Coming attractions for January 6

Here are updates related to January 6, when a joint session of Congress will meet to vote on the Electoral College results.  (Depending on how things unfold, there may be some surprises.  Some could be quite shocking.  More on that further down.)

On January 6, members of Trump's legal team hope to present their case of massive voter fraud to Congress and the American people.  I presume they've been sharing information with Congress for weeks now, but on the 6th, it will be official, and they will also have a platform to speak to the public — at least as far as I understand things.

On that same day, dozens of speakers will be on stage before a massive crowd, challenging the election results, standing with President Trump, and standing for the Constitution.

Inside the hallowed corrupt halls of Congress, twenty congressmen have pledged to challenge the Electoral College vote.  Numerous incoming representatives will be doing so as well.  All of them should be sworn in on January 3, barring any unforeseen circumstances.  They include Barry Moore (AL), Jerry Carl (AL), Marjorie Taylor Greene (GA), Andrew Clyde (GA), Madison Cawthorn (NC), Burgess Owens (UT), Yvette Herrell (NM), Lauren Boebert (CO), Dr. Ronny Jackson (TX), and Bob Good (VA).  The numbers have been growing but are still paltry compared to the number of Republicans in Congress.  Please contact your representative to apply pressure on him to challenge the votes.

Over in the Senate, not a single senator had made a commitment to challenge the votes until yesterday, when Josh Hawley announced that he would.  As of this writing, he remains one out of fifty-three.  Please contact your senators to urge them to join Senator Hawley.

And please don't complain that they don't care.  Momentum is building, and we should do everything we can to keep shifting the tide.

As we all know, the tide is quite strong against us, which means we have to be all that more determined.  Case in point: Yesterday, incoming congressional representative Marjorie Taylor Greene sent out the following tweet:

Word on the Hill is that Mitch McConnell and Nancy Pelosi could be working together on a rules change "deal" to block our Electoral College Certification objection.

I haven't been able to corroborate her assertion, but let's face it: none of us would find it surprising.

Meanwhile, patriots from around the country have started their journey to D.C., including Emmy award–winning news reporter and investigative journalist John Spiropoulos.  He left California en route to D.C. a couple of days ago and will be traveling through Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Virginia, documenting the trip and the protest at the Capitol.  (If you'd like to support his work and help cover the cost of expenses, there's a link to a GoFundMe page here.)

You can also check out this link to a 1-minute promo video for the Stop the Steal rally.  If you scroll through some of the comments, you'll hear from people traveling to D.C. from all corners of the country.

YouTube screen grab.

More details about the protest will continue to roll out over the coming days.

Meanwhile, Lara Trump gave an interview yesterday and said the following (transcription shared at The Gateway Pundit):

[T]he founders of this country set up a process for a time such as this. So, what will happen on January 6th is a joint session of Congress. And all of the electoral votes have now been sent to Washington DC. They will be opened by Vice President Mike Pence and read aloud for the joint session of congress. And if two House members object to the vote for Joe Biden, just two, then everybody takes a break. They split up then the Senate and the House divide. They go debate and then they ultimately have to vote to decide the outcome of this election.

Now, here's where it gets really interesting. Each senator gets one vote. Now we know, we've been talking about what we've just been talking about how important it is to hold a majority in the senate but we do right now have the majority in the senate. And don't forget the vice president also counts as a senate vote. And then as far as the House is concerned it is each delegation. So that doesn't mean each House member gets a vote. It's each delegation, so each state ultimately gets a vote. So, what's really interesting about this Dr. Gina, the Republicans are in control of 30 of those votes. The Democrats are in control of only 20. So if it comes down to a vote and the Republicans in the House and the Senate decide gosh there was so much fraud in this election. We have evidence of it. We have affidavits, thousands of them. So the campaign has gotten, we have evidence that more people voted in the state of Pennsylvania than even were registered to vote. Thousands of dead people voting. And for whatever reason they decide they will not certify this for Joe Biden and they vote for Donald Trump. Then guess what? Donald Trump remains president of the United States for the next four years.

For anyone interested in what Donald Trump may have in mind as he continues to fight for the integrity of this election and the survival of our republic, I recommend watching this video.  Civil rights attorney Leigh Dundas reviews a wide range of events that have unfolded within the Trump administration recently that she weaves together in a compelling way and that point to the potential for action from Trump and his administration that may be shocking.