Immigration in the Name of Political Jihad

With the 2020 election still up in the air, lawsuits being filed, and the results heading to the Supreme Court, there is another threat to the republic rearing its ugly head.  The liberal media (I know, redundant) are now giving tips to other socialists on how to hack the election even more.  Their plan involves actually moving to another state, specifically Georgia, in order to turn the Senate blue by voting for the two Democrats in the Georgia Senate runoff election!  

Immigration for a cause is not new.  The Al-Hijra, 622 A.D., was Mohammed's journey from Mecca to Yathrib.  To illustrate the significance of the Hijra, the Islamic calendar contains the letters "A.H.," and this has significant meaning to Muslims.  A.H stands for anno Hejirae, since the Hijra.  To immigrate in the cause of Islam is considered holy.  In his video sermons, Anwar al-Awlaki told Muslims living in the West that it is their duty to either return to Muslim lands or stay in Western lands and engage in jihad.

Just as some Muslims immigrate in the name of jihad, so do some socialists!  Now that cities like San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia, and Portland have been turned into lawless upholstered sewers, socialism's useful Idiots are immigrating to red states in order to spread their policies throughout the free states.

In Georgia, legal residents who turned 18 before December 7 are eligible to vote in the January 5 runoff election.  Georgia does not have a residency or period of time requirement before an election, but you do have to have intent to stay in the state.

The Wall Street Journal's Cameron McWhirter gave out tips on hacking the runoff election to potential voters.[i]  McWhirter states, "All the chatter raises the question: Is it legal?"  The answer, according to McWhirter is yes.  The catch for these temporary voters is that Georgia law states that it is a felony to vote in elections if you are residing in the state briefly with the intention just to vote and then move away.  Unfortunately, the state does not give any specific time or residency requirements.  Republican state legislators attempted to get Governor Kemp to call a special session in order to fix this problem.  Kemp, along with Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan and House speaker David Ralston, shot it down!  Apparently, these three don't feel that Georgia residents should choose their own senators!

New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman is also urging Democrats to move to Georgia and sway the Senate runoff election in order to take control of the Senate.  Friedman appeared on CNN recently, stating, "I hope everybody moves to Georgia, you know, in the next month or two, registers to vote, and vote for these two Democratic senators."[ii]

The strategy is getting a lot of support.  Failed presidential candidate Andrew Yang announced on Twitter that he will be moving to Georgia to help both of the Democrat candidates, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, get to the Senate for Democrat party control.  Yang tweeted, "This is our only chance to clear Mitch out of the way, and help Joe & Kamala get things done in the next 4 years.  More details to come, but Let's Go!!!"[iii]

Also involved in the hack is activist Tamara Stevens with the Handmaids Coalition of Georgia, who went on Facebook to invite "Northern Democrats" as well as "West Coast Liberals" to Georgia to in order to vote and turn the Senate blue.[iv]

Just as many voters switch party affiliation to vote in closed state primaries, expect this hack to continue gaining support in future races.  Aiding and abetting this fraud is Georgia's secretary of state and all-around RINO, Brad Raffensperger, who has said nothing about violations of state voting laws including that pesky Georgia Constitution, which stipulates that voters must have been registered to vote in the general election in order to vote in the runoff.  Raffensperger is also halfheartedly telling newly registered voters that it is illegal to vote in the runoff if you don't intend to stay in Georgia.   With 76K newly registered voters for the runoff between November 3 and December 7[v] and no changes in the fraudulent voting machines, many expect an Ossoff, Warnock win.

We've seen the lengths that Democrats will go to to get back in power.  I don't have to tell readers what's in store if Biden/Harris fraud their way into the White House, retain the House, and have a Democrat-held Senate via a successful political jihad in Georgia.  The Democrats are calling for unity while simultaneously making their re-education camp lists as we speak.  The socialists want unimpeded one-party rule over America in order to begin their plans of "Democratic Socialism."

Friedrich Seiltgen is a retired master police officer with 20 years of service with the Orlando Police Department.   He conducts training in lone wolf terrorism, firearms, first aid, active shooter response, and law enforcement vehicle operations in Florida.  His writing has appeared in The Counter Terrorist Magazine, Homeland Security Today, The Journal of Counterterrorism & Homeland Security International, and  Contact him at

Image via Needpix.

[i] Cameron McWhirter, Thinking About Moving to Georgia to Vote in the Runoffs?  Better Hurry and Plan to Stay.  Wall Street Journal, Nov 9, 2020

[ii] CNN, Cuomo Prime Time, Nov 9, 2020

[iii] Andrew Yang, Twitter, Nov 7, 2020

[iv] Tamara Stevens, Facebook, Nov 5, 2020

[v] Georgia Secretary of State, Website, Dec 7, 2020