Monday, August 31, 2020

CREEPING EUTHANASIA-----Death on demand



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by Paul Brock  •  •  August 31, 2020    3 Comments

Death on demand

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In regard to moral decline, history has proven that the United States follows right behind Canada. 

Though the world's second-largest country has Christian roots, the condition of Canada over the past half-century has proven that it has betrayed its founding principles.  

In this week's Mic'd Up, Michael Voris interviews Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition (CLC). CLC is the political arm of the pro-life movement in Canada, and they've been advocating since 1978 for legal protection of every human life. 

In 2011, nearly 70% of Canadians identified as Christian (39% identified as Catholic). In 2018, 55% of Canadians identified as Christian (29% identified as Catholic). That's an 18% decrease of Canadian Christians as a whole and a 25% decrease of Canadian Catholics in just seven years. 

Christianity, namely Catholicism, has slowly been pushed out of the fabric of Canada, with the decline occurring over decades. 

Abortion became completely available in Canada in 1969. This was four years before the U.S. Supreme Court's Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion in 1973. 

Canada legalized so-called gay marriage nationwide in 2005. This was 10 years before the U.S. Supreme Court's Obergefell v. Hodges ruling in 2015, which cemented the practice in the United States. 

Canada is ahead of the game, already forcing hospice care facilities to offer patients the option to kill themselves.Tweet

Euthanasia, along with assisted suicide, became legal in Canada in 2016. Today in America, euthanasia is legal in Washington, California, Colorado, Oregon, Vermont, Maine, New Jersey, Hawaii, Montana and Washington, D.C. (nine states and the District of Columbia). 

As America is slowly on its way to legalizing euthanasia in all 50 states, Canada is ahead of the game, already forcing hospice care facilities to offer patients the option to kill themselves. This mercy killing mandate even targets private, non-governmental organizations like Delta Hospice Society (DHS). 

DHS has been in a battle with the British Columbia government to save its hospice care facility from being taken over. 

There was a court hearing about this Aug. 17, and in DHS' official press release, the organization's president, Angelina Ireland, said: 

What we're facing are hard-core ideologues who won't stop until all care providers are forced to provide euthanasia whether hospices like ours want it or not, whether those at the end of life want it present or not. It is our hope that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms will protect and defend us, as this should never be allowed to happen in Canada.

Click here to help save Delta Hospice Society.

Learn more about the Canadian government's anti-life coercion by watching the full episode of Mic'd Up: O Canada.


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