Saturday, August 29 2020
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Top Stories
• Pennsylvania Pro-Life Group Endorses President Trump: “A Tireless Champion for Babies”
• University of Notre Dame President Slams Lou Holtz for Saying Joe Biden is “Catholic in Name Only”
• Catholic Cardinal Rebukes Priest for Endorsing Pro-Abortion Joe Biden: He’s Violating Church Teaching
• Joe Biden Would Roll Back Every Single Pro-Life Gain Made Under President Trump
More Pro-Life News
• Kamala Harris Supports Abortions Up to Birth, But Snopes Tries to Hide Her Extremism
• President Trump Was Right: Joe Biden Supports Abortions Up to Birth
• Ben Carson: Abortion is “Racist” and Abortions Kill Black Babies at a Higher Rate
• President Trump: You Can’t Have “Empathy for the Vulnerable” and Support Abortion
• Scroll Down for Several More Pro-Life News Stories

Pennsylvania Pro-Life Group Endorses President Trump: “A Tireless Champion for Babies”
A Pennsylvania pro-life organization has issued an endorsement for President Donald Trump just one day after a pro-life acceptance speech where Trump said unborn babies have a God-given right to life.
University of Notre Dame President Slams Lou Holtz for Saying Joe Biden is “Catholic in Name Only”
Catholic Cardinal Rebukes Priest for Endorsing Pro-Abortion Joe Biden: He’s Violating Church Teaching
Cardinal Sean O’Malley said respect for every human life is “of the highest priority” for the Catholic Church after a priest in his diocese publicly endorsed pro-abortion Democrat Joe Biden.
Kamala Harris Supports Abortions Up to Birth, But Snopes Tries to Hide Her Extremism
Politicians are notorious for avoiding direct answers about their most controversial positions — ones that have the backing of big-money special interest groups but not of most Americans.
Ben Carson: Abortion is “Racist” and Abortions Kill Black Babies at a Higher Rate
President Trump: You Can’t Have “Empathy for the Vulnerable” and Support Abortion
For pro-lifers, there was one overarching “takeaway,” that threw into stark relief the fundamental difference between the two men—pro-life President Trump and pro-abortion former Vice President Joe Biden—who would lead our nation beginning in 2021.MORE PRO-LIFE NEWS FROM TODAY
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg Receives “Liberty Medal” for Promoting Equality, But She’s Pro-Abortion
Pastor Raphael Warnock Claims Killing Babies in Abortions is “Consistent” With Biblical Values
Netflix’s New Film ‘Cuties’ Promotes the Disgusting Hypersexualization of Children
Liberal Celebrities Unhinged After Trump Speech, Call GOP Convention a “Klan Rally”
Kentucky Gov Andy Beshear Targeted Christians for Attending Church, Let Abortion Clinic Open
THE VIRGIN MARY SPEAKS TO AMERICA: "Come to Me, all mothers who weep for their children. Come to Me and I will solace you, and you will find great comfort with Me." - Blessed Virgin Mary - Join in Our Lady's 50th Anniversary Vigil, September 26 to 28, 2020. Priests go free, domestic air, hotels, meals. Buses available in various states. For info or call 609-654-0245 or 609-206-2963. For a free rose petal blessed by Jesus and Mary write to St. Michael's World Apostolate, PO Box 514, Bayside, NY 11361 (ADVERTISEMENT) |
Man Sentenced to 15 Years in Prison for Killing Girlfriend’s Unborn Baby
Man Kills His Pregnant Girlfriend and Her Baby After She Refuses to Have Abortion
Doctors Will Euthanize Healthy Woman Dealing With Depression Instead of Treating Her
Missouri Pro-Life Law Saving Babies From Abortions Heads to Federal Appeals Court