Thursday, December 31, 2020

Bill Gates’ Plan to “Save Earth” by Blocking Out the Sun Moves Forward Posted By: Patriots4Truthon: December 30, 2020




  1. 1


    It appears the morons have lost all the “marbles”. You cannot “fool”, “mother nature” and she will defeat you every time.

  2. 2

    Alice Lamm

    What an arrogant idiot. Amazing that his cohorts are pushing solar energy and he wants to blot out the sun? Do these guys speak to each other?

  3. 3

    well…it’s determined now that Gates is off his rocker and would be best placed into a care facility where he cannot harm himself or those around him. What a nut case this geek has turned out to be. It reminds me of when I was a young musician and playing in a very good band. There were a bunch of guys in our neighboring town that were of the “hippy” mentality that got lucky due to a member of a Georgia band getting killed so they were quickly picked up as a fast replacement band. naturally, they became famous. Their fame became their worst enemy as they doped and spent like drunken sailors and a couple of them died. One in an accident and the other likely from health condition.
    You wonder…why do losers get the great breaks and the sober, straight citizens not get any breaks? Why this total geek weirdo Gates?

  4. 4

    Donna Pickens

    Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. Why are we meeting this moron make decisions for the entire world??

  5. 5

    Are people really so naive that they believe this nonsense?

  6. 6

    Patrick White

    Here’s my problem with this! Bill Gates says “Trust the science”. The earth has proven through out history that it will heal itself if left to do it.
    With Gates trying to engineering science, this could comeback to bite us. He isn’t a scientist.

  7. 7

    Jean Trent

    That is the most stupid thing I have ever heard. He want have to wait long an God will do it for him. He hasn’t thought that blocking the sun means less food sources more sickness an doesn’t help with the environment. If he wants to help start planting trees. This is one of the biggest problems, trees help produce oxygen an shades the ground . They hold the soil together. He may have lots of money but certainly no brain cells to understand why the world is the way it is.

  8. 8


    They have been doing this for 10 years at least. I have pictures at sunrise where the sky as far as you can see is a perfect graph pattern of jet contrails. The contrails don’t dissipate like normal. they spread out and create a complete cloud cover. This chemtrail contains toxic metals like aluminum, etc. This is why seed producers are making seeds that claim to be aluminum resistant. the effect will wipe out the major plant, animal, and sea life. Gates is a psychopath.

  9. 9

    Liz Mueller

    If this person wants to save us why not start funding desalination plants along the California coast to pump water into that state? That’s more productive then blocking the sun. Does he know what happens when these particles come back down to earth? Sounds like “ pie in the sky” insanity to me. He should just pay off all the student loans and then they’re going to make him a god.

  10. 10


    Our Lord and Savior is in control of the heavens, earth and everything concerning the sun. He will decide when to stop the sun from shining not Bill Gates.

  11. 11

    They insisted we all have solar panels and solar farms for alternate power. Now they are trying to block that which powers the panels. More evidence they are tying to kill us off. STOP PLAYING GOD. YOU WON’T WIN.

  12. 13


    All Bill Gates is doing is harming the earth by his Chem-Trail spraying of our skies with nano Mercury, Aluminum,Berryium, and dozens of other Chemicals causing people to get sick with Cancers so people go to his Cancer Research Centers to get his Vaccines and Chemicals to treat them until they eventually die! Our forests and lands are burning up because of the nano spears they easily flame into massive fires. Bill Gates is destroying the Earth and its inhabitants with his Chem-Trail Spraying and Vaccinations of poisons, and the U.S.A. Govt. is helping this Psycho. If people could own rockets a lot of those Air Force jets would have been shot down because of the damage they are doing to the Earth!!!

  13. 14


    I am really looking forward to the next Ice Age.

    Won’t have to go to Colorado to snow ski, can do it right here in SE South Carolina…….

    Bill Gates is a PO)X upon the world.

  14. 15


    Why do you call Gates a philanthropist?

    Have you seen the sht he donates to?

  15. 16

    Ruth A Zubasic

    Whenever man decides to tamper with the normal, there are consequences.
    Hope someone has the common sense to stop Gate’s plan.

  16. 17


    Blocking the sun’s ray will result in colder temps. That’s OK. I’ve been thinking about moving to a southern state.

  17. 18


    Its not stalled its titled GEOENGENERING and CHEMTRAILS Pfft

  18. 19

    Bill Gates looks looney, maybe he should be locked up in the Funny Farm?

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