Whether Trump wins or loses, this point is crucial

Unfortunately, it is nearly impossible to undo a national presidential election result, even where there was fraud, ballot-harvesting, and illegal loosening of voting requirements.  So it is easy to understand why President Trump, who accomplished so much despite unrelenting obstruction by the Democrats, establishment, and media, is upset.  And he's correct that it is important to take a stand now to protect election integrity in the future.

However, as hard as it is to overturn a presidential election, it is actually quite easy to lose two crucial Senate races that should be relatively easy wins (even with inevitable cheating by Democrats) through party infighting. 

If Republicans lose these races, they will be unable to stop all of the horrible legislation the Democrats will introduce, and they will be helpless to block Cabinet, judicial, and other appointments.  Statehood for the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico (in other words, packing the Senate by adding four more Democrats) and packing the Supreme Court will move from leftist fantasy to distinct possibilities if Trump fails to keep the presidency and the Republicans don't hold the Senate.

For the sake of the country, Republicans cannot afford to lose these races.  As such, I urge President Trump and Republican leadership to unify, quickly, and take all actions necessary to keep the Georgia Senate seats in Republican hands.

Josh Kantrow is a cyber-security attorney based in Chicago.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.