Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Thirstmonster Geraldo Calls Sidney Powell A ‘Pathetic Lawyer’ Trying To Destroy Trump’s Legacy, Lin Wood Fires Back By Geller Report Staff - on December 29, 2020


Thirstmonster Geraldo Calls Sidney Powell A ‘Pathetic Lawyer’ Trying To Destroy Trump’s Legacy, Lin Wood Fires Back

Desperation is an ugly, smelly thing.

Not everyone agrees with Lin Wood’s methods in supporting President Trump. However, Lyn Wood’s response to Geraldo Rivera’s recent attack on Sidney Powell is spot on. In addition to being a total degenerate, Geraldo Rivera is a third reporter at best. It is astonishing that President Trump ever gave this moron the time of day. Hopefully Rivera’s “friendship” with the POTUS is over.

Related – Geraldo Rivera says Trump acting like ‘entitled frat boy’ for refusing to concede

Geraldo Calls Sidney Powell A ‘Pathetic Lawyer’ Trying To Destroy Trump’s Legacy, Lin Wood Fires Back

By New York Daily News, December 28, 2020

Attorney Sidney Powell got some ‘flak’ from Geraldo Rivera in connection to a tweet that she posted on Saturday.

In her tweet, Powell suggested that she is getting “Galileo treatment” over her claims that direct foreign interference and widespread fraud tainted the results of the 2020 election.

Ms. Powell tweeted:

“Why Sidney Powell gets the Galileo treatment:

“We always get the most flak when directly over the target!
We are clearly there
Who has [won] their elections by cheating?
Who has “election insurance” for getting Dominion in their area?”

One Twitter user, by the name of Dr. Dave Janda, retweeted Powell with the following remarks:

Geraldo, who has been very negative about President Trump’s chances of overturning the election results, replied: “Sidney Powell is a pathetic lawyer who among others is working to destroy the legacy of @realDonaldTrump.”

Ms. Powell’s close legal colleague Lin Wood fired back at Geraldo after seeing his nasty remarks.

“Wow! I hope Sidney Powell is okay after being called a “pathetic lawyer” by @GeraldoRivera whose greatest professional accomplishment was the discovery of dirt & empty bottles in Al Capone’s vault,” Wood tweeted. “No one believes you, Geraldo. Sorry if TRUTH hurts.”

In his tweet, Mr. Wood is referring to the time that Geraldo hyped up a TV special where he had a team of workers crack open a concrete vault that was alleged to belong to mobster Al Capone. Once the vault was finally opened in front of a live international audience, all that could be found inside was a stop sign and a few empty gin bottles.

Geraldo has since described it as one of the most humiliating moments of his career.

We leave you with that video.

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