Thursday, December 31, 2020

Mac Shop Owner Caught Up IN Hunter Biden Scandal Sues Twitter For $500 Million


Mac Shop Owner Caught Up IN Hunter Biden Scandal Sues Twitter For $500 Million

( The computer repair store owner who got caught up in the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is suing Twitter for half a billion dollars after the social media network falsely labeled him a hacker.

John Paul Mac Isaac, who is the former owner of the “Mac Shop” computer repair store in Wilmington, Delaware, is suing the social media giant for damages after they claimed the New York Post violated their anti-hacking policy when reporting on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

The massive lawsuit was filed in the Southern District of Florida on Monday and comes after Mac Isaac was identified as the repairman who provided the laptop – which was abandoned by Hunter Biden at his store – to the press. After the New York Post examined the contents of the laptop, which was legally in the possession of Mac Isaac after Biden failed to pick it up from the store, Twitter censored the story and claimed the reporting relied on materials obtained by hacking.

They did not, and Twitter’s suggestion that they did implicated Mac Isaac in a fake hacking scandal.

Mac Isaac did not hack anything.

Mac Isaac not only waited until sufficient time had passed by before accessing the contents of the laptop, which legally became his property after Biden abandoned it, but he also provided the contents of the laptop’s hard drive to the FBI and President Donald Trump’s attorney, Rudy Giuliani.

In the suit, Mac Isaac says that Twitter chose to “communicate to the world” that he was a “hacker” and that his computer repair business suffered as a result. Mac Isaac says his store was hit by negative reviews, he received death threats, and ultimately closed his store. He also said that he is now “widely considered a hacker.”

“Plaintiff is not a hacker and the information obtained from the computer does not [constitute] hacked materials because Plaintiff lawfully gained access to the computer, first with permission of its owner, Biden, and then, after Biden failed to retrieve the hard drive despite Plaintiff’s requests, in accordance with the Mac Shop’s abandoned property policy,” the lawsuit adds.

Mac Isaac posted a video earlier this month discussing the allegations that he was a hacker or even a Russian agent, and said the accusation was a “death sentence” in his line of work.

If Mac Isaac succeeds, it could force Twitter to change its policy and behavior for good.

Or…they may just continue with their bias unchecked. As usual.

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