EXPOSED: The Actual Cause of Asian Hate Crimes
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Louder with Crowder takes on the investigation of exposing who’s behind the spike in Asian hate crimes. Crowder claims the so-called surge is not about actual racism, but about the left having something else to blame on Trump.
Of course, Trump is the one who called the Coronavirus the Chinese virus. That seems racist, right? It would, except for the part about it being factually true. COVID-19 did not originate in the U.S. or Germany. It started in Wuhan, China.
But Pelosi and progressives want to parade past inhumanities of Asian treatment in America to highlight hate crimes. Yes, the discrimination was real and it did happen, but it is not connected with attacks on Asians today.
Now the left shows a video of an Asian person beaten by a non-Asian, someone white or black or otherwise, and says it’s Trump’s fault because of COVID. Don’t believe it.
Crowder even reveals some of the videos floating around the internet about Asian hate crimes were from before the pandemic. This is not about justice for racism against Asians. It’s about starting a new fight to turn Americans against Trump and those who support him.
If you are a black thug I would strongly suggest you stop messing with Asians. They will end up jacking you up big time!
of course it is black thugs
the whole black lives matter movement is just a bunch of black thugs being black thugs. they have no real issues and anyone who says blacks have real issues is lying.
Black privilege: blacks get preferential treatment in K-12 school, sports, entrance into college, scholarships, grants, loans. Blacks get preferential treatment in graduate school entrance and grading. blacks get preferential treatment in hiring, retention, and promotions. Blacks get preferential treatment in government contracts. blacks get preferential treatment by police as a far lower percentage of blacks are killed by police then whites.
Despite this eminence black privilege blacks succeed less often then all other races. Blacks cause more crimes then all other races. Blacks are on welfare more often then all other races.
Time to be honest. Black people are the problem with all countries. Not racism just honesty and I know a lot of you can not handle honesty.
I agree to a certain extent. I feel that America is not a racist country. This started under the Obama Admin and has just spread like wildfire. The corporations and the left are just promoting Black Lives Matter. Now they are demanding that they be ahead of whites in every government institutions and corporate jobs. Blacks need to realize that they are being hurt by the liberal left in the Government. Schools are passing blacks in high school whether they really weren’t ready to graduate. Then they get out in the world and can’t succeed. That is a disservice. Blacks are just as smart as whites but education must expect the same standards as whites. A good example is math is racist. That’s an insult to blacks, It’s saying you are not as smart as whites. All these reasons and more have blacks demanding equality instead of equal opportunity. Many black have taken advantage to equal opportunity and succeeded. Blacks are not privileged and more than whites. They are being promoted in school and given jobs because of skin color instead of ability. Any human shouldn’t want to get ahead in life because of their skin. That’s an insult. The more the Government give them, the more they’ll demand. That’s what the democrats are doing. It’s a bribe for votes.
well they are taking over america look at all the governors and senators,it won`t be long
Black men who grow up with the influence from an educated, disciplined and loving Dad tend to grow up more admirably than from those who are influenced by dead beat dads. This has been a recurring problem in the African-American community and many programs were and still are being put in place to alleviate this trend. More needs to be done to give these future pillars of our society a fighting chance of achieving the greatness they deserve. All the extras put in place in order to give an individual more opportunity will not help much if an individual does not have the discipline to be willing to WORK HARD FOR IT. We all can achieve our goals if we work hard to do so.
I can not stand BLM=ATFA, but lets get one thing strait, if you really look at the pictures at least half of them are white communist thugs, not just black communist thugs…
Most of these hate crime’s get a boost from their time in prison , that’s where racism starts . segregation of the prison system needs to be divided by race .
I disagree the racism is taught in our school system, K-college, that is why kids cannot read or write, history, math, science, physics, english, plus more….
Racism has always been in prison system, called the prison gangs, it will always be in that system, you cannot fix that one.
Just BLM trash being the trash they are I would assume.
All the talk of white supremacy is a joke especially when you see the racist groups like BLM and Antifa committing racist crimes,you don’t read about that in the media they’re also to blame,you don’t see white Christians going around attacking certain groups so enough talk about white supremacy already,let’s start putting the blame where it belongs
It doesn’t suprise me that it’s blacks who are guilty of these hate crimes against Asians. But don’t worry. The fake media will lie and tell you it’s the dreaded “white supremacists” and Donald Trump who are guilty. They always do. This insane hatred the left has of President Trump and of white conservatives has gotten completely out of hand. They’d love to do to us what the Nazis did to the Jews in pre WWII Germany. And unless we start fighting back, sooner or later, it will happen.
I find it ridiculous with all.the real problems this country is having this becomes the big Demacratic talking point in Beddy Bi ‘s speach.Protecting China maybe Joe?
let us not to contiue to follow this hate toward any race we are all alike human everyone must indure to end this fight a virest that is killing all of us .
G0BDEM Farse frags ! – Chairman Xi
I suggest that everyone research Adolf Hitler’s rise to power and creating NAZI Germany; then, compare it to a lot of what the Democrat Socialist Party, DAZIs, are doing here in our country.
Hitler burned the Richstag and blamed the Jews.
ANTFA thugs instigated the unauthorized entry into thecapitol building. Who gets the blame?
Restrictions on our first and second amendment rights, Hitler turned the German media into his propaganda ministry. My dad was in the 9th. army in WWII, he said one of the first things Hitler did was disarm civilians.
The first purpose of “concentration camps” was “re-education camps”. Remember hearing the DAZIs talking about sending Trump voters to re-education camps.
History is repeating itself here in the US, soon it will be the DAZI states of America and the flag will be a hammer and sickle.
last night blm and antifa in portland oregon busted out store windows,set buildings on fire,looted and stole what ever they could and dementia joe just stays in his basement and wondering where he is at. to mention something the news media over looked was dementia joe after his so called speech written by some one else and sent to you by a teleprompter walked down the narrow hallway as he was leaving and when he got to the end of the hallway you could go left or right and joe stood there a moment not knowing which way to go the two marines had to approach him and lead him to the right. check it out.
Portland disserves everything they are getting, they voted for it, they deserve it, and they did try to stop it, which would have been easy, peace full protest fine, but burning killing, beating, KILL EVER ONE OF THEM, THAT WILL STOP REAL FAST, THEY ARE TERRIST……
Blacks hate anyone that are stealing their benefits. Democrats built that.
If you want to confront the root of this problem then confront Obama. He is the cause of the rise in black racist striking out at very weak targets like old people , Asians and others with their gangs of parasites. D’Rats are using and manipulating these people like string puppets.
Blm is not very smart, most of its supporters are brain dead, they had better not mess with the Asians, they are a lot smarter and more cunning than these black criminals. Blacks have always been slaves of the commie democrats, they use them to do their dirty work in destroying America and the blacks don’t have a clue.
China said years ago that blacks are the biggest problem America has, seems they’re right !
These people attacking Asians are black or other people of color, proving they are the biggest racist.