan virus’s risks have been grossly exaggerated
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
The destruction of our economy, the climate of fear, and the lives lost to the shutdown . . . well, let’s just say it was another failed Democrat policy.  Read more...

I sure hope Adam Schiff follows through on his threat to subpoena DNI Ratcliffe over congressional briefings
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
John Ratcliffe and Ric Grenell interviews demonstrate that Schiff would be a fool to let the DNI tetstify, much less subpoena him. Go ahead, make my day.  Read more...

Pernicious incitement to looting being pushed by NPR
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
The twisted logic of author Vicky Osterweil’s new book, In Defense of Looting, would be laughable, were it not so dangerous. Yet it is being taken seriously by NPR and other media outlets that should know better.  Read more...

Joe and Kamala are already campaigning at cross purposes
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
One condemns the riots, the other leeringly cheers them and says they'll never stop. Democrats have some pretty spectacular disarray in their Biden campaign messaging these days. Do these people talk to each other?  Read more...

First Israeli commercial flight to UAE today signals vastly enhanced access to Asia and Australasia
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Game changer: Saudi Arabia joins in the discarding of obstacles to Israelis traveling east to the billions of people in South and East Asia, making business ties far easier to establish and maintain.  Read more...

Portland’s Mayor Ted Wheeler exhibits severe Trump Derangement Syndrome
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
Wheeler’s rant against Trump after leftists killed a Trump supporter is yet another reminder that Trump lives in leftist heads and makes them insane.  Read more...

Has Joe Biden finally admitted that he’s a white supremacist?
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
The answer is “no,” unless, that is, you’re applying to Biden the same ludicrous standard that he’s been using against Trump.  Read more...

Mobs’ depravity downplayed by MSM
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
A revealing thought experiment based on just two recent incidents.  Read more...

The green road to blackouts
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
California leads the way to electricity blackouts, closely followed by South Australia.  Read more...

The big radical Demo machine
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
It is impossible to overstate the measures the Big Radical Demo Machine will deploy in the coming months to win the election.  Read more...

From 'I love New York' to 'I leave New York'
Aug 31, 2020 01:00 am
The party is over for New York City. 

Democrat operative spills the beans on how Democrats steal elections through mail-in voting
Aug 30, 2020 01:00 am
They’ve got lots of experience with this already and this year's mass mail-in voting will be a field day for them, a Democratic operative told the New York Post.  Read more...

Portland BLM crowd cheers news of murder of Patriot Prayer counter demonstrator: ‘I’m not sad that a f**king fascist died tonight!’
Aug 30, 2020 01:00 am
The left wing propaganda media naturally are obfuscating the crime  Read more...

Thanks, Gretchen: Poll shows Trump taking the lead in Michigan
Aug 30, 2020 01:00 am
A new poll shows President Trump ahead of Joe Biden in historically blue Michigan.  Read more...

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