Saturday, August 29, 2020

Joe Biden Would Roll Back Every Single Pro-Life Gain Made Under President Trump


Joe Biden Would Roll Back Every Single Pro-Life Gain Made Under President Trump


Last night, President Donald J. Trump formally accepted the nomination of the Republican Party to be the GOP nominee for President. Speaking to a crowd of supporters on the South Lawn of the White House, President Trump outlined his vision for America and the stark contrast between his administration and what a Joe Biden/Kamala Harris administration would look like.

During his speech, President Trump contrasted the enormous gulf on abortion between himself and Mr. Biden:

“Joe Biden claims he has empathy for the vulnerable — yet the party he leads supports the extreme late-term abortion of defenseless babies right up to the moment of birth. Democrat leaders talk about moral decency, but they have no problem with stopping a baby’s beating heart in the 9th month of pregnancy.

Democrat politicians refuse to protect innocent life, and then they lecture us about morality and saving America’s soul? Tonight, we proudly declare that all children, born and unborn, have a God-given right to life.”

SIGN THE PLEDGE: We Can’t Vote for Pro-Abortion Joe Biden

“A Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris administration would roll back all of the pro-life protections the Trump administration has put into action,” said Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. “Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris would leave our nation’s most defenseless citizens vulnerable to abortion and infanticide.”

“President Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have presented a clear pro-life vision for America,” Tobias continued. “In comparison, the policies of a Biden/Harris administration would expand and push extreme pro-abortion policies on American citizens and deny the right to life to millions here and around the world.”

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