Thursday, December 31, 2020

the Vortex...12/31/2020...YEAR OF THE DEVIL Let's turn it around. December 31, 2020 48 Comments

 the Vortex

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Let's turn it around.

December 31, 2020  48 Comments
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Church Militant (a 501(c)4 corporation) is responsible for the content of this commentary.

As 2020 mercifully comes to an end today, we should call it what it was — "the year of the Devil."

It's too emotionally draining to review all the evil that was exposed this past year, but suffice to say, think back just one year ago to New Year's Eve of 2019, and just ask yourself, "Could anyone have imagined that all this would happen?"

This was the year that communism went mainstream, and remember what communism is. It's a political system that hides behind concern for the downtrodden, but at its heart, hates humanity and its creator. How so many people could be fooled into accepting this system is still something of a mystery with many possible answers, all of which are probably correct to varying degrees.

If it weren't for the fact that this is now the new reality, we would be grateful to write off 2020, and happily flip the calendar. But seeing as how this is ultimately a spiritual war, faithful Catholics don't get to do that. In fact, we need to become more aggressive, particularly in the face of religious leaders — especially the bishops — who have simply caved to all this.

The Catholic Church, across the board, is in need of massive restoration.Tweet

This was part of a Newsmax discussion we had Christmas weekend with Michelle Malkin — a faithful Catholic in her own right — who gets it. The Catholic Church, across the board, is in need of massive restoration. It's like some giant bombed-out cathedral — still elegant in its structure but devastated in people's eyes.

The U.S. hierarchy (as a body) remained silent or even agitated against the most pro-life, religion-friendly president in the history of America. They do not believe in the Devil. Many of them clearly either do not believe the actual Faith or have some horribly malformed understanding of it.

They, more than anyone, given their exalted offices, helped make this the year of the Devil. As we close the chapter on this year and turn our sights to 2021, Church Militant will be going after this evil in the Church. And no, we aren't talking about a flood of non-stop stories on Pope Francis generated for clickbait.

After all, for all the bellyaching and useless online petitions used to beef up email lists and not accomplish anything real or substantive, Pope Francis is a product of the wayward Church. What will all the sites who never stop talking about him do when he's gone? Well, of course, they'll move on to the next pope who will likely be of the same ilk because almost all these men emerge from the same ecclesiastical swamp.

So more stories, more clickbait, more online petitions, and nothing will change because they won't do the hard work of attacking the root of the problem — the local churches. Of course, that's not as sexy or attention-grabbing. The pope is so much more of a high profile case. We're talking about going after the problem where the faithful live, the local dioceses and the local bishops who allow and even promote this filth.

They are the ones who "run the show" in your abuse-ridden parish, not the pope. They did it when John Paul was pope, and they'll do it after Francis is gone. It's taken a century for the Church to deteriorate to this level, and it won't get addressed in any less time. But the hard work, the real work, has got to start somewhere. Years ago, Church Militant was being attacked from all over the place for our work in exposing the corruption.

We get the current crisis, more than any other outfit in the Church.Tweet

Then McCarrick happened, and all of work was vindicated. That's not to toot our own horn, but to point out that we get the current crisis, locally, more than any other outfit in the Church. That's why we're making one last end-of-the-year appeal to you to help us go gangbusters into 2021 by making a donation to bolster our work here.

What we do is the work of the Church, the roll-up-your-sleeves, get-tough hard work of exposing the corruption while also promoting the authentic Faith.

We want you not only to help us financially but to take an active role in the restoration moving forward. In truth, many of you have, but as we, as faithful Catholics, look around the world, we must deal with the sad reality that things have gotten this bad because Catholics have not stepped up.

As is attributed to Pope St. Pius V, "All the evil in the world is owing to lukewarm Catholics." So please, donate whatever you are able to today. Thank you in advance. And make a commitment now to join Church Militant and be part of the solution this coming year.

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